Argentina Welcomes Cuban Medical Aid, Slams US Blockade

Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

Cuban medical brigade helps several countries around the world.

They acknowledged that during this pandemic, “we will need more medical and nursing personnel.”

Argentina has invited citizens to sign a proclamation to welcome Cuban medical aid workers and those of any other nationality, and to oppose the United States’ (US) campaign against Cuba’s policy of solidarity with the world. 

RELATED: Argentina to Soon Welcome 200 Cuban Doctors for COVID-19 Fight

In the letter, signed by the President of Abuelas de Mayo, Estela de Carlotto, the political scientist Atilio Borón, the writer Stella Calloni and the actresses Cecilia Roth and Cristina Banega, among others, it is highlighted: “Welcome to Cubans and any other nationality”.

The signatories maintained that “the harsh reality of the COVID-19 pandemic requires us to think in terms of unity and solidarity between peoples and nations. It calls us and forces us to understand health as a universal human right and to reinforce international cooperation, even acknowledging the political differences that in other issues can separate us ”.

“Today, it is about preserving the lives of millions of people, without exceptions, and this is what is most important. The virus kills without respecting borders or ideologies, “they added.

They highlighted the efforts carried out by the Argentine government to deal with the pandemic, but acknowledged that “we will need more medical and nursing personnel and for this we cannot rule out the need to resort to international cooperation.”

“It has been reported a certain possibility that we can count on the contribution of 200 health professionals from Cuba,” they noted and warned that “voices that put ideological prejudices and considerations absolutely out of place, such as commercial interests, have been unleashed. private, in this hour of serious global emergency. ”

They affirmed that those who refuse to see Cuban doctors come into line “with the United States campaign against Cuban medical collaboration in the world, which today is part of the aggressiveness and intensification of the blockade against that brother country.”

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