British Defense Secretary–Germany should ‘leave the past behind’ and be willing to undertake military action overseas


The Falkland Islands do not face a “current credible military threat” from Argentina, Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said.

Germany should ‘put aside’ the legacy of World War II and be more willing to “deliver firepower” for NATO and the West, Philip Hammond has said. 

ed note–the absolute unbridled hypocrisy and chutzpah of these people should be classified as a mental disease in a category all by itself.

Here the entire world has been treated to DAILY sermons on how the EEEEEVIL Germans started both world wars, destroyed the peaceful business of nations and murdered 6 trillion Jews because of their LOVE of war and militancy.

And of course, the mantra we have all been forced to learn in this extended history course has been ‘never forget, never again…’

But now,  because the Germans take a jaded view of fighting the Jews’ wars for them all over the damned planet against 1.5 billion people, something destined by design to bankrupt Christian civilization, all the sudden now Germany must ‘put aside’ the same lessons of the past that we were originally told to’never forget’, and consign her national treasure and the blood of her young men in what will truly become known as ‘the war to end all wars’. 

Speaking in Berlin, the Defence Secretary said that Germany’s “historic reluctance” to launch military action outside its own borders is now limiting its international importance. 

German voters and politicians should accept that the war was “quite a long while ago”, he said, suggesting that the country’s economic might should be matched with military power. 

Mr Hammond used his trip to Germany – the first by a British defence secretary since 2008 – to support German ministers who want their country to play a more active role in global military affairs.

As Europe’s biggest economy, Mr Hammond said, Germany should be contributing more to international security operations, especially as the US shifts its strategic focus to China and the Pacific. 

Germany has contributed troops to the NATO mission in Afghanistan, but its military capabilities remain significantly behind those of Britain and France.

“Because of the historic reluctance to engage and operate overseas, it is self-evident that there is still huge potential in the German defence structure to deliver more useful firepower to the alliance,” Mr Hammond told the Daily Telegraph.

Asked about Germany’s attitude to its wartime role, Mr Hammond said: “It was quite a long while ago.”

Mr Hammond said that in the next few years he hoped to see greater German willingness to “pick up the burdens that go with a globally-important economy.”

The history of the last global conflict has held back both Germany and its major Axis ally, he suggested.

“In the case of Germany and Japan, two of the worlds biggest economies, both of them spend a significant amount on defence but have been reluctant historically to engage.”

That reluctance is fading, he said, citing German operations in Afghanistan and Japanese counter-piracy work off Somalia. But there is still further to go, he said.

Germany itself is more conscious of its history than other nations, Mr Hammond suggested.

“When we look around Europe, I don’t think there would be many of our European allies who fear Germany from a military point of view or as a security threat.”

Mr Hammond said he wanted Berlin to “significantly increase its military capability” and praised the “huge strides” the country has already taken in ending conscription and creating smaller, more professional armed forces.

Mr Hammond spoke after he met his German counterpart, Thomas de Maiziere, who is pushing for reforms to create a more potent and deployable German military.

“I detect a determination that Germany’s role in NATO should continue to normalise. It intends to become a more significant player,” Mr Hammond said.

In a speech to German defence experts at the British embassy, Mr Hammond later said Germany needs muster “public support and political commitment” for an increased military capability.

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