
Derry Marches in Solidarity with Palestine
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Ireland, Palestine Affairs, United Kingdom, USA, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Derry Marches in Solidarity with Palestine

Derry, Ireland, January 13, 2024. For IMEMC News, Niall Ó Brolcháin:  As Apartheid Nazi continues pounding the captive and besieged people of Gaza with indiscriminate bombing and a full-scale invasion, all with the blessing of Western powers, the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) held emergency solidarity rallies throughout Ireland in support of the Palestinian people. In Derry, thousands of people took to the streets again to call for an immediate end to the Nazi war on Gaza. The march, organised by the Derry branch of the IPSC (Derry IPSC), took the historic civil rights march route of 1968, leaving the train station at 12pm and finishing at the Guildhall. The march was part of an International Day of Action for Palestine. Similar events were held ...
Gaza and Muslim Immigration to Europe

Gaza and Muslim Immigration to Europe

ISRAEL SHAMIR  We are trying our best to figure out – why is Jewry so keen to import as many Muslims to Europe and USA as possible, and at the same time prepare the Gaza genocide? Do they do it out of sheer idealism? Out of compassion (hard to believe)? Or out of silliness? Could it be that this calculating people didn’t take into account that Muslims might react to genocide against Palestinians? Granted, Europeans and Americans did their fair share of protesting, but Jews knew they could shut down the Goyim any time they wanted simply by uttering the magic Jewish spell “Holocaust – Auschwitz”. Yet Jews understand better than anyone that their “fellow Semites” from the Middle East have not accepted the yoke of Holocaust Guilt. Jews are more aware than anyone that Muslims st...
Captain Rock: The Symbol of a Risen People. Paintings and the History of Irish Resistance

Captain Rock: The Symbol of a Risen People. Paintings and the History of Irish Resistance

By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin “My unlucky countrymen have always had a taste for justice, a taste as inconvenient to them, situated as they always have been, as a fancy for horse-racing would be to a Venetian.” —Thomas Moore (1779–1852) – Memoirs of Captain Rock: The Celebrated Irish Chieftain, with Some Account of His Ancestors (1824) The raised or clenched fist is a symbol of unity and solidarity that became associated with trade unionism and the labour movement going back to the 1910s in Europe and the USA. Soon after, it was taken up as a symbol of political unity by socialist, communist and various other revolutionary social movements. The clenched fist is ever more powerful than the individual fingers and in art it has been used as a metaphor for strength in unity o...
Irish republicans challenge sinister ‘debanking’ strategy

Irish republicans challenge sinister ‘debanking’ strategy

‘We will have your house; if you keep going, we will have your car, we will have your kids, we will have your benefits and we will put you in jail.’ Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel The phenomena of ‘de-banking’ is an arms-length, extra-legal but extremely draconian punishment that is being increasingly used to target political activists in such a way that they never get to find out exactly what they are accused of or to defend themselves and their rights in a court of law. This article is reproduced from Republican News with thanks. ***** Saoradh’s national chairperson Stephen Murney and his family are the latest republicans to have their bank accounts frozen at the apparent behest of the British state. Mr Murney a...
Irish republicans challenge sinister ‘debanking’ strategy

Irish republicans challenge sinister ‘debanking’ strategy

‘We will have your house; if you keep going, we will have your car, we will have your kids, we will have your benefits and we will put you in jail.’ Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel The phenomena of ‘de-banking’ is an arms-length, extra-legal but extremely draconian punishment that is being increasingly used to target political activists in such a way that they never get to find out exactly what they are accused of or to defend themselves and their rights in a court of law. This article is reproduced from Republican News with thanks. ***** Saoradh’s national chairperson Stephen Murney and his family are the latest republicans to have their bank accounts frozen at the apparent behest of the British state. Mr Murney a...
Landmark judgment finds murdered Irish teen was blameless
Human Rights, Ireland, United Kingdom

Landmark judgment finds murdered Irish teen was blameless

The wheels of justice? War crimes committed by the British occupiers in northern Ireland fifty years ago are only now being officially acknowledged. Irish Republican News The exoneration of Leo Norney, half a century after his wanton murder and its cover-up by the British army of occupation, reminds us why the British government is so keen to pass its ‘legacy’ bill. The new legislation is aimed at limiting any future investigations and legal action relating to crimes committed by British state forces during the Irish liberation war of 1968-98. This article is reproduced from Irish Republican News with thanks. ***** The family of a teenage boy killed by the British army in 1975 has welcomed an inquest judgment that found he was entirely innocent when he w...
End internment of Irish republicans now

End internment of Irish republicans now

Why are Irish republicans still being imprisoned without charge by British courts, 25 years after the initiation of the peace process? Irish Republican News It is comfortable to think that political prisoners in Ireland are a thing of the past, but the truth is that militant republicans are still being jailed without charge in an ongoing campaign of collective punishment against their movement. This article is reproduced from Irish Republican News with thanks. ***** Increasing numbers of Irish republicans are being detained without bail and with little prospect of facing trial. Members of the Soaradh leadership have now endured three years of ‘internment by remand’. The party is calling on all republicans and human rights groups to speak out about the mo...
Ryanair Flight Attendant Provokes Furious Response
Ireland, United Kingdom, ZIO-NAZI

Ryanair Flight Attendant Provokes Furious Response

Ryanair Flight Attendant Provokes Furious Response After Announcing Flight to 'Tel Aviv' Tel Al Rushrash as Landing in Palestine. By: John Phoenix A Ryanair flight attendant on a recent flight from Italy to Tel Al Rushrach reportedly announced that the aircraft was landing in Palestine, prompting a furious response from Zionist passengers who demanded the crew member either correct herself or issue an apology. Some Zionist Passengers onboard the plane told local media that the flight attendant announced the destination as Palestine several times in both English and Italian. The announcement caused an angry response from some Zionist of the passengers, which resulted in the crew threatening to call the police. In fact, due to the fact that 'Tel Aviv’s' illegal status as be...
Court rules British army tortured Irish prisoner
Ireland, United Kingdom

Court rules British army tortured Irish prisoner

The late Liam Holden was falsely convicted of killing a UK soldier File photo: Liam Holden with family outside the Court of Appeal in Belfast after his murder conviction was quashed in 2012. ©  Paul Faith / PA Images via Getty Images The High Court in Belfast awarded damages to the family of Liam Holden on Friday, ruling that the late Irishman was waterboarded into making a false confession while in British military custody. Holden, who died last year aged 68, was falsely convicted of killing a UK paratrooper in the early 1970's. The period of near civil war is known as "The Troubles." “The plaintiff was subjected to waterboarding; he was hooded; he was driven in a car flanked by soldiers to a location where he thought he would be assassinated,” th...
Ireland: Remembering Kevin Barry

Ireland: Remembering Kevin Barry

The Irish Revolutionary was executed in Mountjoy Gaol on November 1st 1920.Barry was born on January 20th 1902, at 8 Fleet Street, Dublin but he also spent some time in county Carlow as his mother Mary who was originally from the county moved back there with the family when her husband Thomas died in 1909.Upon their return to Dublin, Barry went to school at St Mary's in Rathmines, from there he went to Belvedere College where he excelled at his studies and was renowned for his hurling and rugby skills. While still at Belvedere, Barry joined the Volunteers in 1917 aged just 15.Barry was first assigned to a volunteer battalion in the Northside of Dublin, he later transferred to the newly formed ‘H’ Company, under the command of Capt. Seamus Kavanagh.Despite his political and sporting ac...