

Bahrain: Medical Professionals On Trial

NOVANEWS     The Bahraini government has broken so many international conventions in terms of attacking civilians, putting down legitimate protests and quashing freedom of speech, now they are putting doctors and other medical professionals on trial, CNN reports: "The justice ministry in Bahrain said 47 medical professionals will be tried for crimes that include incitement to overthrow the regime, deadly assault and refusal to help persons in need. Twenty-four doctors and 23 nurses and paramedics have been charged. During the protests in the Gulf kingdom, witnesses say security forces in Bahrain stormed the Salmaniya Medical Complex in Manama beating doctors and demonstrators. Bahraini officials deny those accounts. Activists and human rights groups have alleged...

Bahrain downs Iran’s Press TV channel

NOVANEWS by crescentandcross   Bahrain has moved to interrupt the broadcast of Iran’s English-language Press TV channel on Nilesat satellite, apparently due to the network’s wide coverage of the regime’s brutal crackdown on anti-government protests in the country. Press TV’s technical experts have reported that the interfering signal is being transmitted from Bahrain.  Bahrain’s illegal measure comes following the extensive coverage by Press TV of its brutal suppression of Bahraini protesters, backed by military forces of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates that were deployed to the country. This is not the first time that Iranian channels have experienced down time in the midst of the recent crisis in the Middle East. On March 20, Bahrain also interrupted the broad...

Britain’s Royal Wedding Fiasco and its "Dirty little Secret" in Bahrain

NOVANEWS by Finian Cunningham   The British royal wedding is turning swiftly into a public relations disaster, with news that Bahrain’s Crown Prince is respectfully turning down his invitation to the event because of the “situation reigning” in the Persian Gulf kingdom. However, the real story behind the headlines is that the diplomatic shuffle reveals that the British establishment is well aware of the vicious repression being conducted by the Bahraini rulers along with the armed forces of neigbouring Gulf states, including Western allies Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman. Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa reportedly said that that he did not want his presence to “tarnish” the royal wedding due to take place at West...

Bahraini Rulers Play Sectarian Card in Bid to Trump Pro-democracy Movement

NOVANEWS By Finian Cunningham Global Research, Increasing attacks on Shia mosques in the Bahraini state’s withering crackdown against the pro-democracy movement is a deliberate attempt to isolate the political opposition and amounts to a campaign of “sectarian cleansing”, say human rights groups. Over the past four weeks since the Saudi-led Gulf Peninsula Shield military intervention in Bahrain, there appears to be a concerted drive by pro-state Sunni forces to target repression at the Shia population and in particular Shia mosques and other religious sites, such as cemeteries and meeting places known as Mattams. Some mosques have been vandalized, with their doors, windows and the PA systems used in the call to prayer having been smashed. More recently, other mosques, suc...

CNN on Bahrain.

NOVANEWS   This is a very good clip on the situation in Bahrain, and as one of the commentators argues the West has been treading very carefully afraid of upsetting the Saudis, showing who has the real power in these situations, oil rich dictators and monarchs.     Tagged with Away with Dictators, Bahrain, Collusion, Dictators, Human rights,Middle East, repression, revolt, Revolts, Saudi Imperialism, UN, Western collusion,Western complacency, Western compliance, Western connivance  

Bahrain Zionist Ruling Elite Attack Doctors

NOVANEWS In Bahrain the Racist pro-Zionist regime killing innocent people near their own houses, schools, shops, work all closed, people cannot go out at all. The pro-Zionist regime of pro-Zionist Hammad attacking Bahraini Shiaa's areas and terrorise them confronting the unarmed people with their American-British guns and bullets. Zionist Saudi army in Bahrain is acting inhuman, they blocked the Hospital the only in Bahrain and attacked the doctors, nurses, amblances stopping them from treating the injured people. Today a nurse killed, shot by tow bullets in her neck while she was on her way to the hospital. Please we need your help to spread that out in your country. yours... Libya might be in the news, but for utterly contemptible behaviour loo...

Bahrain, Not An April Fool.

NOVANEWS modernityblog Tags: Bahrain, Human rights, Mahmood al-Yousif, Middle East, repression, Saudi Imperialism,state, Western collusion, Western compliance | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:   The overall silence in the West concerning Bahrain is worrying and the comparison with Egypt and Libya is not an April fool. Shrewd readers will have notice my attempt at humour and hopefully they were not taken in, but the Bahrain governments actions are not a joke, Reuters has more: "(Reuters) - Bahrain released a prominent blogger but detained several people, including a pro-opposition doctor, the latest in a series of arrests since the kingdom's crackdown on street protests, opposition sources said on Friday. The tiny island's Sunni r...

Bahrain's Foreign Police Add to Tension

NOVANEWS   Posted By: Sammi Ibrahem Chair of West Midlands PSC   By ALEX DELMAR-MORGAN In Manama, Bahrain, and TOM WRIGHT in Islamabad, PakistanBahrain's ruling family is moving to shore up its security forces with more recruits from Pakistan, in a move that risks further stoking nationalist and sectarian tensions in the Persian Gulf state. Joseph Eid/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images Pakistani nationals took refuge at a Pakistan Club in the Bahrain's capital Manama, March 19, 2011.   The Al Khalifa family, Sunni Muslims who rule over a Shiite-majority population, have long relied on recruits from Sunni-majority countries such as Pakistan, Jordan and Yemen to fill the ranks of their police forces. As antigovernment protests have flared in Bahra...