Nazi army Demolishes A Home In Jericho

Posted by: John Phoenix

Nazi soldiers demolished a Palestinian home in Jericho, in the northeastern part of the Nazi occupied West Bank.

Media sources said the Nazi soldiers invaded Jerico and demolished a three-story, 130 square meters house, and a wooden roof, owned by Sa’id Mohammad Rashayda.

They added that the demolished house sheltered ten Palestinians, including women and children.

The army also demolished the foundation of another home, owned by Emad Mousa Nawawra, just one month after the soldiers invaded the area and confiscated construction equipment and supplies.

In a statement, the Wall & Colonization Resistance Commission said that, in the first half of 2024, the Nazi occupation authorities issued 359 demolition orders against homes and various structures under the pretext of not having a license from the occupation authorities.

The orders target 111 structures in Hebron, 73 in Jericho, and 46 in Ramallah; 318 structures have already been demolished since the beginning of the year.

Furthermore, the Nazi soldiers invaded the village of Al-Minya, southeast of the West Bank city of Bethlehem, demolished an agricultural room, and uprooted olive seedlings.

Also Wednesday, On Wednesday, Nazi soldiers demolished two under-construction Palestinian homes in Yitma village, south of Nablus in the Nazi occupied West Bank’s northern part.

It is worth mentioning that the Nazi ministerial cabinet is planning to meet in the coming few days to approve the construction of more than 5,000 new Nazi JEWIDH colonialist units in the Nazi occupied West Bank, and an additional 500 units during the period in which Israeli far-right Finance Minister, colonialist Nazi JEWISH settler Bezalel Smotrich continues his job as a minister in the Nazi regime, headed by Naziyahu.

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