Pakistan & Kashmir

Pakistan & Kashmir


NOVANEWS     Rajeesh | August 9, 2010| Categories: Uncategorized | URL: New Delhi, Aug 8: The Kashmiris who staged a sit-in outside the Jantar Mantra here on Saturday evening demanded demilitarization of the Valley, revocation of draconian laws AFSPA, J&K-PSA, Disturbed Areas Act and release of all political prisoners arrested in last 21 years. The participants comprising, teachers, journalists, students, businessmen also demanded allowing of international agencies to investigate into the mass graves in Kashmir and the crimes against humanity committed by armed forces and holding of dialogue with Kashmiris. Faculty of Delhi University SAR Geelani, who spoke in the meeting was unequivocal about the demand for Kashmir freedom. Revolutionary poet ...
Pakistan & Kashmir


NOVANEWS Sohail Parwaz: A Three No-Trump to the Three Idiots August 6, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba   Three No Trump Hand in Bridge By: Sohail Parwaz It has become a fashion to talk about the fate and fortune of Pakistan every now and then and every here and there. Ever since the genesis of this land of crisis the ‘well wishers’ have a lost sleep for it. The ‘earnest’ aficionado is Pakistan’s neighbour India who started dreaming about its dismemberment from the day one, followed by a flock of Odysseuses from the West, the pseudo think tanks and the intellectuals. Balkanizing Pakistan isn’t a new idea at all. Those who really know that how dominating, dictating and tenable the existence of Pakistan is, have a reason to have a lost sleep. Many of them are still in their trainee diapers yet they cl...
Pakistan & Kashmir


  NOVANEWS   A Report on The Public Meeting in Delhi on 3 August Demanding Judicial Inquiry into the Killing of Azad, the Spokesperson and Polit Bureau member of the CPI ( Maoist) along with Journalist Hem Chandra Pandey Rajeesh | August 4, 2010 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: A Report on The Public Meeting in Delhi on 3 August Demanding Judicial Inquiry into the Killing of Azad, the Spokesperson and Polit Bureau member of the CPI ( Maoist) along with Journalist Hem Chandra Pandey 2 PM, 3RD AUGUST 2010, RAJENDRA BHAVAN, DEEN DAYAL UPADHYAY MARG, NEW DELHI The Public Meeting to demand the judicial enquiry into the killings of Azad, the spokesperson and Polit Bureau member of the CPI (Maoist) along with journalist Hem Chandra Pandey at Rajendra Bh...
Pakistan & Kashmir


NOVANEWS by Narinder Kumar Jeet Punjab - Democratic mobilization resists police onslaught on activists Rajeesh | August 2, 2010 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: Source: Sanhati August 01, 2010 Now-a-days, the Punjab Police is too much pre-occupied with Naxalite-phobia. Some months ago the DGP himself came out with an extremely irresponsible statement, branding the 17 mass organizations of farmers and agri-labour as front organizations of the Naxalites/Maoists, because they have been consistently fighting against the anti-people and anti-national policies of the rulers. The police arrested Surjit Singh Phul, President of Bharti Kisan Union (Krantikari), subjected him to severe torture at the Joint Interrogation Center Amritsar and slapped on him a case unde...
Pakistan & Kashmir


NOVANEWS Rajeesh | August 3, 2010| Categories: Uncategorized | URL: At least four people, including a youth, were killed here on Tuesday in clashes between protesters and security personnel, thereby taking the death toll in the Kashmir Valley to 27. The 16-year-old youth died in a hospital this evening after being wounded in the massive explosion on Sunday at the Khrew police post in Pulwama. Curfew remains enforced in all ten districts of the valley, with security forces maintaining a close and strict vigil to contain the disturbances. Reports said that residents of the Qamarwari area in downtown Srinagar defied the curfew and took part in several demonstrations. They refused to heed security forces demands to disperse. This resulted in security forces firin...
Pakistan & Kashmir


NOVANEWS Killing Azad: Silencing the Voice of Revolution Rajeesh | July 24, 2010 at 8:22 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:   Dear Friends, This is for your info. An edited version appeared in Economic and Political Weekly, Mumbai, as Letter to Editor. Killing Azad: Silencing the Voice of Revolution By N Venugopal In a deliberate attempt to suppress the most powerful and articulate voice of Indian revolutionary movement, the state has indulged in cold-blooded, brutal assassination of Cherukuri Rajkumar, popularly known as Azad, spokesperson of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), along with freelance journalist Hemchandra Pandey on July 2. Azad was supposed to meet a courier at Sitabardi in Nagpur, Maharashtra at 11 am on July 1, to go to Danda...
Pakistan & Kashmir


NOVANEWS Pakistan’s Infatuation with the F-16s: Dreams & Realities July 6, 2010 by Michael Leon   Falcon F-16 By Raja Mujtaba The 1971 Indo-Pak War was over and the Pakistan Air Force did not perform as well as in the 1965 war with India. The American technology which our brave pilots and engineers had absorbed and put to its maximum performance in the previous war let us down in the 71 War. The Korean vintage F-86 Sabers, F104 Star Fighters and B-57 Bombers along with their Missiles and Avionics Suites had out-stretched their operational lives and were now lingering along in our inventories to be counted in numbers. All the smart alecks on the payroll of the PAF in the mid 1970s were collected in the Operations Research Directorate at Air Headquarters to identify the needs of the PA...
China, Pakistan & Kashmir


NOVANEWS Pak-China Strategic Ties Irks the Indo-Israelis July 14, 2010  by Michael Leon   Pakistan China Talks Obama Must Not Be A Tool To Promote The Indo-Israeli Agenda - The US Should Not Be Unnerved on Nuclear Deal between China and Pakistan - By Sajjad Shaukat in Opinion Maker Both the countries signed six documents of cooperation in the areas of agriculture, healthcare, justice, media, economy and technology. Chinese President Hu Jintao and President Asif Ali Zardari, while witnessing the signing ceremony that made strategic incentives and alliances even stronger than they were before. On trade cooperation, Jintao said that China would explore new ways to cooperate as well as cement cooperation between the two countries in areas such as energy, transportation, telecommunication, inf...
Pakistan & Kashmir


NOVANEWS News has arrived that Cherukuri Rajkumar, popularly known as “Comrade Azad”, Central Committee member, Political Bureau member and Party Spokesman of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) had been arrested by the Andhra Pradesh Special Police Forces along with Hem Pandey (Jittender) and brutally murdered in the forests of Adilabad on the border Maharastra. The Communist Party of India (Maoist) has stated that both Azad and Hem Pandey have been murdered extrajudicially and that their deaths were portrayed as if there was a military encounter between the military and the revolutionaries. This method of “fake encounters” is a popular method among the State forces of India who employ such dirty tactics especially in regions were Maoists are powerful. Contradictory to the announcements...
Pakistan & Kashmir, USA


NOVANEWS ISLAMABAD — Gen. David Petraeus lauded Pakistan’s efforts at battling Islamist militants during his first visit here since taking over as top NATO commander in neighboring Afghanistan this month. But he avoided public mention of the complicated tug of war between the countries over the presence in Pakistan’s border regions of militants launching attacks against NATO troops in Afghanistan. Pakistan is embroiled in military operations against Pakistani Taliban fighters in its volatile northwest. One of Petraeus’ main challenges as NATO commander will be to try to persuade its leaders to also turn their sights toward Afghan Taliban based in their country’s semiautonomous tribal areas. Pakistan has been wracked by deadly attacks in the past two weeks that have killed nearly 150 people...