
Russian communists: Russia is fighting neo-Nazism in Ukraine
Russia, Ukraine

Russian communists: Russia is fighting neo-Nazism in Ukraine

Posted by: John Phoenix CPRF rebuts ahistorical assertion that Russia’s involvement in the Ukraine war is as an aggressive imperialist power. Communist Party of the Russian Federation Subscribe to our  channel The following article was written in reply to remarks by the Communist Party of Greece’s international department: ‘On the imperialist war in Ukraine and the position of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation’ by the international department of the CPRF in May 2022. The video above shows communist fighters in the Donbass in 2015 raising the Soviet flag over the liberated city of Debaltsevo in the Donetsk People’s Republic. Many Russian communists have died helping to defend the antifascist regions in th...
Donbass liberation: Avdeyevka has fallen!
Russia, Ukraine

Donbass liberation: Avdeyevka has fallen!

Posted by: John Phoenix Even the western spinmeisters are waking up to the fact that nothing can prevent a Russian victory now. Lalkar writers Subscribe to our  channel The liberation of Avdeyevka is a pivotal moment in the defence of the Donbass. Not only was the town one of the most heavily fortified in Nato’s Fortress Ukraine, but it has been used for ten years as a base for bombing the civilians of nearby Donetsk. Russian forces are now in full control over the city of Avdeyevka whilst thousands of Ukrainian troops remain there trapped in isolated pockets. Their command structure has broken dow...
Jamboree in the Alps: imperialist fake ‘peace’ summit exposed
Europe, NATO, Russia, Ukraine, USA

Jamboree in the Alps: imperialist fake ‘peace’ summit exposed

Posted by: John Phoenix President Putin makes it clear that all responsibility for the ongoing bloodshed lies with the aggressive Nato camp and its Ukrainian stooges. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel The latest indications are that the Ukrainian armed forces are losing a horrific 2,000 men a day on the battlefield – an astronomical and clearly unsustainable number of men whose lives continue to be sacrificed on the altar of the west’s desire to keep the war going for as long as possible. Back in May, without making much of a splash in the mainstream press, China and Brazil presented a joint proposal to start meaningful peace talks that would include both Ukraine and Russia. This proposal was made against the backdrop of public-relations fanfare surrou...
Tory Lord Cameron escalates tensions with Russia in Ukraine
NATO, Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA

Tory Lord Cameron escalates tensions with Russia in Ukraine

Posted by: John Phoenix The unelected foreign minister’s reckless sabre rattling on behalf of British imperialism has backfired badly. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel David Cameron recently visited Ukraine, assuring the proxy fascist junta in Kiev of Britain’s continued support ‘for as long as needed’. The previous promise to back Ukraine for ‘as long as it takes’ has of course been rendered obsolete by the unstoppable march to victory of the Russian armed forces. The collapse of the Kiev junta, and with it the western hope of using Ukraine to destroy Russia, is only a matter of time. The only remaining question is whether Britain and its Nato allies would prefer an all-out nuclear conflagration to accepting defeat.
Uncle Sam heads for the exit in Ukraine leaving Europe in a panic
Europe, NATO, Russia, Ukraine, USA

Uncle Sam heads for the exit in Ukraine leaving Europe in a panic

Posted by: John Phoenix While Macron threatens boots on the ground to shore up a failing Ukraine, German generals’ leaked audio proves that European forces are already there. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel Emmanuel Macron’s repeated assertions that France wants to lead an ‘expeditionary force’ into Ukraine to help back up the Ukronazis’ flagging frontline forces is one of many signs of the deep panic that is spreading through European capitals. Junior imperialist powers including Britain, France and Germany have sacrificed their economies and used up their arsenals in the US-led proxy war against Russia only to find that the instigators of all the trouble, understanding that defeat is imminent, are preparing to pack up and head home. https://w.sound...
Possible consequences and prospects of Vladimir Putin’s visit to DPRK
North Korea, Russia

Possible consequences and prospects of Vladimir Putin’s visit to DPRK

By Konstantin Asmolov – New Eastern Outlook  The consequences of the visit of the Russian leader to North Korea and the documents signed there are so significant that they can propel the trend of global turbulence. How have Seoul, Beijing and Washington reacted to such a rapprochement between Moscow and Pyongyang and what will be Moscow’s response to the steps taken by Seoul and its allies? Seoul’s response Until a certain point, Seoul was ‘the friendliest of the unfriendly countries’ – the Russian president recently noted in a positive way. As Vladimir Putin said on June 5, 2024, within the framework of the International Economic Forum in St Petersburg, “Russia highly appreciates the refusal of ROK to directly supply lethal weapons to Ukraine”. However, su...
As Zelensky visits Poland, Ukraine’s silence about the Volhynia massacre underscores one-sided alliance
Russia, Ukraine

As Zelensky visits Poland, Ukraine’s silence about the Volhynia massacre underscores one-sided alliance

Posted by: John Phoenix BY GRZEGORZ ADAMCZYK | REMIX NEWS | JULY 11, 2024 July 11 marks the 81st anniversary of Bloody Sunday, the most tragic episode of the Ukrainian-perpetrated genocide of Poles in Volhynia, which was a Polish territory before the Second World War in the “borderland” region, but is now part of Ukraine. On this day, tens of thousands of people were slaughtered in 99 villages, and to this day, the exact number of victims remains unknown. These victims have yet to be exhumed and given a dignified burial, a process continuously blocked by Ukrainian authorities, including the current administration. Last year, on the 80th anniversary of this horrific crime, Poland received not a single word from the Ukrainian president, much less any substantiv...
NATO, Russia, Ukraine


Posted by: John Phoeni Ex Dutch PM Rutte Supported LGBTQ against Pedophilia Ban in EU VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contractsSource: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. In the cover image, the resigning Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte visits Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in March 2024 by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO Atlantic Alliance leadership is going from a Bill Gates puppet like Jens Stoltenberg (former director of the Vaccine NGO GAVI Alliance) to the resigning Dutch Prime Minister...
Russian military hunting for HIMARS/M270 and ATACMS

Russian military hunting for HIMARS/M270 and ATACMS

Posted by: John Phoenix VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contractsSource: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. On June 23, Russia was hit by a series of very well-coordinated terrorist attacks by NATO, the Neo-Nazi junta and Islamic radicals. The combined death toll was nearly 30 people. And while NATO-controlled extremist ideologies such as Islamic radicalism and ultra-liberalism/wokeism can be extremely damaging to societies at large, the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel often directly engages in terrorist activities. Wheth...
Major Russia-Iran treaty remains on track – president-elect
Iran, Russia

Major Russia-Iran treaty remains on track – president-elect

Posted by: John Phoenix The finalization of the cooperation agreement was paused due to death of Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash last May FILE PHOTO: Masoud Pezeshkian during a campaign rally. ©  Majid Saeedi / Getty Images Iranian President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian has told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin that a stalled comprehensive cooperation treaty between the two nations will soon be signed, according to local media. The proposed deal was intended to bolster bilateral relations but progress was paused after Pezeshkian’s predecessor, Ebrahim Raisi, was killed in a helicopter crash in May. The incoming leader of the Iranian government, who was elected last week, promised progress on Monday after Putin called to congratulate him on his victory. ...