
The US Steals Syrian Oil, and the Kurds Sell It to ‘Israel’ at a Discount in Erbil
Iraq, Syria, ZIO-NAZI

The US Steals Syrian Oil, and the Kurds Sell It to ‘Israel’ at a Discount in Erbil

By Steven Sahiounie Global Research, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard (IRG) claimed responsibility for missile attacks on an Israeli “spy headquarters.” Kurdish businessman Peshraw Dizayee and four of his family members were killed in the attack on their home on January 16 near the US Consulate in Erbil, in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region (IKR). Dizayee was the owner of the Falcon Group, which is a business involved in oil and gas, agriculture and security. The IRG claimed its missiles targeted a “Mossad headquarters”. “No US facilities were impacted. We’re not tracking damage to infrastructure or injuries at this time,” a US official said in response to the recent attack. Prime Minister of the IKR, Masrour Barzani, condemned the IRG a...
On the 20th anniversary of imperialism’s predatory invasion of Iraq

On the 20th anniversary of imperialism’s predatory invasion of Iraq

Posted by: John Phoenix The 20th of March this year marked the 20th anniversary of the start of Anglo-American imperialism’s war against Iraq.  Although there was mass opposition to this war, most of the print and electronic media, including the BBC, whipped up jingoistic hysteria against Iraq and in favour of the war.  20 years on there is hardly anyone who can be found to speak in favour of it.  Respectable bourgeois newspapers have published articles, written by respectable bourgeois journalists, condemning this war.  We just take one such article as an example.  It appeared in the Sunday Times of 19 March 2023. Under the half misleading title ‘Ever noticed how much less stable the world is now than in 2003? Well, Blair’s to blame’, the...
Iraq: Imperialism at sixes and sevens as resistance to occupation gathers pace

Iraq: Imperialism at sixes and sevens as resistance to occupation gathers pace

Posted by: John Phoenix For seventeen years British and US soldiers have been in occupation of Iraq. At first this occupation was openly acknowledged. Later it was presented as offering security to the US-sponsored regime which in turn ‘invited’ the troops to stay on. Gradually successive Iraqi governments, acting under popular pressure, have sought to set deadlines for the troops’ departure, but the army never quite managed to find the exit. As things stand, there are still about 7,500 coalition grunts squatting on Iraqi soil, of whom 5,000 are from the US. Needless to add, this conservative estimate does not include the numerous contractors, mercenaries and other camp-followers who buttress the occupation. Now, though, with the imperialist proxy war against Syria collap...
Iraq:  Stands at a Crossroads

Iraq: Stands at a Crossroads

Posted by: John Phoenix The protests which erupted in Iraq throughout October and November, culminating in the resignation of prime minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi, did not come out of a clear blue sky. There is no shortage of reasons to revolt against the situation in which Iraqis find themselves seventeen years after their country was sanctioned, invaded, occupied and destroyed by US and British imperialism, all in the name of democracy and freedom. What had been one of the most modern and industrially advanced societies in the Middle East, with an enviable record in health, education and welfare funded by ample domestic oil revenues, was comprehensively trashed, leaving behind nothing but wreckage and depleted uranium. To this day, despite (or because of) the lucrative involve...
Washington threatens further sanctions on Iraq if ‘misuse of dollars’ not addressed
Iraq, USA

Washington threatens further sanctions on Iraq if ‘misuse of dollars’ not addressed

The Cradle  An official from the US Treasury Department has urged Iraq to “address continued risks of the misuse of dollars” by commercial banks to avoid a new round of sanctions targeting the war-torn country’s battered financial sector. Although nearly a third of Iraq’s 72 banks are now banned from facilitating dollar transactions due to unilateral US measures, a Treasury official who spoke anonymously with Reuters on 14 September said Iraqi banks were still operating with risks “that must be remediated.” In July, Washington blacklisted 14 commercial banks accused of facilitating US dollar transactions to Iran, a country Washington seeks to strangulate economically. The unilateral measures led to increased demand for the greenback on ...
Iraqi Athletes Reject Normalization with the Nazi regime

Iraqi Athletes Reject Normalization with the Nazi regime

Iraq's top fencing athletes. The FIE Fencing World Championships 2023 is currently taking place in Milan, Italy. In solidarity with the Palestinian people and as an expression of rejecting any normalization with the Nazi occupation, the Iraqi Fencing Federation announced on Monday the withdrawal of some of its players from the world championship in Italy. The decision was a result of the draw, which placed them in a group that included Zionist players, Aljazeera Arabic reported. The Federation said in an official statement published on its Facebook account: “In a new heroic position of the Fencing Federation, our players withdrew from the world championship, refusing to meet (athletes representing) the Zionist entity.” ‘Always and Forever with Palestine’: Kuwaiti Fencer ...
Secret Doc Exposes Flaws in Pentagon Claim That No Civilians Were Killed in al-Baghdadi Raid
C.I.A, Iraq

Secret Doc Exposes Flaws in Pentagon Claim That No Civilians Were Killed in al-Baghdadi Raid

Syrian youth inspect a van that was carrying civilians when it was attacked by U.S. forces during a raid on the hideout of former Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi near Bashira, Syria.  (Photo: Mustafa Dahnon/picture alliance via Getty Images) "Over the past 20 years, the U.S. military has struggled with escalation of force and many civilians were killed when they were falsely viewed as a threat. This incident appears to be one of many such cases," said one expert. BRETT WILKINS  A formerly classified document published Friday by NPRrevealed how the Pentagon dismissed highly credible evidence of civilian deaths caused by the October 2019 U.S. assassination of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Syria. In a raid hailed&...
20 Years on:U.S. Imperialist Invasion of Iraq
Iraq, USA

20 Years on:U.S. Imperialist Invasion of Iraq

Wrapped in a shroudthe man in the coffin,lay buried undera clod of earth,his spirit hoveringincessantly;a cloud pouring rainasked, why the Iraqi childrenwere crying out in horrific pain?The essence of camphorquestioned the existenceof chemicals,when the entire world(Blix included)had cried, ’No war!’The sea splayed angrilyagainst the rocks, mangled flesh and armouryseething within its debris.the moon wanedits luminous glow,unable to bear the continual flowof human blood on earth;there were no dearthof voices from cyber spacecrying, ‘colossus brutewatch your pace!’but you strode on—-unfazad;the smell of oila perfect foilfor your plans.Slowly, you reduce land to territory,a people to subject,creating minefieldsin minds;white doves flutter helplesslyas your men embarkon an anarchy,a scar...
The mess in Iraq
Human Rights, Iraq, USA, ZIO-NAZI

The mess in Iraq

By Lawrence Davidson Back in November 2003 President George W. Bush told the country that the invasion of Iraq was the part of an effort to “spread democracy throughout the Middle East”. Initially, of course, the president had declared that the US attacked Iraq to fight terrorists who possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). This specific claim could be fact-checked and indeed it was. Bush’s claims, both about terrorists in Iraq and WMDs, turned out to be false. The follow-up claim about spreading democracy could not be fact-checked. We can’t even be sure if Bush and his neo-conservative allies themselves believed in this radical goal of spreading democracy by the sword. Given that most of the regimes the US has backed in the Middle East, including at one tim...
Reality and its enemies: The rehabilitation of war criminal George W. Bush
Human Rights, Iraq, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Reality and its enemies: The rehabilitation of war criminal George W. Bush

By Lawrence Davidson Reality There is an ongoing reality that is destroying hundreds of thousands of lives in the Middle East. And though most Americans are ignorant of the fact, and many of those who should be in the know would deny it, the suffering flows directly from decisions taken by Washington over the last 27 years. Some of the facts of the matter have just been presented by the first Global Conflict Medicine Congress held at the American University of Beirut (AUB) earlier this month (11-14 May). It has drawn attention to two dire consequences of the war policies Americans have carried on in the region: cancer-causing munition material and drug-resistant bacteria. — Cancer-causing munition material: Materials such as tungsten and mercury are found ...