In the following video, popular Jewish preacher Rabbi Amnon Levy, warns world Jewry about the forthcoming apocalyptic war (Gog and Magog). You can hear all the necessary ingredients: The ‘Arabs want to throw us to the sea’ (0:47), Antisemitism will rise and Jews will be chased wherever they are.
Diaspora Jews, according to Levy, better move to Israel immediately because Jews will be blamed for this colossal war. “As much as they (the Goyim) blame the Jews for the current financial turmoil, once antisemitism shows its face, every Jew will face a grave danger.”
According to Rabbi Levy, some Biblical reading backs the horrific scenario. However, here is the good news-Jews do not have to worry too much-their revengeful God is promised to deliver (7:58) and retaliate in the name of his people-“4 billion people are predicted to perish.”
This video is more than just a glimpse into Jewish Pre Traumatic Stress Disorder (Pre-TSD), a unique mental condition in which an imaginary phantasmic future scenario shapes one’s behaviour in the present.
Within the realm of Pre-TSD, an illusion pre-empts reality and the condition in which the fantasy of terror is focussed is itself becoming grave reality. If it is taken to extremes, even an agenda of total war against the rest of the world is not an unthinkable reaction.
This talk takes place in a sold out concert hall. We are dealing here with a deranged ideology and a very problematic collective identity- their ideas, politics and actions may as well be a grave and immediate danger to world peace.
For English translation click the cc button at the bottom of the Youtube window