
Leaders of the civilised world fail the simple Humanity Test, BIG TIME – while closing ranks around adorable apartheid ‘Israel’
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, Russia, UN, United Kingdom, USA, West Bank, World, ZIO-NAZI

Leaders of the civilised world fail the simple Humanity Test, BIG TIME – while closing ranks around adorable apartheid ‘Israel’

Stuart Littlewood writes: As I write, 14,500 murdered 7,000 buried under the rubble 35,000 wounded 1.5 million displaced their homeland devastated, livelihoods destroyed, heritage erased. And our politicians talk only of a four-day pause to the genocide!!! At Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) in Parliament yesterday [22 November] Stephen Flynn (the Scottish National Party leader) asked what will happen after the temporary pause in hostilities between Israel and Hamas: “At the end of four days, will we simply see a return to the killing of children in Gaza every 10 minutes, or will we in this House choose instead to back a permanent ceasefire?”Rishi Sunak replied: We will continue to work with the United States and Israel to ensure the safe return of ...
General strike prevails in cities around the world in support of Gaza
Palestine Affairs, World

General strike prevails in cities around the world in support of Gaza

JEWISH TALMUD Baba Necia 114, 6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations ofthe world are not human beings but beasts." A global strike prevailed in several Arab and Muslim cities around the world on Monday in condemnation of the Nazi genocidal Holocaust on the Gaza Strip. Over the past days, activists on social media platforms launched calls for a general strike around the world in solidarity with the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip in the face of the Nazi hideous aggression. The campaigners said that the global strike aims to put pressure on governments to take decisive measures to stop the ongoing Nazi massacres and Holocaust in Gaza. Instructions on how to participate in the global strike have been circulated on social media platforms, telling particip...
Will It Be Socialism or Barbarism for the Twenty-First Century?

Will It Be Socialism or Barbarism for the Twenty-First Century?

BY ROB URIE Photograph Source: David Geitgey Sierralupe – CC BY 2.0 The nature of the American political system is often hidden behind theories of how democracy works. In these we, the people, choose politicians to represent ‘our’ interests within the realms of government, foreign affairs, and commerce. In contrast, at least according to the annual polls conducted by the Alliance of Democracies, fewer than half of Americans believe that the US is democratic; is a democracy. The reasons given against the US being a democracy are 1) corruption (73%), followed by 2) corporate control of the political system (72%). In other words, the reasons for this missing democracy are economic. From the advent of neoliberalism in the mid-1970s to today, the US has been systema...
How Countries Prepare for Population Growth and Decline

How Countries Prepare for Population Growth and Decline

BY JOHN P. RUEHL Photograph Source: 朱華龍 – Zhu Hua Long – CC BY 2.0 In early 2023, India surpassed China as the most populous country in the world with the latter having 850,000 fewer people by the end of 2022—marking the country’s first population decline since famine struck from 1959 to 1961. While this reduction may seem modest considering China’s 1.4 billion population currently, an ongoing decline is anticipated, with UN projections suggesting that China’s population could dwindle to below 800 million by 2100. Populations fluctuate through immigration, emigration, deaths, and births. China’s previous one-child policy, enforced from 1980 to 2015, and the resulting gender imbalance slowed its birth rate. The Chinese government is now trying to ...
Multidimensional Global Crisis and Waning American Hegemony
USA, World

Multidimensional Global Crisis and Waning American Hegemony

Today, we stand at a critical moment in history. Fascism is on the rise globally with the consolidation of fascist regimes in a number of countries across the world accompanied by intense resistance movements, some of which, like the struggle against the Bolsonaro regime in Brazil, have been successful. The tragic destruction caused by neoliberalism is on display and the contradictions of the international capitalist system are ever more visible. The countries that implemented neoliberal experiments in previous decades, such as Ghana, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are experiencing  complete economic collapse, while the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the US are continuing to aggressively push the same ‘magic pill’ of structural reforms and austerity. The international economy, whi...
Price-gouging is a real monopoly practice. But is it really at the root of the global economic crisis?

Price-gouging is a real monopoly practice. But is it really at the root of the global economic crisis?

For decades, Oxfam shops have been a common fixture on British high streets. Their twin-track approach of selling cheap second-hand clothes, used books, tantalising bric-a-brac and ethically-sourced products from developing countries, with the promise of charitable contributions winging their way to the wretchedly poor overseas, has appeared to be a winning formula: spending and salvation. In a single transaction, Oxfam meets the needs of the enlightened shopper worrying about conspicuous consumption – or, with the deepening economic crisis, in need of cheap clothes – while promising to address the global economic inequalities that leave faraway war-torn villages desperate for clean water. Regardless of how popular or profitable its shops have been, Oxfam is aware that the need...
World Refugee Day: Syrian, Palestinian refugees need understanding, not platitudes
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, Syria, World

World Refugee Day: Syrian, Palestinian refugees need understanding, not platitudes

RAMZY BAROUD Fadi, a survivor of the migrant boat tragedy in the Mediterranean, meets his brother at the port of Kalamata, Greece (Reuters). Fadi, a Syrian teenager with curly hair and an acne-covered face, miraculously survived one of the greatest migrant boat disasters in the modern history of the Mediterranean. Only 104 people have been rescued from a boat that was carrying an estimated 750 refugees when it capsized on June 13 in the open sea near the Greek coastal town of Pylos. Scores of bodies have been pulled from the water and many more have washed ashore. Hundreds are still missing, feared dead, including many women and children who were huddled together on the lower deck of the 30-meter boat. Fadi survived. A heart-rending photo shows the young Syrian so...
Roaming Charges: Mad at the World

Roaming Charges: Mad at the World

BY JEFFREY ST. CLAIR Hyena on the Animal Wall, Cardiff Castle, Wales. Photo: Jeffrey St. Clair. “If you’re not mad at the world, you don’t have what it takes.” – Sun Ra + A trove of newly disclosed documents show how Robert Oppenheimer’s boss, the imperious Gen. Lesley Groves, repeatedly downplayed the risk of radiation exposure from atomic testing and the blasts at Hiroshima and Nagasaki themselves. Groves claimed those hit with lethal doses of radiation would die “without undue suffering. In fact, they say it is a very pleasant way to die.” It turns out that Oppenheimer himself was intimately aware of Groves’ deceptions about the dangers of radioactive fallout. But even after leaving the Manhattan Project, Oppenheimer kept quiet about the grotesque consequenc...
Lessons of 1914: Imperialism means war

Lessons of 1914: Imperialism means war

Reams of WW1 historiography serve only to conceal the essence of that terrible conflagration – which gave birth in its turn to the era of proletarian revolution. Harpal Brar Subscribe to our  channel The first world war, a result of the inbuilt and inescapable contradictions of capitalist imperialism, was both proof of the rottenness and decay of that system and the beginning of its end. As a system, imperialism has been declining ever since, notwithstanding some shortlived jubilation following the counter-revolutions in the socialist countries of Europe and central Asia. Imperialism today, while driving ever harder to war, is enmeshed in an even deeper crisis that drove it into the war of 1914-18. A new wave of revolutions is bound to be the result, and workers everywh...
UN Report Finds 165 Million Were Pushed Into Poverty Over Past Three Years
UN, World

UN Report Finds 165 Million Were Pushed Into Poverty Over Past Three Years

People wait to receive food donations in Kandahar, Afghanistan on April 27, 2022.  (Photo: Javed Tanveer/AFP via Getty Images) The United Nations Development Program is calling for a pause in debt repayments to allow economies to mitigate shocks like pandemics and climate chaos. BRETT WILKINS Successive economic shocks over the past three years—including the Covid-19 pandemic, wars and other violence, and extreme weather disasters driven by human-caused climate change—have pushed around 165 million people into poverty around the world, leaving debt-saddled nations unable or poorly prepared to deliver vital social services, a United Nations report published Friday revealed. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) policy brief—entitled The Human Cost of In...