

66 Years of Nuclear Insanity and Real Change will do US good

NOVANEWS by Eileen Flemin g   This August 6th and 9th mark the 66th anniversaries of the most brutal acts of terrorism upon innocent people America’s atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It has been spun ad’nauseum those actions “saved thousands of American lives” but the Pentagon and White House knew that Japan was ready to surrender and all they wanted was to “save face” and retain their emperor. But the Manhattan Project was the steamroller for the Industrial Military Complex and thus after nuking Hiroshima, America targeted and terrorized Nagasaki where Japans highest concentration of Christians resided. “Fat Man” immediately fried 40,000 and the death toll in Nagasaki alone totaled 73,884 with 75,000 injured and several hundred thousand more who have become diseased and are...

The Hiroshima Myth

NOVANEWS by John V. Denson Every year during the first two weeks of August the mass news media and many politicians at the national level trot out the “patriotic” political myth that the dropping of the two atomic bombs on Japan in August of 1945 caused them to surrender, and thereby saved the lives of anywhere from five hundred thousand to one million American soldiers, who did not have to invade the islands. Opinion polls over the last fifty years show that American citizens overwhelmingly (between 80 and 90%) believe this false history which, of course, makes them feel better about killing hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians (mostly women and children) and saving American lives to accomplish the ending of the war. The best book, in my opinion, to explode this myth is The Dec...

Japan in WWII: A Casualty of Usury?

NOVANEWS Was WWII Fought to make the World Safe for the Bankers? by  Dr. Ingrid Rimland Zundel Thanks to best-selling author, David Irving, the establishment view that the United States of America became embroiled in World War II as a result of a surprise attack on Pearl Harbour on December 7, 1941 is no longer accepted by major historians. The origins of this conflict, says South African politician and noted banker, Stephen Goodson, have far deeper roots. Goodson explains the background as follows: During the 1930s Japan rapidly expanded her industrial production, while the rest of the world, with the exception of National Socialist Germany, stagnated. By 1941 Japan had become the leading economic power in East Asia. Her exports were steadily replacing those of America and England. Wri...
Japan, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia/Japan: Japanese High Tea in the Land of Sweet Tea and Bibles

NOVANEWS When I was in Saudi Arabia I found it easy and wonderful to meet individuals from all differing parts of the world.  A Saudi friend and I created our own grassroots group which we dubbed the “Women’s Exchange Experience.”  We invited our expatriate and Saudi friends (female) through word of mouth or email to plan on getting together once a month as a group.  The gathering had a planned agenda and ending time.  The first 20 minutes or so would be dedicated to introductions and networking since most women did not know each other.  Once the majority of guests had arrived, either my friend or I would give the formal introduction of welcome and share the agenda of the evening.  Our agenda’s would vary from discussing topics of interest between Saudis and expatriates or could even be ...

Fukushima: How Many Chernobyls Is It?

NOVANEWS   satallite image Dr Scampa’s Lethal Doses Count Increases Dramatically by Bob Nichols (San Francisco) – The world’s second big nuclear disaster occurred at Chernobyl Reactor No. 4 in the Ukraine on Apr 26, 1986. Simply tagged as “Chernobyl,” it is what the next big and well known nuke disaster, after the American Three Mile Island, on March 28, 1979 came to be called. “Chernobyl” ejected 30% of one 192-ton, three-month old reactor core. That’s 57.6 radioactive tons thrown into the air by fire and explosions. Startling NHK Image of Japanese Television The tiny radioactive and burning smoke particles have traveled around the world many times since 1979, killing an estimated one million people to date from radiation caused illnesses and cancers. This is according to Editor Dr...


NOVANEWS   Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem Chair of West Midland PSC   US troops and occupation forces flee Japan, their lackeys flee Tokyo By Benjamin Fulford The United States occupation forces in Japan are staging a major strategic defeat because they know the Japanese defense establishment knows it was elements of the US military that set off the March 11, (311) tsunami attack against Japan. This attack used nuclear weapons drilled into the seabed by submarines and not HAARP according to senior Pentagon Sources. In addition, four months ago they overruled Japanese authorities and placed deadly plutonium into the number 3 reactor at Fukushima, according to the governor of Fukushima prefecture. This was to provide a nuclear cover story for the seabed atomic attack, pentagon sources...


NOVANEWS From the mound, Mr Tanimoto saw an aston­ish­ing panorama. Not just a patch of Koi, as he expected, but as much of Hiroshima as he could see through the clouded air was giving off a thick, dreadful miasma. Clumps of smoke, near and far, had begun to push up through the general dust. He wondered how such extensive damage could have been dealt out of a silent sky; even a few planes, far up, would have been audible. Houses nearby were burning, and when huge drops of water the size of marbles began to fall, he half thought that they must be coming from the hoses of firemen fighting the blazes. (They were actually drops of condensed moisture falling from the turbulent tower of dust, heat, and fission fragments that had already risen miles into the sky above Hiroshima.)The lot of Drs Fu...