

Bahrain Zionist regime: Doctors on Trial for Helping Protesters

Bahrain Backlash: Doctors on Trial for Helping Protesters by grtv Amid ongoing unrest in Bahrain, the regime's cracking down on non-violent protesters, as well as people who've been helping them. A group of doctors are on trial, after treating wounded anti-government demonstrators last year. RT's Paula Slier has the latest. Correspondent with Global Research Finian Cunningham was in Bahrain and witnessed some of the doctors treating the wounded during the crackdown. He thinks the Bahraini regime is persecuting the medics to keep them from telling the truth.

Bahrain Democracy Movement Is The Real Thing

NOVANEWS by Kevin Barrett Watch the interview It has been one year since Saudi Arabian forces entered Bahrain to rescue the dictatorial Bahraini regime against a people’s popular revolution for democracy. Press TV has interviewed Dr. Kevin Barrett, author & Islamic Studies expert from Wisconsin about the relationships between the Al-Khalifa regime, Saudi Arabia and the US and how these external partners have influenced the popular revolution in Bahrain. He also discusses the muted way which the UN as well as other human rights organizations are responding to the human rights violations being carried out by the Bahraini rulers against the people. What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview. Press TV: Do the people of Bahrain have any other option but to keep up th...
Bahrain, Human Rights

Bahrain: Hundreds Railroaded in Unjust Trials

NOVANEWS Politically Motivated Prosecutions Flagrantly Disregard Rights A police officer holds back journalists as doctors and nurses emerge during a break in their civilian criminal court trial on November 28, 2011 in Manama, Bahrain. © 2011 AP Images RELATED MATERIALS: No Justice in Bahrain Grossly unfair military and civilian trials have been a core element in Bahrain’s crackdown on pro-democracy protests. The government should remedy the hundreds of unfair convictions of the past year by dropping the cases against everyone convicted on politically motivated charges and by adopting effective measures to end torture in detention. Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch (Beirut) – Bahrain has routinely convicted hundreds of opposi...

Brutal Bahraini State Terror

NOVANEWS by Stephen Lendman   For over a year, Saudi and Al-Khalifa monarchy security forces terrorized nonviolent protesters. Thousands braved tear gas, beatings, rubber bullets, live fire, arrests, torture and disappearances. Washington’s very much involved. Bahrain’s the home of America’s Fifth Fleet. Millions of dollars in aid’s provided. So are weapons, including armored vehicles, bunker buster missiles, wire-guided ones, and more. A Pentagon statement said: They’ll “improve Bahrain’s capability to meet current and future armored threats. Bahrain will use the enhanced capability as a deterrent to regional threats and to strengthen its homeland defense.” In fact, Bahrain faces no external threats. Except for Western/Israeli-targeted Syria, Iran, and Lebanon, neither do other Midd...

Violence in Bahrain escalates ahead of February 14 anniversar

NOVANEWS By Andrew Hammond Andrew Hammond  The funeral march for Mohammed Yaacoub had barely ended last week when police and protesters faced off in the town of Sitra, an impoverished district of Bahrain that has borne the brunt of a year of unrest. Teenagers using scarves to mask their faces went on a rampage wielding iron bars and petrol bombs, and riot police in their prim blue uniforms and white helmets fired off teargas rounds and stormed down alleyways in their trademark jeeps. "People have no alternative -- all we have is tires to burn and Molotovs to throw," one activist said. "As long as the government is not ready to respond, anything is possible." The Bahrain government's security tactics and offer of concessions appear to have failed in calming the streets; if anything the...

Bahrain Protesters Attacked, “US Assisting Regime Forces”

NOVANEWS     Bahraini regime forces attacked peaceful protesters amid a 10-day sit-in protest held near the capital. Meanwhile, activists accused the United States of assisting regime forces in their crackdown. Government forces on Thursday raided protesters demanding the downfall of the ruling Al Khalifa family in Manama, and several nearby villages. The latest crackdown comes amid a 10-day sit-in protest held in Moqsha, near Manama, by anti-regime protesters who aim to press ahead with their demands. The protests are planned to continue until February 14, the day marking the start of the popular revolution in the kingdom in 2011. The protesters are also demanding the release of political prisoners. US TRAINNG REGIME FORCES In the meantime, activists have accused ...

The Principled Stance of Bahrain

NOVANEWS I understand and respect the reasons for which Palestinian leaders have refrained from interfering in the internal politics of the states of the Middle East. Yet here is Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas visiting Bahrain as part of a regional tour and blithely accepting the “principled stance” of the Bahraini leadership regarding its “support for the Palestinian people in its struggle for its inalienable rights and the establishment of its independent state, with Jerusalem as its capital.” This is the Bahrain that has spent months murdering its people and destroying the second most important regional revolt, after Egypt. Bahrain also just co-sponsored a Security Council resolution on Syria – vetoed by Russia and China – and included in that resolution was a clause calling on the Syrian g...


NOVANEWS "Iran is a common threat to Bahrain, IsraHell and the US, Zionist King of Bahrain Hamad bin Shlomo bin Isa Al Khalifa was quoted as saying by Zionist official.''  Photo by: WJC Bahrain to Jewish leader: Iran is a threat to us all By GIL SHEFLER  King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa has agreed to hold a Jewish-Muslim dialogue in Bahrain later this year. Talkbacks (40) Iran is a common threat to Bahrain, Israel and the US, the King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa was quoted as saying by a Jewish official on Sunday.Rabbi Marc Schneier, vice president of the World Jewish Congress, said the king told him he was alarmed by the Islamic Republic during a 45- minute meeting held in the capital city of Manama late last month. “I made a point how it’s ironic how we share a common enemy and...

Bahrain: Crushing Pro-Democracy Protests. American and British Police Chiefs Step Up State Repression Top Western appointments allegedly aimed at improving human rights

NOVANEWS By Finian Cunningham Global Research, Finian Cunningham Two former police chiefs from the US and Britain have brought discernible Western “expertise” to the Bahraini force only weeks following their appointments – a surge in repression and state terrorism. Former Miami police chief John Timoney and his British counterpart, John Yates, formerly commander at London’s Scotland Yard, were assigned last month by Bahrain’s royal rulers to “oversee reform” of the Persian Gulf kingdom’s security forces. Officially, the appointment of the American and Briton was to bring Western professional policing to the Bahraini force and specifically to upgrade the human rights record of Bahrain’s ministry of interior and National Security Agency. The assignments were announced by ...

Bahrain: Nailing the Lie in Washington’s Rhetoric on “The Arab Spring”

NOVANEWS By Finian Cunningham Global Research, US ally Bahrain continued its crackdown against popular calls for democratic rights with the illegal arrest and detention this week of prominent journalist and commentator Jaffar Al Alawy. To date, nearly 100 journalists, poets, bloggers and media figures have been targeted for detention by the Persian Gulf oil kingdom since pro-democracy protests erupted there last February, according to the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights. The detainees have claimed gross ill-treatment and torture while in custody – independently verified by several international human rights groups. Two respected media figures, Zakariya Al Aushayri and Karim Fakhrawi, have died during detention, their bodies showing undeniable signs of brutality. In the lates...