

UN Hand$ Over Prote$ter$ To Bahraini Zionist Family

NOVANEWS   Officials at the Un offices in Manama, the capital city of Bahrain, have handed over human rights protesters to the Bahraini Zionist Family of puppet Hamad according to information coming out of Twitter and Demotix: "Three Bahrain women, Asma Darwish,Sawsan Jawad and Zainab Alkhawaja have been arrested by Zionist puppet of Bahraini they began a hunger strike calling for immediate action to be taken by the UN, on political prisoners in Bahrain. " So instead of helping the women, the UN officials hand them over to the very people they should be protecting them from. Despicable.   Women arrested in Hunger Strike in the UN Building - Manama Three Bahrain women, Asma Darwish,Sawsan Jawad and Zainab Alkhawaja have been arrested as they began a hunger strike ...

In Bahrain, Zionist Ally, Prosecutes Medical Staff.

NOVANEWS As the regime in Bahrain puts medical staff in the dock, they've managed to do what only the worst dictatorships, mad monarchs and authoritarians do, lock up a poet. "MANAMA — A Bahraini court sentenced a young Shi'ite poet to one year in prison on Sunday for taking part in legal protests against the Gulf state's Zionist monarchy. Ayat al-Qurmouzi, 20, was arrested after she recited a poem mocking the Zionist Bahraini king and demanding he step down, during protests led by the country's Shi'ite majority that gripped the kingdom in February and March. A relative confirmed her sentence, saying Qurmouzi's family had feared for her safety in detention. King Hamad  is  U.S. puppet  that hosts the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet, called in troops from its fellow Sunni-led Zionist ...

Flash: US supports arms reforms in Bahrain

NOVANEWS "A government report says the U.S. approved $200 million in military sales from American companies to Bahrain in 2010, months before the pivotal Persian Gulf ally began a harsh crackdown on protesters. The yearly State Department report provides totals of U.S.-authorized arms sale agreements between U.S. defense companies and foreign governments. The latest tally showed a $112 million rise in licensed defense sales to Bahrain, home to the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet, between the 2009 and 2010 budget years." US defense sales to Bahrain rose before crackdown   AP – Bahraini Shiite Muslims chant slogans to free prisoners during a sermon Friday, June 10, 2011, in Diraz, … By STEPHEN BRAUN, Associated Press WASHINGTON – A government report says the U.S. approved $200 milli...

BAHRAIN: Torture in Zionist Family police custody

NOVANEWS     A fourth person has died in Hamad Zionist police custody and his body shows signs of torture, Bahraini human rights groups alleged. Businessman Karim Fakhrawi, a member of the opposition movement Wefaq, was arrested last week and pronounced dead Tuesday. The party released a statement on its Facebook page claiming Fakhrawi to be the fourth of its supporters to die in custody. News of his death follows a violent Zionist regime in Bahran crackdown against the popular protest movement that rocked Hamad family earlier this year. Rights activists said Fakhrawi's family was instructed by authorities not to take photos of the body and to restrict the funeral to immediate family members, but videos and photos have been leaked onto the Internet and to media [the video lin...

BAHRAIN: Democracy Now Interviews Seymour Hersh

NOVANEWS   AMY GOODMAN: Sharif, yes. SEYMOUR HERSH: And so, you had something amazing—yes, you had something amazing going on. And what you have now—and that of course spread. That spread throughout the Gulf regions. And what you have now is a very, very—it’s sort of unremarked upon by the press here in America—you have a counterrevolution going on, fueled largely by the Saudis and their panic.You see the implication of that in Bahrain, where the unbelievable things are happening to the Shiites, the minority Shiites there. They may be a majority in terms of population, but certainly a minority in terms of power. And you have that regime brutalizing its people in a way that’s beyond, I would argue, anything going on elsewhere, including in Syria. As bad as it is in Syria, it’s much wor...

Bahrain Grand Prix staff are held and abused, still Grand Prix says race must go on

NOVANEWS   by SEHAM and other news from the Arab uprisings: Bahrain Bahraini doctors and nurses charged Medical staff who treated protesters accused of plotting to overthrow kingdom's monarchy amid reports of more violence. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/06/20116674812696776.html Bahrain medics accused of treason Dozens of doctors and nurses who treated injured anti-government protesters during the months of unrest in Bahrain have gone on trial accused of trying to overthrow the monarchy. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/bahrain-medics-accused-of-treason-2293728.html Bahrain police clash with Shi'ite religious marchers (Reuters) Reuters - Bahraini police clashed with Shi'ite marchers in a religious festival late on Sunday, less than a week after...

Bahrain dictatorship also oppresses Sunnis?

NOVANEWS US media wanted so bad to promote the notion that opposition in Bahrain is purely sectarian--very much like the notions spread in vulgar Saudi media.  This may be the first one that argues otherwise.  "Emergency law was lifted Wednesday in Bahrain but Mohamed Albuflasa remains in jail. Albuflasa Imprisoned the first week of Bahrain’s demonstrations when the protest movement believed it might extract reforms from the island’s monarchy. What makes him different from the other imprisoned demonstrators is his unique status as a conservative religious Sunni Muslim. Most of those detained as a result of the recent demonstrations are Shiites along with some secular Sunni politicians. Albuflasa is a follower of the fundamentalist Salafist school in Islam." BAHRAIN: Sunni detainee still ...

Continuing Bahraini State Terror

NOVANEWS   by Stephen Lendman     For months, Bahraini and Saudi security forces targeted nonviolent protesters and activists wanting the repressive Al Khalifa monarchy replaced by constitutionally elected government, political freedom, and social justice, what Bahrainis never had and don’t now. Three previous articles discussed it, accessed through the following links: Police State Terror in Bahrain Brutal State Terror in Bahrain Bahraini State Terror Continues Still functioning despite authorities terrorizing people brutally, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) provides regular updates on the ground, expressing great concern about King Hamad’s ruthless: “actions and arbitrary penalties against citizens who it believes participated or supported the peacef...

Saudi Arabia: Could “Bahrain Happen in Saudi Arabia?”

NOVANEWS The follow article from AP correspondent Ali Khalil portrays a disturbing picture of abuse, interrogation and coercing female physicians in Bahrain to acknowledge support and participation of Shiite uprising in Bahrain.  One reading these stories of horror it made me wonder even more about Manal Al-Sherif and what she may have underwent and experienced during her “detention” in a Saudi prison. One does not hear many stories about what happens in a Saudi prison but what the world does know for sure is that Manal Al-Sherif signed a statement she would never attempt to drive again in Saudi Arabia and issued a public apology for her actions.  Those who know Manal and her family know that she is a strong individual with backbone.  What exactly took place during her detentio...

Bahrain: Saudi mercenaries cannot stop the revolution

NOVANEWS Foreign intervention in the Arab world is consistently on the side of counter-revolution. The images of wave after wave of demonstrators in the Bahraini capital Manama hurling themselves at the serried ranks of armed riot police on 13 March, their courage undiminished by the spectacular brutality dished out at close quarters by these hired thugs of the US-backed Khalifa regime, served notice to the world that this Arab revolution is not to be faced down by any amount of armed force, however sophisticated the weaponry with which the repressive forces have been so liberally supplied by the US (in 2008) and the UK (in 2010). The long-predicted response of these vile kleptocrats – calling in the aid of over a thousand Saudi and United Arab Emirates (UAE) me...