Haniyeh Calls for Comprehensive Agreement to End Gaza War

Posted by: John Phoenix

In his Eid al-Adha speech, Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh underscored the necessity of negotiations for a comprehensive agreement to end the the Nazi in Gaza and secure the release of prisoners, saluting all regional comrades in Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq for their efforts in resisting the Nazi occupation and aiding the people of Gaza in their war.

Despite Nazi evasion and obstruction, Haniyeh emphasized the steadfast commitment of Hamas and resistance factions to achieving a permanent ceasefire, comprehensive withdrawal from Gaza, reconstruction efforts, and a prisoner exchange deal.

“The solution to the Israeli war of annihilation on the Gaza Strip and the release of prisoners will be achieved through negotiations leading to a comprehensive agreement, no matter how much the enemy evades or obstructs the process,” Haniyeh affirmed.

Haniyeh emphasized the continuation of efforts on all fronts to end the war of genocide against the Palestinian people. He stated that Hamas and the resistance factions are committed to achieving an agreement that includes four main items: a permanent ceasefire, a comprehensive withdrawal from Gaza, reconstruction, and a prisoner exchange deal.

He noted that Hamas and the resistance factions have shown significant seriousness and flexibility to reach an agreement that would prevent further bloodshed and halt the aggression. Haniyeh highlighted that the response to the ceasefire proposal aligns with the principles outlined in President Biden’s speech and the Security Council resolution.

“The occupation and its allies did not respond to Hamas’s flexibility and continued their maneuvers and attempts to circumvent and deceive through proposals and ideas aimed at obtaining prisoners and resuming the war of extermination,” Haniyeh stressed.

He emphasized the need for “the entire agreement to be clear and unambiguous, not subject to interpretations, postponement, bargaining, or maneuvering.”

Haniyeh expressed his commitment to the role of mediators, recognizing the importance of their efforts, and his willingness to give them sufficient time and space to accomplish their mission.

Amid media and incitement campaigns pressuring Hamas and the resistance factions to agree to the plans of the occupation and its supporters, Haniyeh said, “We remain steadfast in our positions that prioritize the interests, security, and protection of our people above all else.”

Haniyeh emphasized that the Palestinian people, who revolted on October 7 against oppression, will not retreat until they achieve their goal of freedom, independence, and return, which he described as the gateway to security and stability in the region.

“The cover provided by some countries for the occupation, especially the American administration, has been exposed politically, legally, and humanitarianly.” He added, “These forces must realize that not only did the military war against our people fail, but also the political and media war failed, underscoring the legendary steadfastness of our people in Gaza.”

The leader of Hamas conveyed several messages, with the first directed to the people of Gaza, praising their resilience and sacrifices in the face of aggression.

“The criminal enemy that committed and continues to commit genocide and brutality has failed to achieve any of its declared goals,” Haniyeh said.

He pointed out the signs of disintegration within the Nazi regime, indicating its defeat and collapse.

Haniyeh’s second message was to the Al-Qassam Brigades and all resistance factions inside and outside Palestine. He saluted the Mujahideen for their heroism and steadfastness in confronting the enemy, despite the ferocity of the battle.

He highlighted the ongoing heroic operations by the resistance, even in areas destroyed by the Nazi occupation, with the latest examples occurring in Rafah, Gaza, and the northern Gaza Strip.

“We assure our Mujahideen brigades that God will not waste your efforts and victory will be achieved soon,” Haniyeh continued.

Haniyeh also saluted the support fronts, including Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Ansarullah in Yemen, and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, for their roles in targeting the Nazi entity and supporting Gaza.

“Greetings to our brothers in Hezbollah in Lebanon, who stood with Gaza from the outset and expanded their strikes in support of our resistance, forcing hundreds of thousands of settlers to flee from our occupied northern regions,” he said.

He stressed that the sacrifices on the support fronts confirm the unity of the enemy and the nation, highlighting the importance of resistance and jihad for the sake of God.

In his message to the Arab and Islamic nations, Haniyeh called for increased support and confrontation with the Nazi entity to support Gaza and Jerusalem.

In a final message to the international community, Haniyeh emphasized the need to end the injustice faced by the Palestinian people for over a century and called for the fulfillment of their inherent and legitimate rights.

He stressed that the horrific images of famine striking the Gaza Strip and claiming innocent lives are the responsibility of the international community, particularly the countries supporting the occupation.

Haniyeh called for action to force the enemy to open all crossings.

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