
Are World Bank’s figures a fake?
Politics, World

Are World Bank’s figures a fake?

The Great Figures Swindle  By: Claudio Resta VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contractsSource: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. How come Countries so strong and powerful as China and Russia aren’t ”rich” enough to support the demand of their systems according to World Bank figures? Is this perhaps a form of hybrid cognitive war? A major Asia Times article on the true size of China’s economy, which may actually be much larger than we generally think.
Hamas ‘greatly weakened’
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, USA, World, ZIO-NAZI

Hamas ‘greatly weakened’

Posted by: John Phoenix The US Zionist Butcher has urged the Nazi army to “eliminate” the Palestinian militant group File photo: Members of the militant wing of Hamas, January 31, 2016 in Gaza. ©  MAHMUD HAMS/AFP 'Israel has managed to weaken Hamas and should “eliminate” the Palestinian militant group entirely, US Zionist Butcher Joe Biden has said. Biden made the argument during Thursday’s debate with his challenger, former President Donald Trump, hosted by CNN. “Hamas cannot be allowed to be continued. We continue to send our experts and our intelligence people to how they can get Hamas like we did Bin Laden,” Biden said. “And by the way, they’ve been greatly weakened, Hamas, greatly weakened, and they should be. They should be eliminated.” ...
Unjust Wars and a Just Peace
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Politics, USA, World

Unjust Wars and a Just Peace

BY WALDEN BELLO Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair The three major wars or conflicts that are ongoing today demonstrate the volatility of the intersection between the local and the global. In the Hamas-Israeli conflict, we see how the maintenance of the Israeli settler-colonial state is intertwined with the preservation of the global hegemony of the United States. In the war in Ukraine, a bloody war of attrition between two countries was provoked by Washington’s push to expand NATO to a country of the former Soviet Union. In the South China Sea, we are witnessing how disputes over territory and natural resources have been elevated to a global conflict by the U.S. effort to maintain its global hegemony against China, to which it is losing the geoeconomic competition ...
The West and the Majority World – Repression Versus Openness

The West and the Majority World – Repression Versus Openness

The majority world (in red) | Photo: Stephen Sefton Since its inception, the leaders of the ALBA countries have denounced North American and European imperialism's brutal exploitation and domination and its gangster diplomacy of “Do what we want or else...”. By Stephen Sefton In 2004, Comandante Fidel Castro and Comandante Hugo Chávez founded what is now the Bolivarian Alliance of the peoples of our America, ALBA which now includes Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and the Caribbean island nations of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica, St Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Antigua and Barbuda and Santa Lucía. A year earlier, in 2003, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was formally constituted, which now includes China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzb...
International law or rules-based order?

International law or rules-based order?

Two days after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled in favour of South Africa’s prima facia case of genocide against Israel, Israel, and its primary sponsor the United States, along with the usual cohort of vassal states including Britain, all withdrew funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which provides food and aid to Gaza. The very same people deprived of food, water, medical supplies and all other life supporting mechanisms whilst being bombed into oblivion by Israel using US and British weapons, have had what meagre support they had withdrawn. Whilst the withdrawal of UNWRA funding could be considered a war crime in itself, the action is in flagrant defiance of the ICJ’s ruling that found the charge...


Fadi, a Syrian teenager with curly hair and an acne-covered face, has miraculously survived one of the greatest migrant boat disasters in the modern history of the Mediterranean. Only 104 people have been rescued from a boat that carried an estimated 750 refugees after it capsized on June 13 in the open sea near the coastal town of Pylos. Scores of lifeless bodies have been pulled out from the water, and many more have washed ashore. Hundreds are still missing, feared dead, many of whom are women and children, as they huddled on the lower deck of the 30-meter boat. Fadi survived. A heart-rending photo shows the young Syrian sobbing as he met his older brother, Mohammed, who rushed to the port of Kalamata, Greece, to see him. The two brothers could not embr...
International law or rules-based order?

International law or rules-based order?

Two days after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled in favour of South Africa’s prima facia case of genocide against Israel, Israel, and its primary sponsor the United States, along with the usual cohort of vassal states including Britain, all withdrew funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which provides food and aid to Gaza. The very same people deprived of food, water, medical supplies and all other life supporting mechanisms whilst being bombed into oblivion by Israel using US and British weapons, have had what meagre support they had withdrawn. Whilst the withdrawal of UNWRA funding could be considered a war crime in itself, the action is in flagrant defiance of the ICJ’s ruling that found the charge...
Zio-Nazi Harvest Human Organs from Massacred Palestinians
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, World, ZIO-NAZI

Zio-Nazi Harvest Human Organs from Massacred Palestinians

Israelis Harvest Human Organs from Massacred Palestinians Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor denounced many War Crimes under the ICC Prosecutor’s Nose By Fabio G. C. Carisio VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contractsSource: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. In the cover image the ICC Prosecutor Khan in Israel and a mass grave in Palestine by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published About 48 hours after the collapse of the temporary humanit...
The Unique Truth and Reality of New World Order

The Unique Truth and Reality of New World Order

By Prof. Maurice Okoli Global Research, The Valdai Discussion Club has held its 20th Annual Meeting under the unique theme “Fair Multipolarity: How to Ensure Security and Development for Everyone” in Sochi, the southern coastal city of Russia. It gathered some 140 experts, politicians, and diplomats from 42 countries throughout Eurasia, Africa, and North and South America. The story of the Valdai Club’s twenty meetings is a chronicle of an extremely interesting and turbulent time. Really, it was hard to imagine discussing the world for twenty years. In a practical context, that is its greatest primary achievement. The Valdai Discussion Club is a Russian think tank that was established in 2004. It is named after Lake Valdai which is located close to Veliky Novgorod where...
Leaders of the civilised world fail the simple Humanity Test, BIG TIME – while closing ranks around adorable apartheid ‘Israel’
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, Russia, UN, United Kingdom, USA, West Bank, World, ZIO-NAZI

Leaders of the civilised world fail the simple Humanity Test, BIG TIME – while closing ranks around adorable apartheid ‘Israel’

Stuart Littlewood writes: As I write, 14,500 murdered 7,000 buried under the rubble 35,000 wounded 1.5 million displaced their homeland devastated, livelihoods destroyed, heritage erased. And our politicians talk only of a four-day pause to the genocide!!! At Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) in Parliament yesterday [22 November] Stephen Flynn (the Scottish National Party leader) asked what will happen after the temporary pause in hostilities between Israel and Hamas: “At the end of four days, will we simply see a return to the killing of children in Gaza every 10 minutes, or will we in this House choose instead to back a permanent ceasefire?”Rishi Sunak replied: We will continue to work with the United States and Israel to ensure the safe return of ...