

Selling chopsticks to China and other Durable Goods stories

NOVANEWS Luckily for US citizens, not ever Georgia Chopsticks LLC ything is getting outsourced.  There are some US companies, such as  , who have seen opportunities in durable goods manufacturing and now provide reputable exportable US made product to offshore countries.  These entrepreneurs should be commended and encouraged by local populations and governments in the absence of any recognizable federal support; their ratio of job creation is very high compared to the actual jobs created in their factories, or those created by government bail outs.   2-MILLION CHOPSTICKS by Jack J C   I once worked in a fairly remote community that had two major employers, a durable goods manufacturer and the regional general hospital.  The local spin off job creations of both major employers w...

One Lie After Another – And Now 911

NOVANEWS  By Stewart Ogilby I recall my father calling my brother and me into the house from the backyard where we were at play that brisk December afternoon, December 7th, 1941. He had us listen to a news report coming from our Philco radio and told us that we would remember that day for the rest of our lives. It was then that I had my introduction to foreign affairs. Somewhere in the world, a long distance from Staten Island, New York, a place called Pearl Harbor had been attacked by airplanes. As he explained, since that was a part of our country we were in a war. We had a small mounted globe of the world in the dining room close to the radio. Showing us where Japan is located, he told us that Japan was our enemy. He went on to say that there was another country, considerably more dang...

The Incarnations of China

NOVANEWS Chinese society --Social harmony -- Crowds & villages The philosophical undercurrents of Chinese society has always been reverence to the past, societal duty based on position, and a desire for social harmony.  by Jack JC I have been asked on many occasions to write an article on China similar to one I wrote on the USA‘Manifest Destiny to PNAC’‘ in the hope that it will foster better understanding of China’s cultural heritage.  This is not an easy task. China is virtually the only country where you can dig up an 800,000 year old bone, and their descendants still live there.  This was illustrated to me while I was preparing for a business presentation, needed a different angle for my audience, and asked my wife how many years her family had farmed the ancestral land – the ans...

China backs Russia on Iran’s nuclear program

NOVANEWS by crescentandcross in Uncategorized  Haaretz China’s Foreign Ministry joined Russia Thursday in warning Western countries that additional pressure on Iran would not solve the nuclear stand-off. Beijing reacted to a new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which said this week that there are many concrete indications that Iran worked towards developing a nuclear weapon. Several Western powers including France have raised the possibility of new sanctions, should Iran not start answering the IAEA’s questions on this topic. “We, as always, believe that dialogue and cooperation are the only effective approaches for properly resolving the Iran nuclear issue,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said. “Imposing pressure and sanctions cannot fundamentally r...
China, USA

China Decries President Obama’s and Dalai Lama’s Meeting

NOVANEWS by Debrah McFarlane     China has decried the upcoming meeting between President Barack Obama and the Dalai Lama. The issue at hand that has caused the childish requests and threats of damaging relations from China occurred as a result of China’s unwillingness to consider Tibet a separate and sovereign nation. How is this issue or any other the United States’ problem? Irrespective of what the past and current issues are between the Tibetan nation and China, why should the United States and its President refuse to meet with the Dalai Lama? As a country, we cannot defer to every nation that threatens and tries to bully their way into our mist through threats of refusing to do business or damaging future relationships. The people of the United States elect the President of...
China, Europe

Russia, China warn West against interference

NOVANEWS     AFP   Russia and China oppose outside interference in the unrest in the Arab world, the two presidents said yesterday in a declaration, as the West seeks their support for increasing pressure on Syria. “The sides believe that the search for settling the situation in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa should take place in the legal field and through political means,” said the declaration signed by Presidents Dmitry Medvedev and Hu Jintao. “Outside forces should not interfere in internal processes in the countries of the region.” Rather, the conflicts should be solved by “launching broad national dialogue about rebuilding stability and social order and the promotion of democratic and economic reforms,” the statement said. The two presidents also...
China, Germany, India, Iran, Russia, Turkey

Iran: Choosing reliable trade partners

NOVANEWS     In order to fight US-Israel sponsored UNSC sanctions – the Islamic Republic has to be very careful in maintaining its trade with foreign countries based on past experience. Currently, Tehran’s leading trade partners are China, Russia, Turkey, Germany and India. All these countries have been under Washington’s pressure to boycott trade dealings with Iran especially in its oil and energy sectors. Russia and India, in the past have been found notoriously unreliable trade partners. Tehran accepted Moscow its trade partner as result of its needs for modern technology which was denied to the country by Zionist Occupied Western governments after the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Moscow, bankrupted as result of its mislead Afghan military adventure, was looking for a reliabl...

Look East to China the next Bin Laden

NOVANEWS   “Hillary is now moving China into the role of Emmanuel Goldstein. Hate has to be mobilized, before Washington can move the ignorant patriotic masses to war.” by Debbie Menon PC Roberts has a keen knack for seeing things and fitting them into their broader scope,which helps connect the dots and illustrate the entire picture as he does in this article: China: The New Bin Laden. “Just as the military/security complex pressured President John F. Kennedy to start a war with the Soviet Union over the Cuban missile crisis while the US still had the nuclear advantage, Hillary is now moving China into the role of Emmanuel Goldstein. Hate has to be mobilized, before Washington can move the ignorant patriotic masses to war.” It is so much simpler if one starts and sticks with the ...

China Calls it a Western Plot

NOVANEWS   Iran, Syria, and Belarus join China in condemning West for meddling. Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer Bangkok, Thailand April 13, 2011 – Destabilizing China and attempting to overthrow a government of 1.3 billion people most certainly is a grievous act of war. Add to that operations unfolding across Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe and South America and you have a recipe for World War III. While initially passed off as spontaneous, wholly organic uprisings, the smirking corporate-financier oligarchs are now conceding that indeed they have meticulously planned, trained, funded, and supported uprisings from Tunisia to Egypt, from Tehran and Belarus to Burma and Beijing. With Western forces storming Libya and the Ivory Coast from above, they are...


  NOVANEWS   Govt sabotaged talks with Maoists: Swami Agnivesh Rajeesh | August 4, 2010| Categories: Uncategorized | URL: Social activist Swami Agnivesh, who was trying to broker talks between the Maoists and the central government, has accused the home ministry of betraying the peace process. Swami Agnivesh Agnivesh was in direct touch with the CPI (Maoist) spokesman Azad and had, at the request of the government, convinced him to come to the negotiating table. But before the talks could take place, the rebel leader was killed in an encounter, which the Maoists and civil society groups alleged was fake and stage-managed. Agnivesh said Azad was carrying his letter for peace talks when he was reportedly taken into custody along with journalist Hem ...