
“In the face of war and violence, let us defend peace!” declare Latin American and Caribbean leaders

“In the face of war and violence, let us defend peace!” declare Latin American and Caribbean leaders

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States held their 8th Summit, stressing peace and dialogue in a world threatened by US domination. By Benjamin Zinevich The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, or CELAC, met in the city of Kingstown, the capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, for its 8th Summit on March 1. The discussion largely focused on the need for peace and security in both the hemisphere as well as the globe. Seen by some as an alternative to the US creation of the Organization of American states, there was no representative from Washington present in Kingstown. However, in attendance was the Special Representative of the Chinese Government in Latin American Affairs Qiu Xiaoqi, upon invitation by CELAC. In his opening remarks...
Iran-Venezuela cooperation: another blow to imperialist economic warfare
Iran, Venezuela

Iran-Venezuela cooperation: another blow to imperialist economic warfare

With one third of the world’s countries now subject to some kind of sanction, this favoured tool of coercion is fast losing its power. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel Increasingly, the favoured economic weapon of US imperialism – economic sanctions – is having precisely the opposite effect of the one intended. Instead of cowering before the might of the all-powerful USA, sanctioned countries are becoming ever more determined to retain their independence and sovereignty, and are working together to ensure this outcome – thus fatally undermining the global hegemony of the USA. Twenty-five years ago, the list of countries denounced as official ‘enemies’ and targeted with asphyxiating economic sanctions by US imperialism was relatively s...
Iran-Venezuela cooperation: another blow to imperialist economic warfare
Iran, Venezuela

Iran-Venezuela cooperation: another blow to imperialist economic warfare

With one third of the world’s countries now subject to some kind of sanction, this favoured tool of coercion is fast losing its power. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel Increasingly, the favoured economic weapon of US imperialism – economic sanctions – is having precisely the opposite effect of the one intended. Instead of cowering before the might of the all-powerful USA, sanctioned countries are becoming ever more determined to retain their independence and sovereignty, and are working together to ensure this outcome – thus fatally undermining the global hegemony of the USA. Twenty-five years ago, the list of countries denounced as official ‘enemies’ and targeted with asphyxiating economic sanctions by US imperialism was relatively s...
The EU must get its house in order before meddling in Venezuela
Europe, Venezuela

The EU must get its house in order before meddling in Venezuela

Even as rioters are trashing French cities, Brussels is more concerned with lecturing foreign countries By Oliver Vargas, a Latin America-based journalist, co-founder of Kawsachun News and host of the 'Latin America Review' podcast Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro (R) and his wife Cilia Flores at a rally in Caracas on April 13, 2023 ©  YURI CORTEZ / AFP Whether it’s fires raging through the streets of France, or runaway inflation across the continent, one would think that the multiple internal crises engulfing the European Union would be more than enough to occupy the time of bureaucrats in Brussels. One would be wrong. It seems that Western Europe’s neocolonial aspirations abroad do not rest even as bricks fly through windows back home. This week, ...
Where is the Outrage?
USA, Venezuela

Where is the Outrage?

BY MARIA PAEZ VICTOR Photograph Source: Mike Maguire – CC BY 2.0 “How about we’re buying oil from Venezuela? When I left, Venezuela was ready to collapse. We would’ve taken it over; we would have gotten all that oil; it would’ve been right next door. But now we’re buying oil from Venezuela, we’re making a dictator very rich. Can you believe this? Nobody can believe it.” –Donald Trump, at a campaign rally, June 10, 2023, North Carolina The former USA president, putative candidate for the next presidential election, admitted that he wanted to “collapse” a duly elected democratic government in this Hemisphere; to take it over, to appropriate all its oil. This is an admission of the violation of fundamental international laws and an intent to commit crimes against Human...
Venezuela: Blockade and plunder
USA, Venezuela

Venezuela: Blockade and plunder

How the imperialists use theft and sanctions to try to force regime change in countries that defy their diktat. Lorena Gimene Subscribe to our  channel The USA has for years been applying the most cruel and unusual collective punishment against the people of Venezuela, hoping to bring about economic collapse and regime change by starving the people and making their lives unliveable. This heinous crime is totally unreported in western media, which persistently attribute Venezuela’s economic difficulties are the result of governmental ‘mismangement’. This report by human rights organisation Sures, detailing the brutal sanctions regime being imposed against the Venezuelan people by the USA and its allies, is reproduced in sightly edited form with thanks. Downloa...
Caracas declaration: Latin America has a vital role to play in the world anti-imperialist struggle

Caracas declaration: Latin America has a vital role to play in the world anti-imperialist struggle

NATO’s armies must be defeated on the battlefield and behind the lines. From the city of Caracas, birthplace of the great liberator Simón Bolívar, the father of Latin-American unity and forerunner of the modern anti-imperialist movement in Nuestra America, we are gathered today to continue the line of political struggle that was laid down by the international conference of the World Anti-imperialist Platform in Belgrade, Serbia, last December. At that time, revolutionary and social organisations with a clear anti-imperialist, antifascist and anti-colonial orientation came together to denounce the aggression of the United States and of its NATO military front, whose belligerence on every continent threatens the peoples of the world. It is clear for all to see that the global ...
Caracas declaration: Latin America has a vital role to play in the world anti-imperialist struggle

Caracas declaration: Latin America has a vital role to play in the world anti-imperialist struggle

NATO’s armies must be defeated on the battlefield and behind the lines. From the city of Caracas, birthplace of the great liberator Simón Bolívar, the father of Latin-American unity and forerunner of the modern anti-imperialist movement in Nuestra America, we are gathered today to continue the line of political struggle that was laid down by the international conference of the World Anti-imperialist Platform in Belgrade, Serbia, last December. At that time, revolutionary and social organisations with a clear anti-imperialist, antifascist and anti-colonial orientation came together to denounce the aggression of the United States and of its NATO military front, whose belligerence on every continent threatens the peoples of the world. It is clear for all to see that the global ...
Marxism and Colonialism
Cuba, Politics, Venezuela

Marxism and Colonialism

Marxism and Colonialism: An Interview with Vijay Prashad BY JOSÉ ERNESTO NOVAEZ Photograph Source: Soman – CC BY-SA 2.5 Vijay Prashad  is above all a militant. His intellectual work is an attempt to understand and respond to some of the great challenges of our time. Of Indian origin, this Marxist historian has displayed an intense vital activity that has taken him to numerous countries, always in defense of the cause of humanity.He currently works as executive director of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, a task that alternates with his work as a teacher and researcher at various universities, as well as with a prolific work in which we can highlight texts such as The Darker Nations, The Poorer Nations and the most recent Th...
Caracas declaration: Latin America’s vital role in the world anti-imperialist struggle

Caracas declaration: Latin America’s vital role in the world anti-imperialist struggle

Nato’s armies must be defeated on the battlefield and behind the lines. World Anti-Imperialist Platform Subscribe to our  channel Hosted jointly with the ruling PSUV party of Venezuela, the Platform’s third conference took place in Venezuela, bringing together political leaders from all over the world with a particular focus on Latin America. Leaders of parties from the São Paulo forum also attended and addressed the conference. The following declaration was endorsed by the participants at the World Anti-imperialist Platform international conference in Caracas, Venezuela, on Saturday 4 March 2023. ***** From the city of Caracas, birthplace of the great liberator Simón Bolívar, the father of Latin-American unity and forerunner of the modern a...