
Dams, Deaths Squads and the Murder of Berta Cáceres

Dams, Deaths Squads and the Murder of Berta Cáceres

by JOHN PERRY Photograph Source: Comisión Interamericana de – CC BY 2.0 “They build dams and kill people.” These words, spoken by a witness when the murderers of environmental defender Berta Cáceres were brought to trial in Honduras, describe Desarrollos Energéticos SA (DESA), the company whose dam project Berta opposed. DESA was created in May 2009 solely to build the Agua Zarca hydroelectric scheme, using the waters of the Gualcarque River, regarded as sacred by the Lenca communities who live on its banks. As Nina Lakhani makes clear in her book Who Killed Berta Cáceres?,[1] DESA was one of many companies to benefit from the 2009 coup d’état in Honduras, when the left-leaning President Manuel Zelaya was deposed and replaced by a sequence of corrupt administrations....
Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, South America, USA, Venezuela

From Monroe to Trump. US Sponsored Military Coups in Latin America

By Global Research New Video: Syrian Armed Forces Teach ‘2nd Strongest NATO Army’ Painful Lesson in Idlib By South Front, Units of the Russian Military Police entered the town of Saraqib in eastern Idlib following the second liberation of the town from al-Qaeda terrorists and Turkish forces. According to the Russian military, the deployment took place at 5:00pm local time on March 2 and was intended to provide security and allow traffic through the M4 and M5 highways. In fact, the Russians came to put an end to Turkish attempts to capture the town and cut off the M5 highway in this area. From Monroe to Trump. US Sponsored Military Coups in Latin America By Elson Concepción Pérez, The latest threat to Venezuela of a possible military intervention, the recent cou...

As Honduras Collapses, Its People are Forced to Flee

by LAURA CARLSEN Photograph Source: ProtoplasmaKid – CC BY-SA 4.0 Honduras is collapsing. The thousands of migrants who flee every day are direct testimony to a political, economic and social crisis that the world ignores and the U. S. government seems bent on perpetuating. Instead of examining the crisis behind the exodus, the Trump administration has set an intercontinental human trapline that captures thousands of the world’s poorest and most persecuted men, women and children, and then converts their suffering into campaign fodder. Until the Ukraine gamechanger came along, this seemed to be working as the central message of a candidacy that proclaimed white supremacy a valid political platform. Since the whistleblower exposé, the Trump re-election campaign has had to piv...
Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, USA

Washington’s Consensus on Neofascist Coups in Latin America

by; PAUL STREET A clash between pro-Zelaya protesters and the Honduran military. Photograph Source: Roberto Breve – CC BY-SA 2.0 However much they war on the domestic political front, Washington’s Democrats and Republicans are on the same page when it comes to the imperial war on democracy and social justice in Latin America. No Partisan Warfare on Honduras (2009) In 2009 and 2010 Republicans were in a partisan tizzy over everything Barack Obama and Democratic Party, from health insurance reform to economic stimulus, bank bailouts, auto bailouts, and climate policy. The “Tea Party” rebellion arose, replete with a heavy dose of white herrenvolk racism. But the Teapublicans offered no complaint when Obama’s Secretary of State Hilary Clinton aided and abetted a right-w...
Honduras, USA

Clinton political critic murdered in Honduras 'Video'

NOVANEWS A “NIGHTMARE REGIME” Assassination studies, Hidden History SHE CALLED OUT CLINTON BY NAME When she was Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton green-lighted a violent right wing coup against the democratically elected president of Honduras. She then worked to tirelessly to discredit its critics. Now one of those critics, a woman who was a leading human rights leader, just got a bullet in the head. She wasn’t shy about mentioning Hilary Clinton by name. Now, during the presidential primary and election season, she won’t be saying anything.
Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Palestine Affairs, Venezuela

Why Did Latin America Stop Standing up for Palestine?

NOVANEWS CECILIA BAEZA (L-r) Sara Netanyahu and her husband, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, applaud as Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales and his wife, Hilda Patricia Marroquin, open the Guatemalan Embassy in Jerusalem, May 16, 2018. Guatemala became the first country to follow in the footsteps of the United States’ deeply controversial move, breaking with decades of international consensus. (RONEN ZVULUN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES) Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, August/September 2018, pp. 44-45 Special Report By Cecilia Baeza  WHILE MOST OF THE WORLD rejected U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to move the United States Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, some Latin American leaders have supported it enthusiastically. This may come as a surprise to many;...

The Struggle Against Honduras’ Stolen Election

NOVANEWS Last year’s disputed elections in Honduras continue to present a struggle for grassroots activists in the country, who face harsh police and military crackdowns in response to protests, reports Dennis J. Bernstein in the following interview. By Dennis J. Bernstein The latest tragedy of misguided U.S. foreign policy in Central America is the tacit support for another stolen presidential election in Honduras. The new right-wing renegade government there is inflicting terrible violence upon people who refuse to accept the election results from Last November’s election between extreme right-wing parliamentary dictator, Juan Orlando Hernandez, the current president, and progressive reformer, Salvador Nasralla. A map of Honduras. To get a clearer picture as to what is happening on...

Communiqué Against the Imposition of an Unconstitutional and Anti-Democratic Regime in Honduras

NOVANEWS Dominican Republic Despite the fact that the Honduran people have been demanding that the candidate of the Opposition Alliance against the Dictatorship, Salvador Nasralla, be recognized as their president elect, the disputed Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) has declared the winner of the elections of November 26 to the current president, Juan Orlando Hernandez. The candidacy of Hernandez is illegal in the first place, since reelection is prohibited in the Constitution of Honduras. Fraud and serious irregularities in the electoral process have already been admitted by countless voices around the world, including the General Secretary of the Organization of American States. The declaration of Hernandez as the winner is an offense on a world scale, unacceptable from any point of vi...