

Water for Profit: Haiti Comes to Flint

NOVANEWS By Dady Chery Haiti Chery What happens in Haiti doesn’t stay in Haiti. Sooner or later, it comes to places like Michigan’s Benton Harbor and Flint. Our destinies are linked. Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Polish aristocrat who long puppeteered United States presidents from behind the curtains, has written: “America is too democratic at home to be autocratic abroad. This limits the use of America’s power, especially its capacity for military intimidation.” I concur. As long as the US attempts to dominate the world and continues to dispense the violence commensurate with this ambition, it cannot expect to practice democracy at home. Zbigniew Brzezinski Mr. Brzezinski reasoned that the main impediment to imperial ambitions is that people will not willingly get killed in wars of c...
Canada, Haiti

The “Ottawa Initiative on Haiti”: Humanist Peacekeeping or…?

NOVANEWS By Jean Saint-Vil Jafrikayiti On Sussex Drive in Ottawa, just a few steps away from the enormous US embassy, stands the Peacekeeping Monument. The structure titled “Reconciliation” was erected to honour the more than 125,000 Canadians who have served in United Nations peacekeeping forces since 1947. The current article documents one particular instance –the February 2004 intervention in Haiti – where the historical record conflicts with the “good peacekeeper” narrative communicated by the Canadian government, reiterated by the corporate media, and represented by “Reconciliation.” Seeing themselves as a generous people, most Canadians also consider that their noble ideals are reflected in the foreign policy of their government. The importance of nurturing this positive...

Ex-Haitian Coup Leader Guy Philippe Arrested

NOVANEWS Guy Philippe participates in a march into the city of Gonaives, Haiti, Feb. 19, 2004. | Photo: Reuters. Philippe, a paramilitary who helped lead the 2004 U.S-backed coup to oust Aristide, was arrested days before taking his elected senate seat. Former Haitian coup leader Guy Philippe wanted by the U.S. on drug trafficking charges was arrested Thursday night after appearing on a live talk show near the capital of Port au Prince. RELATED:  Haiti: Moise Officially Declared President The ex-paramilitary leader turned senator-elect was arrested outside a radio studio where he was giving an interview in which the host of the program interrupted to announce the police had arrived outside the Scoop FM studio to arrest Philippe. Haitian police fired shots into the air to break up th...

Haitians Seek Help in Chile, Find Tough Immigration Reformists

NOVANEWS Haitians protest the Dominican government's immigration law reform earlier this year. | Photo: Reuters. Many around the continent are attracted to Chile's strong economy, but this is also causing housing issues in the Andean country. Haitians trying to rebuild their lives after recent earthquakes by heading to Chile are being met with calls for tougher controls on migration. Thousands of Haitians left their country after a 2010 earthquake, and headed mostly for Brazil and Argentina. But since political and economic turmoil have overtaken those countries as right-wing governments have pushed into power, Haitians are now leaving in throngs for Chile, where the minimum wage surpasses Brazil’s by about $100. RELATED: Venezuela to Internationalize Social Housing...

Haiti Mafia families: A failed private sector

NOVANEWS Joel Leon The amalgamation of a failed private sector with kidnapping, drug trafficking, and bad government constitutes the most important reason that explains Haiti’s failure in its quest to build a nation-state. Unfortunately, the United States government, symbol of nation building, is often on the wrong side of history in Haiti. I read on the NBC website about how the private sector in the United States had created 216.000 jobs for the month of November, 2016, the expectation was 165.000. For the last 8 years during the Obama administration 15.6 million jobs have been created by the US private sector. That’s so revealing! I am not comparing the US economy to Haiti’s considering this country’s long business tradition, and the vast amount of wea...

Tie your shoe laces Haitians, the battle to free Haiti from US imperialism continues

NOVANEWS Hougan Sydney Ezili Danto Outgoing President Michel Martelly's handpicked successor, Jovenel Moïse, won disputed elections setting off protests. If Haitians had a real leader, like Moise Jean Charles, democratically elected, that leader would want to change the economic plundering and looting. This is why the oligarchs pulled out all the stops to put in another Martelly replica. It is going to be another five years of US colonization of Haiti. After lots of insider objections, the criminals won the day. For now. Essentially, the Bigio-Boulos-Brandt-Berlanger-Apaid-Clinton crew announced to the Haitian people that their votes were switched by the old 2015 UNOPS-Core Group crew and allocated as follows: Jovenel Moise - 55.67 percent Jude Celes...
Haiti, UN

The United Nations’ “Incomplete Apology” to Haiti

NOVANEWS By Kim Ives Global Research   United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, who will step down at the end of this month, made his most explicit apology yet for the UN’s role and responsibility in Haiti’s cholera epidemic, the world’s worst. However, in his ballyhooed Dec. 1 address to the UN General Assembly, Ban stopped short of admitting that UN soldiers militarily occupying Haiti since 2004 introduced the deadly bacterial disease into the country in 2010. “On behalf of the United Nations, I want to say very clearly: we apologize to the Haitian people,” Ban said in the nugget of his long speech in French, English, and Kreyòl. “We simply did not do enough with regard to the cholera outbreak and its spread in Haiti. We are profoundly sorry for our role.” UN Special R...
Haiti, USA

Haiti message to Donald Trump team

NOVANEWS Getty Images Ezili Danto If Trump can stop a third Obama term; if Trump pledges to Haitian-Americans that when he becomes President he will stop funding the rapist UN troops in Haiti, Haitians who are undecided would vote for him. Trump will get some more Haitian-American votes if he publicly calls to end the UN presence in Haiti and supports free and fair elections. Free Haiti’s interest converges with that of Donald Trump. We both do not want a third Obama term with the Clintons back in the White House. We are the independent thinking Haitians who want to put a wrench in the workings of imperialism in Haiti. This year, that wrench is called Donald Trump. The Clintons and Obama brought Haiti the former crackhead and gross sexist, Michel Mart...

Haiti’s Never-Ending Nightmare Grows Longer

NOVANEWS By Edna Bonhomme Destruction left by Hurricane Matthew in Jeremie, a small city in western Haiti, October 6, 2016. (Photo: Logan Abassi / MINUSTAH via The New York Times) Haiti is enduring another not-so-natural disaster in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. With winds reaching 145 miles an hour, the storm wrecked homes, communities and lives, particularly along Haiti's southwestern coast. Estimates of the death toll have reached as high as 900, but most news sources acknowledge that this number is sure to rise. The storm caused havoc along the Florida and Carolina coast in the U.S., making landfall this Saturday. But the death toll will be nowhere near as high as in Haiti, where the violence of the storm was intensified by man-made factors that are many decades old. Th...