South America

Venezuela’s Election in the Crosshairs of New US Regime Change Scheme

Venezuela’s Election in the Crosshairs of New US Regime Change Scheme

As Venezuela prepares to head to the polls in July, the US has already started drumming up suspicion and doubt around the electoral process. Walter Smolarek, Zoe Alexandra Nicolás Maduro received by thousands in the city of Maturín. (Photo: X / Nicolás Maduro) Twenty-five years after Hugo Chávez took office and began the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, US officials have still not tired of dreaming up new plots to overthrow the country’s government. Five years ago, following the last presidential election, they attempted to install Juan Guaidó—a politician most Venezuelans had never even heard of—as the country’s head of state. And now, with the date for the next presidential election officially set for July 28, the Biden administration is gearing up for the bigg...
The Biggest Obstacle to Free and Fair Elections in Venezuela Is the US

The Biggest Obstacle to Free and Fair Elections in Venezuela Is the US

Solidarity activist Roger Harris breaks down the US' regime-change efforts against Venezuela ahead of the upcoming elections. Roger D. Harris Venezuela will hold presidential elections on July 28. (Archive) For all the hullabaloo about “free and fair elections” in Venezuela by the US government, its sycophantic corporate press deliberately ignores the elephant in the room – namely, the so-called sanctions designed to make life so miserable that the people will acquiesce to Washington’s plan for regime change. As Foreign Policy puts it, “Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro values his political survival above his country’s economic well-being.” Translated from Washington-speak, the US government is blackmailing the Venezuelan electorate with, in the words...
NYT Ramps Up Venezuela Propaganda Ahead of Elections

NYT Ramps Up Venezuela Propaganda Ahead of Elections

Posted by: John Phoenix The 'paper of record' is sparing no effort to delegitimize the upcoming Venezuela vote and carry water for US-backed politicians. The New York Times is rolling out its dishonest coverage. (FAIR) Venezuelans will head to the polls on July 28 to choose their president for the 2025–30 term. Incumbent President Nicolás Maduro faces nine challengers as he runs for a third term. Over the past 25 years of US-sponsored coups and economic sanctions, Western corporate media have always proven a reliable source of regime-change propaganda to back Washington’s policies (, 12/17/18, 1/25/19, 8/15/19, 4/15/20, 5/11/20, 1/11/23). Coverage builds to a frenzy around elections, whether driven by a (misguided) hope that US surroga...
Why the US Is Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela

Why the US Is Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela

Roger Harris argues that the purpose of US sanctions against Venezuela is to turn the country and its defiant socialist project into a cautionary tale. Roger D. Harris Washington has threatened to reimpose oil sanctions against Venezuela. (Photo: Carlos Becerra/Bloomberg) US sanctions on Venezuela’s gold sales and its threat to do the same with oil. The oil sanctions especially, if reinstated, would precipitate higher gas prices and further debilitate the Venezuelan economy, forcing more people to leave the country out of economic necessity. The Venezuelan government, for its part, has not been contrite. Vice President Delcy Rodríguez protested “the wrong step of intensifying economic aggression against Venezuela.” She warned that if Washington takes the thre...
Redefining US-Latin American Relations
Puerto Rico, Venezuela

Redefining US-Latin American Relations

Medea Benjamin and Steve Ellner propose that the US  be a "Good Neighbor" with Cuba and Venezuela. Medea Benjamin, Steve Ellner The Monroe Doctrine, still alive, is harmful to the people of Latin America. (Archive) An all-encompassing expression of goodwill in the form of a New Good Neighbor Policy will meet resistance from vested economic and military interests, as well as those persuaded by racist arguments. The Trump administration dusted off the 19th-century Monroe Doctrine that subjugates the nations of the region to U.S. interests. The Biden administration, instead of reversing course, followed suit, with disastrous results for the region and a migration crisis that threatens Biden’s re-election. It has left most of Trump’s sanctions against Venezuela and Cub...
July 28, an Equation with Multiple Unknowns

July 28, an Equation with Multiple Unknowns

A deep dive into the complexities and uncertainties surrounding Venezuela's July 28 presidential elections. Clodovaldo Hernández Nicolás Maduro is often represented by Chavistas as a colorful rooster. (Venezuelanalysis) There are several unknowns around the upcoming Venezuelan presidential elections on July 28, and everything seems to indicate that they will only be resolved on that day, when more than 21 million voters will be able to cast their ballots and decide whether to give President Nicolás Maduro six more years in office or opt for one of nine other presidential candidates in the race. One of the key questions is how much of its electoral strength does Chavismo retain after 25 years in power, 11 of them under Maduro’s leadership. During his presidency, Maduro has ...
Soft Power and the ‘Transition to Democracy’
C.I.A, NATO, USA, Venezuela

Soft Power and the ‘Transition to Democracy’

VA writer Andreína Chávez delves into Washington’s soft power strategies to destabilize countries in the name of Western-style “democracy.” Andreína Chávez Alava US agencies like USAID and NED have consistently funded right-wing organizations. If I put a gun to your head and demanded you give me all your money or else you’ll die, it would be an aggravated robbery. If I tricked you into giving me all your money by luring you to join my pyramid scheme, it would also be a robbery but without the obvious trauma. One is blunt violence, the other is manipulation, but both have the same criminal purpose. If we extrapolate those scenarios to how US imperialism coerces other nations to achieve regime change and steal their resources, the first example would be called “hard power” (...
US Sanctions Are Bad for Your Health!
USA, Venezuela

US Sanctions Are Bad for Your Health!

Amidst a backdrop of cruel US sanctions, Venezuelan doctors and researchers have produced major breakthroughs in the healthcare sector. Jessica Dos Santos US sanctions have severely affected healthcare in Venezuela. (Venezuelanalysis) In my previous column I talked about the challenges and breakthroughs for Venezuelan scientific and technological innovation amidst a US economic blockade, particularly when it comes to healthcare. In a 2019 report, Washington DC-based think tank Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) estimated that more than 300,000 chronic patients were at risk due to the country’s struggles in securing HIV, hypertension and diabetes medicines. And in 2019 the worst sanctions were still to come… If the situation was bleak for chron...
The Incomplete Feminist Revolution

The Incomplete Feminist Revolution

In her latest column, VA's Andreína Chávez explores the contrast between grassroots feminism and women's demands versus government-led initiatives. Andreína Chávez Alava The latest edition of "The Subversive Truth" tackles the need to prioritize Venezuelan working-class women in order to propel forward the socialist project. Growing up, I used to love listening to my mom recalling the day I was born because it resembled an absurd 90s comedy, with weird plot twists and everything. Years later, I realized that despite the funny elements, this was actually another story of how working-class women survive and how their demands go forever unheard. If you bear with me for just a little bit as I tell my mom’s story, you’ll find out why women’s rights being reduced to an afterthou...
Venezuelan Opposition Seeks Viable Path for Presidential Elections

Venezuelan Opposition Seeks Viable Path for Presidential Elections

Despite warnings from disqualified candidate María Corina Machado ("There will be no elections without me!"), Chavismo and dozens of opposition parties are debating an electoral calendar. Clodovaldo Hernández Clodovaldo Hernández breaks down the opposition choices for the upcoming election. (Venezuelanalysis) Following a Supreme Court ruling barring María Corina Machado from running for the 2024 presidential election, the far-right leader defiantly declared, “There will be no elections without me!” This statement appeared to signal a potential call to arms, particularly as US officials supported her stance by warning that a failure to allow Machado’s candidacy could lead to the reinstatement of unilateral coercive measures (commonly known as sanctions) in April. To undersc...