Pakistan & Kashmir

Some comparative notation on the differences between Western and Russian way to wage a war
Pakistan & Kashmir, Ukraine

Some comparative notation on the differences between Western and Russian way to wage a war

By Claudio Resta of VT Italia And the chance of cutting off Ukraine from its Black Sea coast as a realistically minimum acceptable target for Russia to stop By the way just to begin with formal US war misconduct I believe that all US wars since the end of World War II have never been formally declared in violation of Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 Kellogg–Briand Pact of 1928. About the present what annoys me most about the Atlantic mainstream narrative about the war in Ukraine is the biased and mendacious cowardice of the accusations being leveled at Russia. In addition to the guilty because deliberate and willing ignorance of its prodromes and the double standards with which the ways in which Russia wages this war are not compared with the ways in which the US conduct...
Ben Norton on the U.S.-Backed Coup in Pakistan, Neverending War in Ukraine, and a Multipolar World
Pakistan & Kashmir, Ukraine, USA

Ben Norton on the U.S.-Backed Coup in Pakistan, Neverending War in Ukraine, and a Multipolar World

By: VT Lowkey is joined by journalist Ben Norton to discuss the recent U.S.-backed coup in Pakistan, the West’s plan to turn Ukraine into a neverending war, and the new multipolar global order taking shape before our eyes. Ben Norton is a Nicaragua-based journalist whose work is focused on U.S. foreign policy and international politics. He recently launched his new journalism platform, Multipolarista. His video content can also be found at Rokfin and on YouTube. Today, he sat down to speak to Lowkey about the recent U.S.-backed coup against Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. Earlier this month, Khan was removed from his position following a vote of no confidence in his leadership, after several small parties from his coalition changed their allegian...
Regime Change in Pakistan
C.I.A, Pakistan & Kashmir, USA

Regime Change in Pakistan

By Brig. General Asif H. Raja  Part 1 Asif Haroon Raja The US high-handed tactics The US in its bid to keep the world under its hegemony, uses its military might, diplomatic clout and other coercive tools to terrify the third world countries and till now has been quite successful. It has managed to install puppet regimes in the developing countries and whichever ruler defied its dictates was either removed from power or assassinated. Regimes have been changed by the US either through invasions, or fomenting insurgency or a political movement, or with the help of the military or the politicians in opposition. Ups & downs in Pak-US relations Pakistan has remained in the camp of the US since 1954 and had become its most allied ally. Pakistan first leaned towards ...
US-engineered Regime Change in Pakistan Lands Corrupt Leader in Office. Interview with Sabtain Ahmed Dar
C.I.A, Pakistan & Kashmir, USA

US-engineered Regime Change in Pakistan Lands Corrupt Leader in Office. Interview with Sabtain Ahmed Dar

By Sabtain Ahmed Dar and Steven Sahiounie Global Research, Former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, warned of foreign intervention by the US to oust him from office, and now Khan has been replaced by Shahbaz Sharif, who enters office having involved in a major corruption scandal involving sugar. In December 2021, Adviser to PM Khan on Accountability and Interior Barrister Mirza Shahzad Akbar gave a trail of “billions of rupees laundered through the Ramzan Sugar Mills”. “Shehbaz Sharif is the ringleader of a money laundering gang. He and his son Hamza have been found involved in corruption and money laundering worth Rs16 billion in the Ramzan Sugar Mills case,” Akbar said in Lahore. “The National Accountability Bureau also found Shehbaz’s involvem...
The Destabilization of Pakistan
C.I.A, Pakistan & Kashmir, USA

The Destabilization of Pakistan

Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr Author’s Note The Biden White House was behind Prime Minister Imran Khan‘s political demise.  “We know which are the places from where the pressure is being exerted on us. We will not compromise on the interest of the country. I [Khan] am not levelling allegations, I have the letter which is the proof,”  Under Imran Khan, a major geopolitical shift had occurred, which Washington is intent upon reversing, Pakistan is no longer America’s staunchest ally.  Washington’s actions in Pakistan go far beyond the narrow objective of “regime change”.  Historically, the thrust of US foreign policy actions consisted in weakening the central government, fracturing the country as well as sabotaging Pakistan’s str...
The Ouster Of Imran Khan: How Much Involvement Did the US Have in Pakistan’s Coup?
Pakistan & Kashmir

The Ouster Of Imran Khan: How Much Involvement Did the US Have in Pakistan’s Coup?

Imran Khan joins the long list of deposed prime ministers and underscores the reality that, in Pakistan, whoever the people elect, the U.S.-backed military is always in charge. By: VT By Alan Macleod  ISLAMABAD – Following weeks of high drama and controversy that have racked the nation, Imran Khan has been removed from office. The Pakistani prime minister suffered a vote of no confidence and a loss in the supreme court, ending his rule after less than four years. Coalition partners abandoned him, leaving his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party in the minority. The cricket-star-turned-political-leader had been warning for some weeks that a foreign power – assumed to be the United States – was seeking to overthrow him because of his independent foreign policy...
Pakistan: Plots and Counter-Plots: Western Skulduggery to Realign Central Asia
Pakistan & Kashmir

Pakistan: Plots and Counter-Plots: Western Skulduggery to Realign Central Asia

BY EVE OTTENBERG Islamabad, Pakistan. Photograph Source: Ali Mujtaba – CC BY-SA 4.0 Someone sure wants regime change in Kazakhstan and Pakistan. Someone sure aims to realign Central Asia from its current Russia-China tilt to a more western-friendly posture. And that someone may be willing to use violence and lawfare to get such results. Who on earth could it be? Answer that question correctly and you go to the head of the class – the class that never gets mentioned by the western propaganda machine, aka corporate media. This malodorous silence, whiffling through our press and TV, means no focus, ever, on western machinations to engineer regime change. That skullduggery may be alluded to as the wild charges of some unreliable non-western politico, but that’s it. They’ll t...
Pakistan political crisis: Why Imran Khan’s enemies want him out?
Pakistan & Kashmir

Pakistan political crisis: Why Imran Khan’s enemies want him out?

Peter Oborne The prime minister has been vulnerable to attack - both domestically and externally - since coming to power in 2018. Prime Minister Imran Khan’s decision to dissolve the Pakistani parliament to head off a vote of no-confidence has been greeted by global shock and bemusement.That bemusement is misplaced. I’ve covered Pakistani politics over two decades. As a long-term student (and admirer) of the country, I can state with confidence that the real shock is not that Pakistan has been struck by political crisis; it’s that it has taken so long. Khan's honesty makes him fundamentally unsuited to the debased methods that are second nature to many successful Pakistani politicians Few democratically elected leaders of Pakistan last long. Indeed, not one of Khan’s prede...
Imran Khan Blocks US Coup Against Pakistan, MP’s Chant ‘Death to America’
Pakistan & Kashmir, USA

Imran Khan Blocks US Coup Against Pakistan, MP’s Chant ‘Death to America’

By Gordon Duff, Pakistan’s prime minister and longtime VT contributor has just survived a coup attempt by the US State Department that has funneled millions into corrupt military officers and Pakistan opposition party members. Khan has worked closely with VT since 2009 when VT first partnered with Opinion Maker and Raja Mujtaba.  Duff met with Khan then and the two have remained friends and have worked together on several issues. Haya abidi 786@haya_abidi Fir the first time in the history of Pakistan's parliament, the country's parliamentarians chanted "Death to #America" as the legislature rejected a no-confidence vote, which sought to oust #ImranKhan, saying "foreign powers" are interfering in the country's democratic process. the first time in the history of Pakista...
Pakistan: Why Imran Khan Will Survive and Soar
Pakistan & Kashmir

Pakistan: Why Imran Khan Will Survive and Soar

By: VT The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, Nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favour to the learned;But time and chance happen to them all Ecclesiastes 9:11 A large segment of Pakistanis is addicted to sensational journalism, breaking news and conspiracy theories. Educated classes are no exception. Amongst Pakistan Think Tanks and Discussion Forums, dialogues on Pakistan’s potential and future outlook remain subdued. While our contemporaries who followed our development model took leaps and bounds for top international rankings, Pakistan is stuck in the politics of the past. This politics has bred greed, corruption, professional incompetence and unethical practises. The framework of political economy of Pakistan conspic...