
Tunisia Discusses Bill to Criminalize Ties with the Nazi regime as High Treason
Africa, Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, Tunisia, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Tunisia Discusses Bill to Criminalize Ties with the Nazi regime as High Treason

Tunisian President Kais Saied with Tunisian diplomats. (Photo: Tunisian Government, via RT Arabic) Tunisia has never recognized 'Israel'. The two countries exchanged “interest offices” in the late 1990s, but Tunis severed ties again in 2000, amid the Palestinian uprising known as the Second Intifada. The Tunisian parliament began discussing on Thursday a bill that would define any attempt to normalize relations with the Nazi entity as treasonous, citing support for the Palestinian cause. The proposal defines “normalization” as “recognition of the Zionist entity or the establishment of direct or indirect ties” with it, and classifies it as a crime in the category of “high treason.” Any interaction with the Nazi entity,...
Listen – Tunisia: Back to the future?
Africa, Tunisia

Listen – Tunisia: Back to the future?

Mohamed El-Doufani writes: Tunisian analyst Dr Ali Chokri looks at why President Kais Saied decided in July 2021 to suspend parliament and freeze political activities pending a new constitution, why that constitution – adopted in a low turnout referendum – is so controversial, and the present economic and security situations in Tunisia. Hello and welcome to Five Minutes to Midnight. My name is Mohamed El-Doufani and our guest in this episode is Tunisian analyst Dr Ali Chokri, who will be discussing the current political situation in his country.  To start, I will outline the issues at stake in the present state of affairs in Tunisia.  Tunisia is one of two states that survived intact the so-called “Arab Spring”— the wave of unrest that swept across parts of North...
Amid Controversy, Tunisians Approve New Constitution
Africa, Tunisia

Amid Controversy, Tunisians Approve New Constitution

ELAINE PASQUINI Tunisian security forces stand guard outside a polling location in Ben Arous Governorate, Tunisia, on July 25, 2022. (ANIS MILI/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES). Waging Peace ONE YEAR AFTER Tunisian President Kais Saied consolidated power and dismantled democratic institutions, his newly drafted constitution was approved by voters in a controversial July 25 referendum. The new document shifts the government from a parliamentary to a presidential system, giving Saied broad unchecked powers. On July 27, Washington, DC’s Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED) hosted Monica Marks, professor of Middle East politics at New York University’s Abu Dhabi campus, and independent researcher and analyst Mohamed-Dhia Hammami to discuss the ramifications of the vote.  ...
As Nazi Violations in Jeruslame Continue, Tunisia Pledges Support to Palestinians
Africa, Palestine Affairs, Tunisia, ZIO-NAZI

As Nazi Violations in Jeruslame Continue, Tunisia Pledges Support to Palestinians

The Tunisian Foreign Minister, Othman Grandi, on Monday pledged his country’s readiness to provide support to the people of Palestine in the face of the ongoing Nazi aggression, particularly in the last several days with the repeated desecration by Nazi troops of the al-Aqsa Mosque. The al-Aqsa Mosque is the third-holiest site in Islam – a religion practiced by a billion people worldwide. The mosque is especially important during this month, as it is the holy month of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast and pray for thirty days. On Monday, the Tunisian Minister Grandi expressed his country’s position in support of the struggles of the Palestinian people in the face of the Nazi policy of displacement, destruction, confiscation and replacement carried out by the occupying power. ...
Tunisia: Ten years on from the “Jasmine Revolution” the masses are on the move again
Africa, Tunisia

Tunisia: Ten years on from the “Jasmine Revolution” the masses are on the move again

Tunisia, the North African country from which the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ first erupted, has been plunged back into political and economic chaos with the sacking in July of the Prime Minister, Hichem Mechichi, by the President, Kais Saied. Parliament has been suspended, MPs have been stripped of immunity and there have been multiple arrests of political opponents on corruption charges. Saied imposed a month’s curfew, since extended indefinitely, and banned meetings in public of more than three people. The immediate trigger for the current crisis was the government’s shambolic handling of the Covid pandemic. There have been over one hundred thousand cases of infections and nearly four thousand deaths in the country, whilst only 11% have been vaccinated. The belated launch of twe...
Who is the new Tunisian President Qais Said?
Africa, Tunisia

Who is the new Tunisian President Qais Said?

Quds News Agency: The dust of the election campaign has eased towards the Carthage Palace, with the victory of the Tunisian candidate, Qais Saeed, presided over by the Tunisian Republic. Who is the owner of the saying, "We are at war with the Zionist entity and normalization is a wrong description, but is a great betrayal of the homeland?" Birth and upbringing Qais Saeed was born on February 22, 1958 in Tunis, and holds a certificate of in-depth studies in public international law from the Faculty of Law and Political Science, and also holds a diploma of the International Academy of Constitutional Law, and another diploma from the International Institute of Humanitarian Law in San Remo, Italy. Said started his career in 1986 as a lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Economic a...
C.I.A, Libya, Tunisia, USA

US to send troops to Tunisia in support of Turkish forces and Islamist terrorists in neighbouring Libya

Nureddin Sabir, Editor, Redress Information & Analysis, writes: The United States intends to dispatch a military brigade to Tunisia, the US Africa Command (Africom), the force dedicated to intervening in African countries, has announced.  “As Russia continues to fan the flames of the Libyan conflict, regional security in North Africa is a heightened concern,” Africom said in a statement on 29 May. Two days earlier, Africom claimed that Russia had delivered 14 MiG-29 and Su-24 fighter jets to the Libyan National Army’s (LNA) Jufra air base, a claim that has been denied by the Russians and the LNA. Since April 2019 the LNA has been fighting to liberate the Libyan capital Tripoli and the 15 per cent of the country still controlled by the unelected “Government of National Ac...

Jihadist brigades threaten “Corona dancer” with death

Hassan Salman  The Tunisian actress Nermine Safar, who became known as the "Corona Dancer" in Tunisia, revealed that she had received a death threat from the "Aqba Bin Nafi" brigades, which is classified as a terrorist organization in Tunisia. In a video posted on her Facebook page, Safar launched a distress call to the Tunisian authorities, noting that she had received a call from someone who threatened her with death upon leaving the house, noting that he belonged to the "Aqba bin Nafi '" brigades. She also published pictures of the messages sent by the perpetrator, in addition to his phone number, and it includes an explicit death threat. Nermine Sfaron Sunday يفدلك و لا يحكي بجده تهديد بالقتل 😐 Hours later, Zero released anoth...

Tunisia: Exposing france's plunder of its wealth

Tunisian body publishes serious documents exposing France's plunder of its wealth and Bourguiba's betrayal of the blood of the martyrs Abdullah Almasmoudi   FacebookTwitterSpread Identity Press - Agencies The Tunisian Truth and Dignity Commission, along with its president, Siham Bensedrine, carried out the Eid by revealing the documents signed in their hands on the issue of the country's independence and pseudo-sovereignty, which revealed, without any doubt, France's plundering of the wealth of Tunisians from the ill-fated independence to this day. According to the site "Echo", shocking and earth-shattering documents, and painful details of each free Tunisian refuses to occupy and humiliate his homeland, documents topple the final lie of the "great mujahid" and expose this pl...

Special Tunisian politician: Ennahda maneuvering the nomination of "Ghannouchi"

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr Special Tunisian politician: Ennahda maneuvering the nomination of "Ghannouchi" for the presidency of the parliament .. and sit-in to prevent Daesh  عبدالرحمن السنهوري Free Membership Print Tunisian political analyst Mohamed Hedi Gabri commented on the nomination of Rashid Ghannouchi to the presidency of parliament in his new term after the meeting of the Shura Council, "Ennahda" movement, yesterday. He added, "Gabri" that "Ghannouchi" received a majority of votes within the Shura Council, "Ennahdha", but the decision of the nomination taken by the "Ennahdha" and exercised its legal right to submit a candidate, remains hostage to the consensus that the movement is looking for and did not get until the moment, This makes the chances of Ghannouchi w...