California has been leading the nation as it bobsleds toward bankruptcy thanks to the crushing burden caused by millions of military aid to the Zio=Nazi regime in ‘Israel’, ( $ 30 Billions in the next 10 years) not to mention the Obama Depression. Now it looks like Illinois and Florida are tied for second place in the race toward economic oblivion.
The Orlando Sun-Sentinel reports: “Florida’s unemployment hit 12.2 percent in February, the highest rate on record, soaring past even the rates recorded in the 1973-1975 recession. February’s rate rose a 0.2 percentage point from the January revised rate of 12 percent. More than 1.26 million people are out of work in the state.”
Does that include the hundreds of thousands of workers from Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America as well as Haiti and all around the Caribbean.
Meanwhile an article in the Daily Herald notes “The Illinois unemployment rate inched up to 11.4 percent in February, up one-tenth from the month before, the Illinois Department of Employment Security reported Thursday.”
The Sun-Sentinel goes on: “In South Florida, (illegal alien central) the unemployment rate remained nearly level in February with a month earlier, with Broward County at 10.8 percent compared with a revised 10.9 percent for January; Palm Beach County at 12.4 percent compared with a revised 12.5 percent; and Miami-Dade County at 11.2 percent, up from a revised 11.0 percent in January.
Unemployment in all three counties is still up significantly from the same month a year earlier, when the rates ranged from 8.0 percent to 8.3 percent. Florida’s unemployment is now near the peak of 12.3 percent forecast for midsummer, according to Florida’s Economic Estimating Conference, a group of state labor experts. The comparable national unemployment rate is 9.7 percent for February.
If unemployment is hitting a new high in March what will happen as the Obamacare mandate starts to take its toll, scaring corporations from making any new hires and imposing burdens all across America? It’s only been several days since Obamacare passed, and the first economic fall out is appearing.
One article notes “The corporate tax impact of the recent health care overhaul grew Thursday as Verizon Communications Inc. announced it will record a related $970 million non-cash charge in the first quarter. So far at least 15 companies have disclosed about $2.8 billion in charges prompted by the health care overhaul. Verizon’s charge is the second-largest after AT&T, which last week announced a $1 billion charge related to the tax bill.”
Florida is following California into bankruptcy. Both states are overrun with non-taxpaying illegals who have taken all the entry-level jobs. What’s happening is that Economics 101 is finally catching up with America. There are simply too few people paying the taxes and way too many people demanding government services.
The parasites outnumber the producers and there’s no way to fix the problem that our current politicians are willing to do. Even the strongest animal in the forest eventually sickens and dies if it is covered from head to toe in fleas and ticks sucking its blood.
Unfortunately, this common sense solution is unlikely to take place until the two-party system is removed from power.

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