Brazil: Bolsonaro to Be Investigated for Wasting COVID-19 Vaccines

Brazil's Former President Jair Bolsonaro.

by teleSUR

The measure was taken at the request of a group of lawmakers who denounced that the Brazilian State lost US$48.6 million due to the waste of medical materials.

On Thursday, the Court of Accounts of the Union (TCU) decided to launch an investigation into the waste of millions of COVID-19 vaccines during the administration of Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2023).


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The TCU created a special commission to investigate irregularities in the storage of vaccines, medicines, supplies, and diagnostic tests that had a specific expiration date.

The measure was taken at the request of a group of lawmakers who denounced that the Brazilian State lost some US$48.6 million due to the waste of medical materials.

According to a preliminary report, nearly two million COVID-19 doses donated to Brazil were “discarded.” For those vaccines, however, Brazil paid for transportation, customs procedures, storage, and incineration.

243 milhões!! Não, não foram em Jóias, mas em medicamentos e vacinas contra a COVID, vencidos. Dinheiro jogado fora, com o descarte de 2 mi de vacinas, 1,8 mi de testes pra COVID e outros remédios. Bolsonaro, Pazzuello e Queiroga, , seus incompetentes, o que o Srs têm a dizer?— Cires Canisio (@CiresCanisio) March 9, 2023

The tweet reads, “243 million!! No, it was not on Jewelry but on expired COVID-19 vaccines and medicines. The money was wasted with the discarding of 2 million vaccines, 1.8 million COVID-19 tests and other medicines. Incompetent Bolsonaro, Pazzuello and Queiroga, what do you have to say?”

Due to the “logistical failures” inherited from the Bolsonaro era, the TCU recommended that the Health Ministry prepare a report on the current condition of the vaccines in stock within ten days and deliver an action plan to improve logistics in about three months.

Since 2020, Brazil has been one of the countries hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused the death of some 699,000 Brazilians and 37 million infections.

During the pandemic, the Brazilian Senate installed a commission to investigate the worsening of public health caused by Bolsonaro, a far-right politician who was known for minimizing the importance of the pandemic and obstructing mass vaccination.

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