Who is the new Tunisian President Qais Said?


Quds News Agency: The dust of the election campaign has eased towards the Carthage Palace, with the victory of the Tunisian candidate, Qais Saeed, presided over by the Tunisian Republic. Who is the owner of the saying, “We are at war with the Zionist entity and normalization is a wrong description, but is a great betrayal of the homeland?”

Birth and upbringing

Qais Saeed was born on February 22, 1958 in Tunis, and holds a certificate of in-depth studies in public international law from the Faculty of Law and Political Science, and also holds a diploma of the International Academy of Constitutional Law, and another diploma from the International Institute of Humanitarian Law in San Remo, Italy.

Said started his career in 1986 as a lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Economic and Political Sciences in Sousse, then he taught in 1999 at the Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences in Tunis.

Said between 1989 and 1990 became the decision of two committees to amend the draft Arab League Charter and the draft statute for the Arab Court of Justice.

Qais Said father of three children, also worked as an expert with the Arab Institute for Human Rights from 1993 to 1995, and after two years he was a member of the Scientific Council and a member of the Board of Directors of the International Academy of Constitutional Law, and he is also president of the Tunis Center for Constitutional Law for Democracy (independent).

Normalization is a great betrayal

The new Tunisian president says during a televised debate a few days before the elections: “We are at war with the Zionist entity … The natural state is that we are at war with a usurper entity that has displaced people and still occupies Arab land”, stressing that the word normalization is wrong, and the precise term is “The greatest betrayal of the homeland.”

Flashes of thought

Qais Saeed introduces himself as an independent, and tends to some conservative ideas, as some believe that he is attached to the religious authority, and they cited this by standing against the law presented by the late Tunisian President Essebsi, as Saeed rejects equality between men and women in the inheritance, and stressed that he will not work to interpret a Quranic text And the issue is settled, frank and clear in it, and there is no need for interpretation, “We are neither a waste nor a garden, but a state,” according to Saeed.

Others cited his Islamic reference with his previous tweet via “Twitter”, as he reviewed the name of Omar Bin Al-Khattab as an example of justice and freedom, and Saeed said in his tweet: “Tunisians prepared justice, freedom and the rule of law along the lines of Al-Faruq Omar bin Al-Khattab, who is considered a statesman with distinction and a role model. In firmness and justice. “

It is calculated that the new Tunisian President, Qais Said, refused to start his election campaign, after the Tunisian authorities detained his opponent and rival in the elections, Nabil Karoui.

نقلت تقارير إعلامية عن قيس سعيد بأنه “لا يحب البروتوكولات، ولن يسكن في قصر قرطاج”، ولن تكون زوجته القاضية “سيدة تونس الأولى”، وأنه سيعيش بسيطًا كأي تونسي.

من الانتقادات التي واجهها قيس سعيد قبل فوزه، اتهاماتٌ لاحقته بركوب موجة الثورة التونسية لتحقيق مطامع ذاتية، وعدم تصديه بشكل فعال للنظام السابق.

ورد سعيّد بأنه لم يكن ثوريًا ومعارضًا للنظام السابق بالمعنى المتعارف عليه، لكنه رفض مناصب عديدة في العهد السابق، مضيفًا: “قلت (لا) يوم كان البعض ممن يظهرون اليوم في وسائل الإعلام يتمنون الاقتراب من دائرة القرار”.

قال سعيد خلال حملته الانتخابية: “أنا لا أبيع الوهم للشعب التونسي، وبرنامجي واضح، وهو أن الشعب مصدر السلطات، والدستور ينبغي أن يكون قاعديًا، ولا توجد ما تسمى دولة مدنية ولا دينية”، ويرى سعيّد كذلك أن السلطة بيد الشعب وهو من يقرر مصيره وخياراته، وحمل شعاره الانتخابي عنوان “الشعب يريد”.

The new Tunisian president, Qais Sa’id, adhered to his personality as an independent and refused to alliance with any political bloc, and he did not want the state to finance his election campaign “in order not to be constrained and mortgaged on any financial and political front,” according to Sa’id.

The first word after winning

After the semi-final results emerged and Qais Saeed announced his victory, he stressed that Palestine will be at the forefront of the issues that he will work to support externally.

Saeed said: “Relations within the Tunisian interior will be built on the basis of trust and responsibility. We need to renew trust between rulers and ruled and we will work with the rules of the constitution and we will work for transit issues, the first of which is the Palestinian issue, and I wish that the Palestinian flag would be next to the Tunisian flag here.”

Addressing the Tunisian people, he added: “You have dazzled the world by giving you your blood with your blood, to reassure everyone and I will carry the message, and the honesty, in all sincerity and sincerity, with its burdens and burdens towards a new Tunisia that was formulated by the people in 2011.”

Sources: Anatolia + BBC + agencies

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