

Nicaragua: Extortion, Dialogue And A Longing for Peace

NOVANEWS Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega and first lady Rosario Murillo attend the opening of a national dialogue, in Managua, Nicaragua, May 16, 2018. AP | Alfredo Zuniga Since April 23, right-wing extremists in Nicaragua have murdered government supporters, attacked municipal offices and police; vandalized and looted commercial property and have shot numerous police officers. Yet the arbitrators of the reconciliation process openly side with them. By Tortilla Con Sal Recent experience confirms that the Latin American and the Caribbean right-wing, like the U.S. government, cannot be trusted to comply with agreements. That has been true for Cuba’s revolutionary government in its direct talks with the U.S. authorities; for Colombia’s FARC former guerrillas over governmen...

An Urgent Call for Solidarity with Nicaragua

NOVANEWS Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo (Rural Workers Association)  Friends in Solidarity, We have lived a month full of tragedy in our country. The peace we achieved as a people, so fragile and at the cost of so many lives, is in immanent danger of disappearing irreparably. There are now two sizeable camps of the population with dangerously contrary positions. On one side, there is a combination of private university students, media outlets with rightwing owners representing the oligarchy, Catholic Church bishops close to Opus Dei, the private sector and, of course, the US Embassy, working together to create a situation of chaos in the country in order to remove president Daniel Ortega. This group of actors accuses the National Police of having killed dozens of protestors in the r...
Nicaragua, USA

Nicaragua: Next in Line for Regime Change?

NOVANEWS The pattern is similar to events in Libya, Syria and Venezuela, where extreme right-wing political minorities conspired with foreign elites to overthrow the national status quo. By Tortilla Con Sal teleSUR Events in Nicaragua over the past week are clearly modeled on the kind of U.S.-led, NATO-driven regime change that succeeded in Libya, Ivory Coast and Ukraine, but has so far failed in Thailand, Syria and Venezuela. At a national level, the protests have been led by the private sector business classes defending their rate of profit against socialist policies in defense of low-income workers and people on pensions. The Events So Far Since April 18, violent protests have taken place across Nicaragua. The protests began a couple of days after the government announced pr...

The Psyops Manual the CIA Gave to Nicaragua’s Contras Is Totally Bonkers

NOVANEWS By Jared Keller Task & Purpose During the U.S. government’s decade-long support of the Contra rebels who waged an armed campaign against Nicaragua’s leftist Sandinista regime in the 1980s, the CIA funneled all manner of assistance to the anti-socialist “freedom fighters,” from training and financial assistance to covert operations. The original “advise and assist” mission was a disaster in retrospect, spurring all manner of human rights violations as well as the modern crack cocaine scourge. But the CIA aid program’s most fascinating product might be the batshit crazy psychological warfare manual cooked up for the Nicaraguan counter-revolutionaries.  First described to the Associated Press by the House Intelligence Committee in October 1984, the guide to “psychologi...

Nicaragua’s Sandinista Achievements Baffle World Bank, IMF

NOVANEWS teleSUR No one can take at face value any report, governmental or quasi non-governmental, coming out of the imperialist bureaucracy in Washington. Ideological bias and institutional self-justification prevent these reports from giving a true account of virtually anything. The latest World Bank report on Nicaragua is no exception. The implicit but unstated truth in this report is that President Daniel Ortega and the Sandinista National Liberation Front have achieved an unprecedented economic turnaround in just seven years, starting in 2010. Reading the report, it is impossible to ignore the tension between latent ideological and political imperatives and the obligation to report the facts. Put another way, mild conflict clearly prevails between the World Bank’s Washington head ...

Nicaragua: Global ‘False’ Witness

NOVANEWS By Tortilla con Sal | teleSUR  Global Witness is a well-established environmental and human rights non-governmental organization based in Britain. As with many other similar organizations, its reports often figure in news media as authoritative sources on international issues. Ever since the 1980s and, increasingly so, after the turn of the century, the status of NGOs as trustworthy information sources on foreign affairs has become increasingly untenable as they have been more and more co-opted by corporate interests and governments to promote the Western elites’ neocolonial global policy agenda. In the case of Nicaragua, in 2016 Global Witness produced a brief, flawed and unreliable account of land conflicts in Nicaragua’s Northern Caribbean Autonomous Region in a report called...

Why Nicaragua Was Smart to Reject Uber

NOVANEWS By: Tortilla Con Sal Taxi drivers protest against Uber in Mexico City. | Photo: Reuters The clear business strategy of Uber’s investors is to work ruthlessly to gain a monopoly position both within individual countries and internationally. Back in July 2016, New York radio journalist Don Debar, reporting on the Democratic Party Convention in Philadelphia, found that people arriving for the convention in taxis were stopped at the security cordon over a mile from the convention center. From there, they had to get out and walk in the exhausting Philadelphia summer sun in order to attend Hillary Clinton’s preordained triumph. RELATED:Meet the Sex Workers Replacing Cops in Sandinista-Run Nicaragua But passengers arriving with the Uber app taxi service were driv...

Farmers, Indigenous Peoples and NGOs Take to Streets in Ten Cities Demanding an End to World Bank’s Morally Bankrupt Development

NOVANEWS By Staff, Oakland Institute  Washington, D.C. — On October 10, 2014, NGOs, farmers' groups, and indigenous organizations from across the world are coming together as part of the Our Land Our Business campaign to denounce the World Bank's Doing Business rankings. The campaign, endorsed by over 235 organizations, will be staging  "creative resistance" events at the Bank’s annual meetings in Washington D.C. and nine other cities around the world. The D.C. event is drawing support from a wide range of activist communities, including Occupy groups who will join representatives of impacted communities from Kenya, Mali, and Ethiopia. “Under the banner #WorldVsBank, this movement is calling for the end of the Doing Business rankings and the new Benchmarking the Business of Agricul...

The Peasant Farmer Who Stood Up to the President of Nicaragua

NOVANEWS By José Adán Silva, Inter Press Service  Francisca Ramírez, the head of the peasant movement that is leading the fight against the construction of an inter-oceanic canal in Nicaragua, which has made her a victim of harassment by the administration of Daniel Ortega. (Credit: Luis Martínez / IPS) The unequal battle that small farmer Francisca Ramírez is waging against the Nicaraguan government of Daniel Ortega has become so well-known that people are calling for her security and her rights from the political heart of Europe. Who is she and why did the European Parliament order Nicaragua on Feb. 16 to protect her life and rights, as well as those of thousands of peasant farmers in the centre-south of this impoverished Central American country? Ramírez is a 40-year-old indig...