
Haitian resistance continues as U.S. plots invasion
Haiti, USA

Haitian resistance continues as U.S. plots invasion

PSL Editorial — Haitian resistance continues as U.S. plots invasion Liberation Staff Download PDF flyer Photo: Protest in Boston Oct. 17 against U.S. intervention in Haiti. Liberation photo The Haitian people are intensifying their struggle against looming imperialist intervention with sustained militant demonstrations in defense of their country’s independence. Many thousands protested yesterday in the country’s capitol Port-au-Prince, attempting to march on the U.S. embassy. They faced fierce repression from police loyal to the illegitimate government of de-facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry.  The demonstration took place on the anniversary of the death of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, a hero of the Haitian Revolution who remains an icon of the country’s ongoing fight t...
No U.S. intervention in Haiti!
Haiti, USA

No U.S. intervention in Haiti!

BY ASHLEY SMITH The Battle of Vertières was the final battle of the Haitian Revolution that overthrew France’s colonial slavocracy and established Haiti as a free Black republic. Photo credit: Cap-Haitien, Wikipedia Commons. Once again, the U.S. and other imperialist powers are threatening military intervention to impose “order” on Haiti’s spiraling economic, social, and political crises. They claim they are responding to the call for international forces from Haiti’s de facto prime minister and president, Ariel Henry, to repress gangs blocking access to gas and water terminals in Port-au-Prince. But Henry does not represent the Haitian people. He was not elected, but selected to be president by the U.S. Henry only retains power based on Washington’s support and is opposed by...
Thousands in Haiti Protest Government Call for Foreign Military Intervention

Thousands in Haiti Protest Government Call for Foreign Military Intervention

A man assists an injured woman during a protest demanding the resignation of Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry in Port-au-Prince, Haiti on October 10, 2022. (Photo: Richard Pierrin/AFP via Getty Images). Bringing in foreign troops "means more bullets, more injuries, and more patients," said the leader of Doctors Without Borders' mission in Haiti. "We are afraid there will be a lot of bloodshed." KENNY STANCIL Amid a multi-pronged humanitarian crisis, thousands of people in Haiti have taken to the streets of the capital Port-au-Prince and other cities to protest the government's recent request for foreign military assistance to curb gang-related violence. "It is unconstitutional and an act against the demands of the Haitian people." Demonstrators in the capita...
No U.S. Invasion of Haiti!
Haiti, USA

No U.S. Invasion of Haiti!

Liberation Staff Download PDF flyer Photo: A U.S. Marine and a UN soldier in Haiti during a 2010 deployment. Public domain. A new imperialist military intervention is being prepared targeting Haiti. The U.S.-installed government of de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry announced last Friday that it was requesting the “immediate deployment of a specialized armed force” by foreign powers, ostensibly for humanitarian reasons to restore the flow of essential commodities. But military intervention by the so-called “international community” has always brought Haiti only deeper suffering and hardship. And the Haitian people know it. Yesterday, massive demonstrations took place in the capitol Port-au-Prince opposing the government’s call for an invasion. These were fiercely represse...
Haitians protest threat of foreign military intervention in the country
Haiti, USA

Haitians protest threat of foreign military intervention in the country

Tanya Wadhwa Download PDF flyer Since August 22, Haitians have been mobilizing against deepening economic, political and social crises in the country under the US-backed de facto regime of PM Ariel Henry. (Photo: Radyo Rezistans/Facebook) Originally posted by People’s Dispatch On Monday October 10, under the banner of “Down with Ariel Henry, Down with the Foreign Occupation,” hundreds of thousands of Haitians took to the streets across the country against a resolution passed by de-facto Prime Minister and acting President Ariel Henry, requesting the international community to send armed help to resolve gang-related crisis in Haiti. In the capital Port-au-Prince, thousands of citizens gathered in the Cité-Soleil commune and marched towards the Pétion-Ville commune via th...
No U.S. Invasion of Haiti!
Haiti, USA

No U.S. Invasion of Haiti!

Liberation Staff Download PDF flyer Photo: A U.S. Marine and a UN soldier in Haiti during a 2010 deployment. Public domain. A new imperialist military intervention is being prepared targeting Haiti. The U.S.-installed government of de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry announced last Friday that it was requesting the “immediate deployment of a specialized armed force” by foreign powers, ostensibly for humanitarian reasons to restore the flow of essential commodities. But military intervention by the so-called “international community” has always brought Haiti only deeper suffering and hardship. And the Haitian people know it. Yesterday, massive demonstrations took place in the capitol Port-au-Prince opposing the government’s call for an invasion. These were fiercely represse...
Four Straight Years of Nonstop Street Protest in Haiti

Four Straight Years of Nonstop Street Protest in Haiti

BY VIJAY PRASHAD Photograph Source: Voice of America – Public Domain A cycle of protests began in Haiti in July 2018, and—despite the pandemic—has carried on since then. The core reason for the protest in 2018 was that in March of that year the government of Venezuela—due to the illegal sanctions imposed by the United States—could no longer ship discounted oil to Haiti through the PetroCaribe scheme. Fuel prices soared by up to 50 percent. On August 14, 2018, filmmaker Gilbert Mirambeau Jr. tweeted a photograph of himself blindfolded and holding a sign that read, “Kot Kòb Petwo Karibe a???” (Where did the PetroCaribe money go?). He reflected the popular sentiment in the country that the money from the scheme had been looted by the ...
Haiti, Google and the “democratisation” process

Haiti, Google and the “democratisation” process

Photo above: Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library Fernando Guevara writes: Insiders high up in Google have provided insight into Google’s plans to dominate about 10 per cent of the world’s economy by a specific date (I do not have access to the date). The sources indicated that this domination would be achieved by controlling access to what information the world population will receive and by controlling energy resources in as many countries as possible. The sources did not indicate who all Google’s partners in this venture were. It is, therefore, anybody’s guess who their partners in the communications and power industries are.  Further, one of the Google sources confirmed that oligarch interests, including Google, with the assistance ...
Conditions worsen in Haiti amid fuel shortages

Conditions worsen in Haiti amid fuel shortages

The gas stations in Haiti have been short of fuel since the beginning of September as the criminal armed gangs have seized control of major oil terminals and blocked ports that hold fuel stores. The acute scarcity of fuel has impacted key sectors of life. by Peoples Dispatch Long lines have formed outside gas stations in response to the overwhelming fuel shortage in Haiti. Photo: Haitian Popular Press Agency Last week, Haitians took to the streets once again to reject the fuel shortages and insecurity impeding normal functioning in the country. Workers from different sectors carried out a three-day-long national strike, from October 25 to 27, demanding that acting Prime Minister and President Ariel Henry take measures to urgently solve these issues. The call for the strike wa...
Remembering Joane Florvil, Victim of Global Anti-Blackness

Remembering Joane Florvil, Victim of Global Anti-Blackness

Four years after her death in Chile, a Haitian migrant’s story offers an urgent reminder of the deadly proportions of anti-Black state violence. BLM protests occurred across the globe last year, a reminder that the fight for Black lives is needed everywhere. Here, a protester in the United States holds a sign proclaiming “Black Lives Matter” in Spanish. (Park Miller, Wikimedia Commons) On September 30, 2017, 28-year-old Joane Florvil, a Black immigrant mother from Haiti living in Santiago, Chile, died while in police custody. Florvil had been arrested more than four weeks earlier for allegedly abandoning her two-month-old baby in front of a municipal building in Santiago’s Lo Prado neighborhood, where she had gone to report the robbery of a bag containing her daughter’...