
What would a real ‘popular front’ look like in France in 2024?

What would a real ‘popular front’ look like in France in 2024?

Posted by: John Phoenix Under cover of ‘uniting against fascism’, French workers are being asked to align themselves with the true instigators of fascism and war. Georges Gastaud Subscribe to our  channel Much of the faux left in the west is drooling over the surprise election victory of the ‘New Popular Front’ in France, which supposedly came together with the ‘centre’ (including standing down for Macron’s party in some seats) to ‘stop the far right’ and ‘oppose fascism’. By aligning themselves with Euro-Atlanticist social democrats and greens, however, all the supposedly ‘far left’ have done is to expose themselves entirely in the eyes of the masses. By no measure can the forces represented by rabid warmongers such Emmanuel Macron and Raphaël Glucksmann be less of ...
French government fines TV news for allowing a skeptic to speak without being challenged

French government fines TV news for allowing a skeptic to speak without being challenged

Posted by: John Phoenix We know what secrets they fear the most, by how they overreact By Jo Nova | July 13, 2024 In France, the second largest news network let an economist go on air and declare he thought global warming was a lie and a scam used to justify State intervention. He even went on to say it is a form of totalitarianism. Shockingly (to the regulators Arcom*), the CNEWS TV* hosts did not contest this, and nor did anyone else in the studio. For this, 11 months later, the TV channel is being fined €20,000. Too close to the truth then? A popular French rolling news channel has been fined for broadcasting climate scepticism unchallenged By Saskia O’Donoghue, EuroNews During the programme, prominent economist Philippe Herlin shared personal clim...
Le Pen pledges to block troop deployment to Ukraine
France, Ukraine

Le Pen pledges to block troop deployment to Ukraine

Posted by: John Phoenix The right-wing party National Rally will also prohibit Kiev from using French weaponry on Russian soil ©  Getty Images / LightRocket / Marcos del Mazo France’s right-wing National Rally (RN) party will block potential troop deployments to Ukraine and bar Kiev from using French-supplied weaponry to strike Russian soil should it emerge victorious in the parliamentary elections and secure the office of prime minister of the country, Marine Le Pen, the former long-time leader of the party, has said. She made the remarks on Thursday in an interview with CNN ahead of the second round of voting scheduled for Sunday. The final say on the potential deployment of French troops to Ukraine belongs to the prime minister, and the stance of President Emm...
Why the French chose the ‘radical far right’ over Macron’s establishment

Why the French chose the ‘radical far right’ over Macron’s establishment

Posted by: John Phoenix The overconfident president got what was coming when his party suffered a massive defeat in the first round of the national election By Rachel Marsden, a columnist, political strategist, and host of independently produced talk-shows in French and English. FILE PHOTO. France's President Emmanuel Macron speaks to the press at the end of the European Council Summit at the EU headquarters in Brussels on June 28, 2024. ©  Ludovic MARIN / AFP French President Emmanuel Macron figured that he would toss a grenade at the anti-establishment right that beat his team in the European parliamentary elections last month, as Le Monde reported. He apparently figured that even though French voters favored Marine Le Pen’s ...
Anti-Semitism ‘exploding’ in France

Anti-Semitism ‘exploding’ in France

Posted by: John Phoenix The country has seen a rise in all types of racism, a report has found 'Why Be Racist?' is painted on the side of a school in Marseille, France. The flag of Morocco is in the upper right hand corner. ©  Getty Images/Sean_Warren Racism, anti-Semitism, and xenophobia are on the rise in France and tolerance is declining, the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH) said in an annual report published on Thursday. According to the report, 2023 was marked by a “very sharp” 32% increase in racist acts, and a 284% “explosion” of anti-Semitic acts, as per Interior Ministry statistics. Among the reasons for the trend, the report cites Israel’s offensive against Hamas in Gaza, polarizing debate over recent ...
Macron just threw a live grenade at his own feet

Macron just threw a live grenade at his own feet

Posted by: John Phoenix The French president could be on the verge of regime-changing himself, with his establishment party’s support below that of the opposition. By Rachel Marsden, a columnist, political strategist, and host of independently produced talk-shows in French and English. French President Emmanuel Macron. ©  ludovic MARIN/AFP The latest French national polls show a final face off between the anti-establishment right and left, and the total decimation of President Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance party. Looks like he may have fooled himself into thinking that dumping all over the political chessboard was a big-brained three-dimensional move.  In the wake of the anti-establishment National Rally party winn...
French first lady transgender libel case goes to trial

French first lady transgender libel case goes to trial

Posted by: John Phoenix Courts previously ruled Brigitte Macron had no cause for an invasion of privacy or violation of public image prosecution French President Emmanuel Macron and first lady Brigitte Macron, Paris, France, June 8, 2024. © Getty Images / Marc Piasecki Two women have gone on trial for defamation in France after claiming that President Emmauel Macron’s wife, Brigitte, was a man once named “Jean-Michel,” France24 reported on Thursday.  Amandine Roy, a self-proclaimed spiritual medium, was questioned in a Paris court on Wednesday, while the second defendant, independent journalist Natacha Rey, cited illness and was absent. In a 2021 interview, Roy quizzed Rey on her YouTube channel, where the journalist aired the theory that B...
Le Pen comments on ousting Macron

Le Pen comments on ousting Macron

Posted by: John Phoenix The French president called a snap general election after the National Rally trounced his party in the EU parliamentary vote. The head of France’s right-wing National Rally party in parliament, Marine Le Pen. ©  STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN/AFP Marine Le Pen has said she will not seek the immediate removal of President Emmanuel Macron from office should her National Rally (NR) party come out on top in France's upcoming general election.  The former long-time NR leader currently heads the party’s faction in  parliament. Macron called a snap election after his party lost spectacularly to the NR in the EU parliamentary elections earlier this month. Le Pen, who has run for president three times in the past, has been a vocal ...
#FreeBashir: Iranian music maestro victim of French repression of pro-Gaza activism
France, Gaza, Iran, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

#FreeBashir: Iranian music maestro victim of French repression of pro-Gaza activism

Posted by: John Phoenix By Ivan Kesic Last week, in a move widely condemned as part of the French government’s ongoing repression of pro-Palestinian activism amid the Nazi Holocaust on Gaza, an Iranian national was arrested in France. Bashir Biazar, a renowned music maestro and cultural figure, has been languishing in a French jail for the past week after being accused of “supporting terrorism” and “causing discord in the community” over his advocacy of the Palestinian cause and opposition to the Nazi Holocaust on Gaza. Previously the production manager at the Music and Song Department of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) in Tehran, Biazar was summoned by French police in Paris on June 4 without explanation or a warrant. Much to his surprise, he was ...
French “civil war”? Or a Gladio operation triggered by US Globalist class?

French “civil war”? Or a Gladio operation triggered by US Globalist class?

I unpack the recent ramping up of violence in France on UK Column News VANESSA BEELEY AI image circulating on social media. On UK Column News 5th July I unpack the recent increase in violence in France and the surge of right-wing propaganda criminalising France’s Muslim population. For context I include an excerpt of something I wrote in 2021 about the 1961 massacre of Algerian refugees in Paris and I recommend watching this short animated movie called Tears of the Seine. The refusal to recognize victims boils down to a message that one person’s life doesn’t have the same value as another’s. And 17 October 1961 shows that the life of an Algerian was worth very little. This sign of contempt and injustice is still felt in diffuse ways by new generations ...