
Spanish government continues to supply Ukraine with weapons despite increasing poverty
Russia, Spain, Ukraine

Spanish government continues to supply Ukraine with weapons despite increasing poverty

 By:Drago Bosnic VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contractsSource: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher Spain is supplying Ukraine with US-made TOW anti-tank missile systems, although the deliveries are not registered in documents. Madrid is evidently prioritising support for Ukraine in its war against Russia despite the conflict occurring nearly 3,000 kilometres away and poverty increasing in the Iberian country. The thank you video released by Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence shows th...
17 Spanish trade unions issue a historic statement of solidarity with Gaza, its resistance, and boycott of the Nazi entity

17 Spanish trade unions issue a historic statement of solidarity with Gaza, its resistance, and boycott of the Nazi entity

17 trade unions in Spain issued a historic statement of solidarity with Palestine and its military resistance in the face of the Nazi occupation, through an open statement to the Spanish House of Representatives and the government to sever relations with Israel. Under the title “Palestine is not a lost cause,” the statement said, “Class unions and organizations representing workers want to address a very important issue at this time, the first of which is the relationship of the Spanish state with Israel and its Zionist government.” He added, "In recent days, we have witnessed tragic events for the Palestinian people, who have suffered for decades from occupation, apartheid, and injustice, committed by the Israeli Zionist governments and their army, since October 7, from war cri...
Guernica stands in solidarity with Gaza
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, Spain, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Guernica stands in solidarity with Gaza

The people of Guernica, which was bombed by fascists and Nazis during the Spanish Civil War, urged the international community to share the suffering of the Palestinian people who are reeling under relentless Israeli bombing. By: Peoples Dispatch An aerial view of the Palestine solidarity event held at Pasialeku Market Place in Guernica (screenshot from PAME Video) On Friday, December 8, thousands of people from the Basque city of Guernica hit the city center in a stunning display of solidarity with the people of Gaza who are facing Israel’s genocidal attacks. The thousands who assembled at the Pasialeku Market Place in Guernica formed a human mosaic depicting the Palestinian flag and part of Pablo Picasso’s famed anti-war painting, Guernica. In the event organized by the ...
17 Spanish trade unions issue a historic statement of solidarity with Gaza, its resistance, and boycott of the Nazi entity
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, Spain, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

17 Spanish trade unions issue a historic statement of solidarity with Gaza, its resistance, and boycott of the Nazi entity

17 trade unions in Spain issued a historic statement of solidarity with Palestine and its military resistance in the face of the Nazi occupation, through an open statement to the Spanish House of Representatives and the government to sever relations with the Nazi entity. Under the title “Palestine is not a lost cause,” the statement said, “Class unions and organizations representing workers want to address a very important issue at this time, the first of which is the relationship of the Spanish state with Israel and its Zionist government.” He added, "In recent days, we have witnessed tragic events for the Palestinian people, who have suffered for decades from occupation, apartheid, and injustice, committed by the Israeli Zionist governments and their army, since October 7, fro...
Spanish minister denounces Nazi ‘genocide’ in Gaza
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, Spain, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Spanish minister denounces Nazi ‘genocide’ in Gaza

PM Netanyahu should be prosecuted for war crimes, the leader of the Podemos party has said FILE PHOTO: Ione Belarra, head of the Podemos party in Spain. ©  OSCAR DEL POZO / AFP Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu need to be tried by the International Criminal Court (ICC), Spanish Minister for Social Rights Ione Belarra said on Monday. “Israel is carrying out a planned genocide” in Gaza by leaving hundreds of thousands of Palestinians without water, food, and electricity, Belarra, who is the leader of Podemos, a junior partner in the ruling coalition, claimed. She further described the move as a serious breach of international law and a possible war crime. Belarra also accused 'Israel' of “unspeakable hypocrisy” for what she described as using the horrific murders of ...
Unwanted Kisses: Spain and the Future of Feminism

Unwanted Kisses: Spain and the Future of Feminism

BY VICTOR LASA Photograph Source: Estevoaei – CC BY-SA 4.0 Feminism is the most crucial democratizing power in the world today. The first time I heard this statement made by the still Minister for Equality in Spain, Irene Montero (Podemos), I did not believe it fully applied to an advanced European democracy. But I was to be woken up by reality only a few months later, together with the rest of the country. On August 20th, the Spanish female national team won its first World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, the most successful female sporting event in football, being the most viewed ever. It was a historic achievement that transcended the realm of sports. This was the same team that only eight months before had to rebel against one of the most powerful institutions in a co...
Over 60 Spain-bound African migrants thought drowned in Atlantic
Africa, Human Rights, Spain

Over 60 Spain-bound African migrants thought drowned in Atlantic

Authorities say a fishing boat that set out a month ago with over 100 passengers has been found FILE PHOTO. ©  Samuel Nacar / SOPA Images / LightRocket via Getty Images A migrant boat that left Senegal last month was discovered off the coast of Cape Verde earlier this week, with more than 60 of those originally on board presumed dead, the UN's International Organization of Migration agency (IOM) and local authorities said on Wednesday. IOM spokesperson Safa Msehli told the media that a Spanish vessel had rescued at least 38 people, including four children, from the fishing boat near the Atlantic island nation on Monday. The rescuers also found the bodies of seven people on board the vessel, according to Msehli. Senegal’s foreign ministry said in a stateme...
Spanish communist Miguel Ángel on the war in Ukraine and our tasks
Spain, Ukraine

Spanish communist Miguel Ángel on the war in Ukraine and our tasks

The ‘leftism’ of certain organisations is as useful to imperialism as right-wing revisionism or reformism, and must be resolutely opposed. Miguel Angel Subscribe to our  channel Iniciativa Comunista and Union Proletaria held a joint anti-Nato demonstration in Madrid in March. The following speech was delivered by Miguel Ángel Villalón on behalf of Unión Proletaria at a joint rally with the Iniciativa Comunista in Spain. All emphasis is ours. ***** Good afternoon, comrades. I bring you greetings from Unión Proletaria. I will try to clarify from our point of view what the proletarian-communist position should be in relation to the conflict in Ukraine (as well as in relation to international conflicts in general), particularly in an imp...
Civil society organizations welcome Barcelona’s suspension of institutional relations with the Nazi entity
Palestine Affairs, Spain, ZIO-NAZI

Civil society organizations welcome Barcelona’s suspension of institutional relations with the Nazi entity

Eight-eight Palestinian, regional and international civil society organizations welcomed the announcement by the Barcelona City Council to suspend all institutional relations with Nazi apartheid 'Israel'. On 8 February, the Mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, sent a letter to Nazi PM Benjamin Naziyahu officially announcing that the Barcelona City Council will cut ties with the Nazi regime and its institutions, including the twinning agreement with the Tel Aviv City Council, “until Israeli authorities put an end to the system of violations of Palestinian human rights.” “We salute the Mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, for taking this courageous, principled, and historic step in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and their right to self-determination,” said the 88 organizations. “Inde...
Grain from Ukraine went to pigs in Spain
Spain, Ukraine

Grain from Ukraine went to pigs in Spain

The scheme to prevent famine in Africa may have benefited producers of Spanish ham instead File photo: Jamon Iberico de Bellota is sliced during a competition in Madrid ©  Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images Almost half of the Ukrainian wheat and corn exports to the EU ended up feeding the pigs in Spain to produce the world-famous and expensive jamon, according to an investigation by the Austrian outlet eXXpress. The bloc ended up accounting for most of Kiev’s grain exports, even though the Black Sea corridor was advertised as a way to feed Africa and Asia. An estimated 2.9 million tons of wheat and corn from Ukraine ended up in Spain, where it was used as animal feed, the Austrian outlet said on Monday. According to eXXpress, only 15% of the export...