
Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, South America, USA, Venezuela

From Monroe to Trump. US Sponsored Military Coups in Latin America

By Global Research New Video: Syrian Armed Forces Teach ‘2nd Strongest NATO Army’ Painful Lesson in Idlib By South Front, Units of the Russian Military Police entered the town of Saraqib in eastern Idlib following the second liberation of the town from al-Qaeda terrorists and Turkish forces. According to the Russian military, the deployment took place at 5:00pm local time on March 2 and was intended to provide security and allow traffic through the M4 and M5 highways. In fact, the Russians came to put an end to Turkish attempts to capture the town and cut off the M5 highway in this area. From Monroe to Trump. US Sponsored Military Coups in Latin America By Elson Concepción Pérez, The latest threat to Venezuela of a possible military intervention, the recent cou...

PeruPeru: Labor Unions Join Campesino Strike Against Toxic

“I don't think that this week they’ll resolve the license review request. It now forces us to confront the police.”  Local labor unions in the Peruvian region of Arequipa have voted to join an indefinite strike in solidarity with Indigenous communities in Valle de Tambo, in protest against a mining project set to cause huge environmental damage.  Peru: Protests Against Mining Project Met With Police Violence Campesinos in Valle de Tambo have already been on strike for 18 days against the ‘Tia Maria’ mining project, which gives ‘Southern Copper’ the right to begin mining operations in the area. Campesinos point to studies saying the pollution from the mine will cause serious health problems and damage local farming. Protesters accuse neoliberal President Mart...
Peru, Venezuela

Fascism on the March in Latin America

NOVANEWS By Peter Koenig Global Research   In a few years Latin America, that struggled for 15 -20 years to become independent from the fascist masters of the north – has been reabsorbed into the northern elite’s, the empire’s backyard — yes, indeed, that’s what Latin America has become for the major part, a mere backyard of Washington. And this despite the fact that 99.99% of the population want nothing to do with fascism – so where is the fraud? Why is nobody investigating the fraud – putting it up for everyone to see? In the meantime we have learned about Cambridge / Oxford Analytica. How they operate and cheat the electorate. They themselves have finally admitted to the methods in which they influence voters with lies – and with buying from social media, mainly facebook, mill...

Dictator who sterilized 300,000 women: ‘I Dream of a Peru Without Resentment’

NOVANEWS Recently pardoned Peruvian dictator Alberto Fujimori, freshly discharged from hospital and living in a luxury mansion, has shared his aspirations for a “Peru without resentment.” The controversial figure is linked to commanding death squads that carried out disappearances and extrajudicial killings in the war against insurgent groups Shining Path and the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, which claimed at least 70,000 lives. Fujimori, now 79, also directed the forced sterilization of approximately 300,000 mostly Indigenous women between 1996 and 2000. He was detained in Chile in 2005 and sentenced in 2009 to 25 years in prison for several crimes, including premeditated murder and kidnapping. Last week he was discharged from the Centenario clinic, where he had been hospitali...
Peru, South America, USA, Venezuela

The Ten Most Lethal CIA Interventions in Latin America

NOVANEWS By Dr. Gary G. Kohls Global Research Note: In its 200 year history, the USA has intervened in, invaded or militarily occupied the following Western Hemisphere nations: Canada, Confederate States of America, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Panama, Venezuela, Surinam, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Grenada. While the dates most associated with the Central Intelligence Agency are the 1953 coup against Iran’s Mohammed Mossadeq and the following year against Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz, the world’s most notorious–and possibly ignoble–spy agency actually was chartered on this day, 18 September, in 1947. Since then, the CIA has played a role i...

Investigation Shows Top Fujimorista Linked to Drug-Trafficking

NOVANEWS Keiko Fujimori and Joaquin Ramirez. | Photo: Agencia Andina Keiko Fujimori and Joaquin Ramirez. | Photo: The official name of the investigation by the U.S. DEA is “The Untouchables”. New documents were released to the public Friday showing that Joaquin Ramirez, the right hand and main financer of presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori, has been a target of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency since 2012. IN PICTURES: Streets of Lima Flooded with Anti-Keiko Fujimori Protests The documents were obtained by investigative journalists group Ojo-Publico and published by the newspaper La Republica. Fujimori has said she has no knowledge of the origin of Joaquin Ramirez's money and has never asked him about it despite the fact that Ramirez was, until rece...
Mexico, Peru, South America, USA, Venezuela

How the US Funds Dissent against Latin American Governments

NOVANEWS teleSUR  “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” NED founding father, Allen Weinstein The U.S. government and military have a long history of interfering in the affairs of numerous countries in Latin American and the Caribbean. By the end of the 19th century, there had been at least 10 U.S. military interventions across the hemisphere including Argentina (1890), Chile (1891), Haiti (1891), Panama (1895), Cuba (1898), Puerto Rico (1898) and Nicaragua (1894, 1896, 1898 and 1899). From this time onward, successive U.S. administrations applied different strategies and tactics for involvement in the region as a means to secure and protect its geopolitical and economic interests. However, only recently has there been wider acknowledgement about the role t...

The Protest Movement in Peru: Strengthening Sustainable Production and Local Economies, Protecting the Environment

NOVANEWS Pronouncement of the Cumbre de los Pueblos By John O Shea Global Research WE WORK TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM, DEFEND OUR TERRITORIES, LIFE AND MOTHER EARTH, AND CONSTRUCT ´BUEN VIVIR´* Translated from Original document by Lynda Sullivan, Celendín, October 25, 2014 From 23rd to 25th October social leaders, men and women, rural and urban ronderos*, environmental defense fronts, representatives of indigenous communities, peasant organizations, activists and authorities from across the country gathered together in Celendin to analyze the impacts of extractive capitalism and climate change in our territories and to strengthen our resistance and proposals in the face of these threats. We consider that climate change is the most visible demonstration of the violence and damage generat...

Peru’s president arrives as I$raHell pays more interest to Latin America

NOVANEWS Ollanta Humala also set to visit Palestinian Authority; I$raHell recently granted observer status in Pacific Alliance, that includes Peru. Jpost Peruvian President Ollanta Humala will arrive on Sunday for a three-day visit, amid increased Israeli interest in improving political and economic ties with pro-American Latin American countries. Humala’s Middle East tour also includes visits to Qatar and the Palestinian Authority. He is scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Monday. Netanyahu announced last week his intention to make a rare visit by a sitting Israeli prime minister to Latin America in the coming months, to Mexico and Colombia. Netanyahu’s announcement came soon after the Pacific Alliance, a Latin American free-trade bloc that includes Mexico, Colom...

Humala Wins Peru’s Presidential Runoff

NOVANEWS   by Stephen Lendman     On April 10, Ollanta Humala received most support among five presidential candidates, but not a majority. Eliminated were former neoliberal President Alejandro Toledo, his former economic minister and Lima mayor Luis Castaneda Lossio, and former Prime Minister Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. Discredited and now imprisoned former President Alberto Fujimori’s daughter Keiko proceeded to a runoff with him. On June 6, New York Times writer Simon Romero headlined, “Ex-Officer Set to Win Narrow Victory in Peru,” saying: Incomplete returns show him heading for victory, rebuking Peru’s “economic model that has driven (its) robust growth, (but left) millions of (its) citizens….mired in poverty….” Washington Post writer Juan Forero called it an “unhappy choic...