Americans will be forced to pay insurance companies for overpriced coverage in the middle of a Depression.
by James Buchanan
Despite the loss of more than seven million jobs and the failure of over 150 banks since Obama became president, the Democrats seem determined to destroy what’s left of the US economy. A recent news article reports “the Democratic-controlled Congress approved historic legislation Sunday night extending health care to tens of millions of uninsured Americans…. For the first time, most Americans would be required to purchase insurance, and face penalties if they refused. Much of the money in the bill would be devoted to subsidies to help families at incomes of up to $88,000 a year pay their premiums.”
So basically the government is “giving” us health care by forcing us to pay for it. Americans were hit with a similar swindle before in the form of mandatory car insurance. State after state forced their citizens to buy insurance because the politicians just couldn’t bare the thought of uninsured drivers running loose on the roads.
The insurance companies gained hundreds of billions of dollars in premiums, and gouged the hell out of consumers charging outrageous rates while the politicians provided no oversight. Then, to cap this swindle off, the polticians allowed in millions of illegal aliens, who are driving around our streets and highways with no insurance, proving that the politicians never really cared about drivers being insured in the first place. It was all a gigantic swindle for the insurance companies.
Well, one good swindle deserves another. Now our politicians are seeking to force tens of millions of Americans, many of whom are in their 20s and 30s and in perfect health, to buy medical insurance. People who refuse to buy medical insurance will be heavily fined. The Constitution does NOT allow the federal government to pass bills that force us to buy medical insurance.
A Constitutional Amendment should have been passed, which requires a two-thirds vote, but why should the Obama regime allow the Constitution to influence him. After all, the Consistution says that president has to be a natural born citizen and Obama has refused to provide his birth records to prove he is even qualified for the job.
There’s one other little problem remaining. The US economy is 70 percent dependent on consumer spending. What will happen to consumer spending when tens of millions of middle class Americans are forced to hand over $1000 or more per month to the insurance companies? This new law the Democrats have voted for will eliminate hundreds of billions in consumer spending per year. Why are the Democrats forcing this bill through now? Pehaps this is perparation for an Amnesty for 30 million illlegal aliens.
County hospitals are going broke trying to provide health care for millions of poor Mexicans in the southwest US. By imposing a massive new tax in the disguise of a “health care bill”, Obama wil be able to generate hundreds of billions of dollars to continue to provide free health care for a growing invasion of Mexicans. The Democrats next move will be to make them citizens with an Amnesty. After all, that’s the only way the Democrats can make up the votes that they’re going to lose from forcing this health care bill on us.

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