Palestinians in Syria No loyalty, naturalization, and renewed displacement.

The difficulty of picking sides | The Economist

Byl Dr Adel Samara

Palestinians in SyriaNo loyalty, naturalization, and renewed displacement.

Recently, news, writings, and talks about the Palestinian Authority embassy granting small facilities and fees to obtain a Palestinian passport with a fee of only ten dollars, within the facilitation of their exit from Syria through the Turkish enemy state.Hadiths also advised that there are those who are paying the Palestinian Authority passport ticket, which is not sure, but the existence of a Palestinian body belonging to the coalition government ′′ Syrian opposition to the Syrian state and patriotism ′′ that takes over their situation.

There and provide them with facilities and aid. This begs the question: What facilities are from a team that betrays their country!Nor is it clear whether the departure abandons or withdraws from him the document he obtained from the Syrian state.Friends and comrades in Syria say that “… it raises a lot of controversy and questions we did not get any answers from the representatives of the Palestinian Authority or the concerned authorities here, and it happened surprisingly months ago, and the Syrian authorities condone…!? because they were warning earlier Those who hold Palestinian Syrian travel documents… but now allow….!? as I knew it, at the request of the Palestinian Authority “.This means that the Palestinian Authority declares its position on the matter, although citizenship means that it accepts unattended.Syria, with various regulations passed, received Palestine refugees since the rape of Palestine 1948 and granted them full rights of the Syrian Arab, except Syrian citizenship, to preserve their right to return. The Palestinians have entered all areas of life in Syria, whether schools, universities, free doctors, housing, army, economy, and even participation in coups.

Iraq also gave the Palestinians the same rights.But the Arab Spring / Autumn brought serious updates that put the loyalty and loyalty of the Palestinians at the stake. When the Syrian homeland was exposed to a globalized war from the counter-revolution, only some Palestinians fought alongside Syria, covering this with spider justifications. Some Palestinian factions fought against the Syrian state and even contributed to the destruction and abandonment of Yarmouk camp.Today, what is the wisdom to naturalize Palestinians in Syria!Is it permissible for a Palestinian not to endure the suffering as the Syrian Arabian endures? Forget about the customers, ignorant and simple. Is Syria just a free hotel from which the Palestinian takes pleasure and when the crisis turns its back?Perhaps the exit of these people eases some of the burden of the Syrian state today.

But the matter is not purely living.It is normal for a Palestinian outside Palestine to leave his refuge only if it is to return to Palestine. In this process or developments, there is absolutely no chance or even expectations that Palestinian citizenship will return outside the bank and the sector to the occupier 1967.I still remember when Palestinians in Libya were engaged in Oslo agreements, the state asked them to go to the ′′ Palestinian State ′′ and of course they stayed on the border and then the false writings against Colonel Gaddafi collapsed!Whoever reads the Oslo Accords discovers that the Palestinian according to these agreements lives in the Occupied 1967 at the time of signing the agreements. Neither nor will any Palestinian outside these two parts of Palestine be allowed to return except in a humanitarian advocacy process, namely ′′ family reunion ′′ This is like drip irrigation and most of the times prohibited. That is, turning the political issue into charity case from several descriptions!The entity is clear in its position to prevent the return of any Palestinian except through the pipe of charity.

Many Palestinian Zionists and Zionists have written about the inadmissibility and the unrealistic right of return – of course.About these situations can be referred to our book (Dr. Adel Samarah Palestinian refugees and introduction of defeat: Reading in the removal of the right to return, Dar Al-Kenouz literary publications Beirut 2000)In this context, the retired Zionist general Shlomo Gazette, which many Palestinian Zionists copied – you can find this in my book himself:′′ There is no doubt that it is dangerous for Israel to allow refugees to choose between obtaining their right to return to Israel and their right to return to a future Palestinian State (with appropriate compensation) (p. 51 That is, there is no return even to the 1967 occupier. What is the wisdom of the Palestinian Authority facilitating the exit of the Palestinians to a new diaspora? Even if it was the reason for the hardship of living in a country that embraced them and disbelieved when a globalized aggression occurred? Isn’t this involved in filtering the issue demographically as long as they have no chance to enter the occupier 1967 except as visitors and visas.On the other hand, on the other hand, leaving through Turkey as an enemy, and in coordination with the ′′ government ′′ of the counter revolution as an enemy too, can force or tempt them to engage in terrorist organizations, is this a suitable penalty for Syria?Some might say, and why does Syria allow them to?

And the answer is, imagine why Syria prevented them? Wouldn’t it become to say that Syria allows Syrians to search for a better life, or turn a blind eye to Syrians who abandoned their patriotism, while keeping Palestinians to operate with forced labour. This is not to mention taking out a CD :”Independent National Decision”!And as long as the authority doesn’t talk about it, why do factions shut up either inside or outside the organization? What’s in their mouth? Will we hear tomorrow about the application of this public conspiracy to the Palestinians of the Lebanese entity?  · See original  · 

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