Dear West: Your ‘Age of Monsters’ Has Begun

Dear West: Your ‘Age of Monsters’ Has Begun

BY RAMZY BAROUD Antonio Gramsci, 1921. Antonio Gramsci was not a professional philosopher. His intellect was refreshingly situated within an inherent bias towards the common people, the ‘subaltern’ classes, particularly the working class. He argued that all people are essentially intellectuals, in the sense that all people possess the intellectual faculties for rational thinking and deduction, though “not all men have in society the function of intellectuals”. Thus, intellectualism should not exist for its own sake, but as a direct response to the collective needs of society. In the same way that change in society is driven by class struggles, intellectuals are also involved in similar struggles, which are intrinsically linked to the cultural, ideolog...
Depraved:  The Legal Entanglement with the Nazi entity   
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Depraved:  The Legal Entanglement with the Nazi entity   

Depraved:  The Legal Entanglement with Israel                             BY GARY FIELDS An Israeli soldier checking the IDs of Palestinians at the Huwara checkpoint. Photo by Gary Fields. Lost in Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the Presidential election, and the now-likely accession of Kamala Harris to Democratic nominee, is the ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) last week on the legality of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza.*   In a searing rebuke to the State of Israel, the Court in its 83-page brief refuted Israeli claims that the Palestinian territories und...
The Politics of Water Under Nazi Occupation
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

The Politics of Water Under Nazi Occupation

BY M. REZA BEHNAM The Politics of Water Under Occupation: Israel in Palestine Photograph Source: Muhammad Sabah, B’Tselem – CC BY 4.0 The International Court of Justice released its historic advisory opinion on 19 July 2024 just as I was finishing my essay on Israel’s theft and abuse of the water resources of Palestine. The 80-page opinion, “Legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem,” unequivocally states that “the State of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is unlawful” and should come to an end “as rapidly as possible.” The “Exploitation of natural resources” section (V/B.4, 124-133) was of particular interest to me. In it,...
How Jewish Power Sustains the ‘Israel’ Narrative

How Jewish Power Sustains the ‘Israel’ Narrative

Posted by: John Phoenix Jewish power brokers: billionaire Sheldon Adelson, Chairman Emeritus of the Israeli-American Council Shawn Evenhaim, and Hollywood producer Haim Saban Giraldi speaks candidly about Israel as “the principal catalyst for the many missteps that the United States has made in the Middle East,” the country that “manipulates the U.S. government better or more persistently” than any other, and “America’s number one foreign policy problem.” He points out that pro-Israel organizations in America are immune to scrutiny as foreign agents, and that Jewish Power controls “key aspects of thee media and entertainment industries plus easy access to corrupted politicians.”  Altogether, the forces lined up with Israel have saturated American public discourse wi...
The economic losses reduce the labor force at the Port of Eilat by 50%

The economic losses reduce the labor force at the Port of Eilat by 50%

Posted by: John Phoenix The CEO of the Israeli port of Eilat, Gideon Golber, said that the port is suffering from massive economic losses that will force them to cut the workforce by half. The Israeli newspaper Maariv quoted Golber as saying on Sunday that all commercial activity has stopped due to the inability of ships to pass in any direction to reach the port of Eilat, nor to pass towards Europe through the Suez Canal. Therefore, the port has ceased its activity and the income has stopped. He pointed out that he is forced to lay off 50% of the workers in the closed port for 8 months. He explained that the work in the port was disrupted due to the attacks carried out by the Yemeni army forces represented by the Ansar Allah group in the Red Sea. Since November 202...
Clothing crisis in Gaza after 10 months of war, how are people coping?
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Clothing crisis in Gaza after 10 months of war, how are people coping?

Posted by: John Phoenix Maysaa Al-Maghrebi is facing extreme difficulty in finding clothes that fit her children, with the limited supply in the markets and the closure of many shops due to the blockade and the destruction of the economic and industrial infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. The mother, along with her family of five children, fled to the city of Deir Al-Balah in central Gaza Strip when the war of genocide broke out on Gaza, like thousands of other displaced people. She did not bring much with her, thinking the war would not last long. She says that each of her children has a limited number of clothes that have become worn out due to constant use, in addition to the environment they live in under a tent, which has further worn out their clothes as the children ...
The Missing Children: The pain of tens of thousands of families in Gaza
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

The Missing Children: The pain of tens of thousands of families in Gaza

Posted by: John Phoenix They aren’t just numbers. They represent tens of thousands of stories of loss, grief, and intense pain carried by families in Gaza. Over 20,000 children are still missing, with their fate unknown. Another number close to that is of unaccompanied children, as the tragedy of families in Gaza continues with the ongoing aggression since October 7th. Ahmad Hammad, who lost most of his family in a bombing on Deir al-Balah last January, says: “My grief for my martyred wife and children is one thing, but my grief for Hadi is on another level. He’s the only one we couldn’t retrieve from under the rubble that night. I don’t know if there’s anything left of his small body to bury or if he was vaporized by the explosion and fire.” In this painful story, Hadi w...
The Olympic Games and Nazi entity’s security narrative
Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

The Olympic Games and Nazi entity’s security narrative

By Ramona Wadi The Olympic Games and Israel’s security narrative The Israeli Olympics team will be provided with 24-hour security during their stay in Paris, after left-wing MP Thomas Portes said that protests should be staged against the Israeli team’s participation. A call for protests triggers security concerns, but Israel’s genocide in Gaza triggers no concern for the safety of the Palestinians who are being annihilated. Portes’s call for protests elicited assurances from the French government, with interior minister Gerald Darmanin saying that the Israeli athletes will be “protected around the clock during the Games”, and foreign minister Stephane Sejourne extending a welcome to the team and reassuring Israel of “ensuring the security of the Israeli delegation.” Accor...
Nazi war against UNRWA?
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, UN, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi war against UNRWA?

What’s behind Israel’s war against UNRWA? By Ramzy Baroud Targeting a school during a war could be justified as, or at least argued, to have been a mistake. But striking over 120 schools, and killing and wounding thousands of civilians sheltering inside, can only be intentional, with each attack a horrific war crime in its own right. Between 7 October last year and 18 July, Israel has done precisely that, targeting with total impunity UN infrastructure in the besieged Gaza Strip, including schools and medical centers. According to the estimates of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), at least 561 internally displaced Palestinians sheltering in UNRWA buildings have been killed and 1,768 have been wounded since the start of Israel’...
Pain, loss, fear, panic, anger: Gaza’s Palestinians are suffering psychological torment
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Pain, loss, fear, panic, anger: Gaza’s Palestinians are suffering psychological torment

By Victoria Brittain How are the people of the Gaza Strip, who have been displaced innumerable times and suffered staggering losses, coping with nine months of Israel’s military assault on every aspect of life? The first detailed report of the mental health impact of the war has just been released by the Gaza Community Mental Health Program (GCMHP). Nine Months of Israel’s War on Gaza: the Mental Health Impacts and the GCMHP’s Response represents another challenge to the international community to end the inhumanity of this devastating military aggression that threatens the wellbeing of future Palestinian generations. The report is researched and written by GCMHP staff who have since October 2023 seen two of their three centers destroyed, the third damaged, and three o...