
Brazilian experts warn of the risk of western intervention in the Amazon region

Brazilian experts warn of the risk of western intervention in the Amazon region

By Raphael Machado | Strategic Culture Foundation | June 17, 2024 On June 11, an important debate took place in the Brazilian Congress which could have some interesting repercussions. The event, called the “Debate on National Sovereignty in the 21st Century,” was held within the scope of the Foreign Relations and National Defense Committee of Congress, organized at the request of Representative Luiz Philippe de Orleans e Bragança. The debate, held within one of the most important committees of the Brazilian Congress (as it deals precisely with fundamental state issues), included the participation of important specialists in military and intelligence matters, such as Commander Robinson Farinazzo, officer of the Brazilian Navy, the defense analyst Albert Caballé, and Profes...
Lula, el genocidio de Israel y el racismo en los medios corporativos brasileños
Brazil, ZIO-NAZI

Lula, el genocidio de Israel y el racismo en los medios corporativos brasileños

Para los medios corporativos y la clase política brasileña, incluso las elecciones municipales tienen un peso moral mayor que el exterminio de una población by Gabriel Rocha Gaspar Lula en la Cumbre de la Unión Africana en Addis Abeba, Etiopía, donde fue noticia con sus comentarios sobre el genocidio en Gaza (Foto: Ricardo Stuckert) Read in English here “La tradición diplomática brasileña se basa en la resolución de problemas. El ‘incidente’ con Israel va en la dirección opuesta y afecta no sólo a la imagen de nuestro país, sino también al curso de los temas que realmente importan a la población en un año electoral”. Con estas palabras, el presentador del talk show más conocido de Brasil, Roda Viva, cerró la edición del pasado lunes, que tuvo como invit...
Brazil, What Now? An Execution in Rio

Brazil, What Now? An Execution in Rio

BY JEAN WYLLYS – JULIE WARK Image: Jean Wyllys. What do you do when a superficially random killing can be read as a warning to you and a lot of people in your political circle? And not just them, but your family members and friends as well. What is, at first sight, random terror then becomes something close to total terror. Early on Thursday morning, 5 October, four orthopedic surgeons from São Paolo who were attending a conference in the upmarket neighborhood of Barra da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro were about to leave a nearby beachfront eatery called Nana 2 when three black-clad gunmen leaped from a white SUV and opened fire, thirty-three rounds in thirty seconds. Three of the four doctors, Diego Ralf Bomfin, Marcos de Andrade Corsato, and Perseo Ribeiro Almeida died in the at...
Indigenous Voices Bring a Reality Check at the Assembly of the Peoples of the Earth for the Amazon
Brazil, Environment

Indigenous Voices Bring a Reality Check at the Assembly of the Peoples of the Earth for the Amazon

BY GABRIEL LEÃO Telma Taurepang. Photo: Isaka Hunikui. Peoples’ movements from the pan-Amazon countries published a collective letter with a series of demands in defense of the biome and delivered it to the heads of state meeting at the Amazon Summit on August 8. The movements met in a parallel summit in Belém that emphasized indigenous unity and leadership in the face of the crisis facing the region. The ‘Assembly of the Peoples of The Earth for the Amazon’ held  August 4-9 in Belém in the state of Pará, northern Brazil, sent a powerful message to the heads of state who were meeting in the Amazon Summit: Indigenous peoples are the key to avoiding a point of no return for the life-giving Amazon rainforest and their voices should be heard. The peoples’ assembly gathere...
Brazil, C.I.A


Kit Klarenburg delves into the brutality meted out during the tenure of former President Jair Bolsonar by Brazil’s infamous Rural Indigenous Guard—an undercover, lethal elite police force clandestinely established by the CIA. From April 1964 to March 1985, a military junta ruled Brazil with an iron fist. Its crimes against humanity throughout this period were extensive, including institutionalized torture, imprisonment, forced disappearances and mass murder. Typically, the victims were political opponents of the regime, although the country’s indigenous population was a specific, dedicated target. In most cases, their crime was objecting to economic “reform” projects that destroyed their homes or simply living in the wrong place at the wrong time. With the backing and ...
NATO cheerleader advocates breaking up Brazil
Brazil, NATO

NATO cheerleader advocates breaking up Brazil

The largest country in South America would be broken up into five statelets under a plan floated on social media ©  Getty Images / omersukrugoksu Austrian economist Gunther Fehlinger has called for Brazil to be divided up into five different states over its partnership with Russia in the BRICS group, according to a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday. Fehlinger, whose profile describes him as “Chair of European Committee for NATO Enlargement for Kosovo, Ukraine, Bosnia, Austria, Moldova, Ireland, Georgia,” couched his demands in an appeal to “the people of Brazil,” insisting they could only be free by “dismantling the Socialist Genocidal BRICS Ally of Russia” – and that they had been misled by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Brazil should be bro...
Russia overtakes US to become Brazil’s top fuel supplier
Brazil, Russia, USA

Russia overtakes US to become Brazil’s top fuel supplier

Exports of petroleum products are expected to surge to record levels, the outlet says  ©  Getty Images / Image source RF / Mischa Keijser Brazil has increased purchases of Russian petroleum products, with imports set to reach record levels this month, Bloomberg reported on Thursday, citing commodity tracking data by energy analytics firm Kpler.  In an effort to build new markets, Moscow has been strengthening its position as a leading fuel exporter to the Latin American country since the EU and G7 imposed an embargo accompanied by price caps on Russian oil and petroleum products in early February, the outlet said.  The Western ban on Russia’s seaborne exports of crude and oil products triggered a reshuffle in the global oil supply, prompting Moscow...
Stop ‘thinking about war,’ Lula tells Biden
Brazil, Ukraine, USA

Stop ‘thinking about war,’ Lula tells Biden

The Brazilian leader has claimed that he will try to persuade the US president to focus on investment rather than conflict US President Joe Biden (right) greets Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva during the Brazilian president's visit to the White House in February. © Getty Images / Alex Wong Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has unveiled a new campaign to boost infrastructure spending and attract foreign investment, partly by making an anti-war appeal to US commander-in-chief Joe Biden. “We are going to tell Biden …, the United States has only been thinking about war for many years and not thinking about investment in Brazil,” Lula said on Friday at an event in Rio de Janeiro to rally support for the spending program. “Spend a little mon...
The Rise of the South: Can BRICS Weaken the Dominance of the IMF and World Bank?
Brazil, USA

The Rise of the South: Can BRICS Weaken the Dominance of the IMF and World Bank?

BY RAMZY BAROUD Photograph Source: Sintegrity – CC BY-SA 4.0 Who would have expected that the BRICS nations could rise as the potential rival of the G7 countries, the World Bank and the IMF combined? But that once seemingly distant possibility now has real prospects which could change the political equilibrium of world politics. BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. It was supposedly coined by the Chief Economist of Goldman Sachs in 2001, as a reference to the world’s emerging economies. It was then known as BRIC, with the ‘S’ added later, when South Africa formally joined the group in 2010. BRIC’s first official summit took place in 2009. Then, the discussion seemed largely abstract. However, not until 20...
Lula’s China trip proves Latin America is no longer the ‘backyard’ of the US
Brazil, China, USA

Lula’s China trip proves Latin America is no longer the ‘backyard’ of the US

The Brazilian president has asserted his country’s role as a player in its own right in the new multipolar world By Oliver Vargas, a Latin America-based journalist, co-founder of Kawsachun News and host of the 'Latin America Review' podcast Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) and Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, accompanied by their wives, attending a welcome ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on April 14, 2023. ©  Ricardo STUCKERT / Brazilian Presidency / AFP Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has just returned from his highly anticipated and successful trip to China, generating optimism and enthusiasm for an enhanced role for Latin America as it emerges from the shadow of the US. Chinese President Xi Jinping’s wel...