

Russia urges IAEA to name ‘content provider’ for its report

NOVANEWS  by crescentandcross in Uncategorized Russia urges IAEA to list countries which provided documents for the report on Iran, which ‘contains no new details’, RIA Novosti quoted Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov as saying on Monday. “The IAEA Director General’s recent report lacks anything new,” Lavrov told journalists. “It just reaffirmed that Iran has provided no necessary explanations for so-called ‘proposed military developments’.” He noted that the IAEA claims the report was developed based on documents which were submitted by another country. “We urge the IAEA to name ‘another country’ so that we could investigate the case,” Lavrov said. IAEA General Director Yukiya Amano said in the report issued on Nov. 8 that the “information indicates Iran has carried out activities ...

Russia opposes Arab League decision to suspend Syria

NOVANEWS by crescentandcross in Uncategorized  FM Sergei Lavrov says Western countries inciting opponents of Assad to seek his removal; EU government agree to extend sanctions on more Syria individuals. Haaretz Russia opposes the Arab League’s decision to suspend Syria and believes Western nations are inciting opponents of President Bashar Assad to seek his removal, Russian news agencies quoted Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as saying on Monday. Lavrov also underlined Russia’s opposition to imposing new sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program and said nations were whipping up tension over Tehran to impose additional unilateral sanctions against it, the reports said. Meanwhile, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al Muallem discussed the League’s decision during a press conference in Damasc...

Russia mulls building more Iran nuclear reactors in wake of damning UN report

NOVANEWS by crescentandcross in Uncategorized   Haaretz Russia, which built Iran’s first nuclear power station, said on Thursday it might help the Islamic Republic construct more atomic plants – dangling a carrot in front of Tehran amid tense diplomacy over its nuclear program. Oil-producing Iran finally plugged the $1 billion Bushehr nuclear power station into its national grid in September, 19 years after Russia first agreed to build the 1,000-megawatt plant. Moscow has periodically said it might build more reactors for Iran, which has ambitious plans for atomic power and an active nuclear program that the United States and its allies ear is aimed at developing weapons. Iran denies it. The statement by the head of Russia’s state nuclear corporation came as Moscow hosted a sen...

IAEA’s ‘Soviet Nuclear Scientist’ Never Worked on Weapons

NOVANEWS  by crescentandcross in Uncategorized  by Gareth Porter   The report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) published by a Washington think tank Tuesday repeated the sensational claim previously reported by news media all over the world that a former Soviet nuclear weapons scientist had helped Iran construct a detonation system that could be used for a nuclear weapon. But it turns out that the foreign expert, who is not named in the IAEA report [.pdf] but was identified in news reports as Vyacheslav Danilenko, is not a nuclear weapons scientist but one of the top specialists in the world in the production of nanodiamonds by explosives. In fact, Danilenko, a Ukrainian, has worked solely on nanodiamonds from the beginning of his research career and is considered o...

Russia says will not back new Iran sanctions over nuclear program

NOVANEWS  by crescentandcross in Uncategorized  Haaretz Russia will not support new, tougher sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program, Interfax news agency quoted a senior Russian diplomat as saying on Wednesday. “Any additional sanctions against Iran will be seen in the international community as an instrument for regime change in Iran. That approach is unacceptable to us, and the Russian side does not intend to consider such proposals,” Interfax quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov as saying. Earlier on Wednesday, France said it wanted to convene the UN Security Council and could push for unprecedented sanctions against Iran after an International Atomic Energy Agency report said Iran had worked to develop an atomic bomb design. “Convening of the UN Security Council ...

Russia and China warn America against Iran

NOVANEWS  by crescentandcross in Uncategorized  Daily Mail Russia and China have expressed growing concern about a possible American military strike against Iran over its nuclear programme. And this week the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is to publish a damning report with ‘compelling evidence’ that Iran is secretly building an arsenal of nuclear warheads. Fresh details suggest that Iran could even be ‘nuclear ready’ within months. And laying bare the disturbing extent of the country’s atomic weapons programme will increase calls in the United States for pre-emptive action against the Islamic state. And that plays into the hands of Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who is said to be pushing for an airstrike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. However, Iran has threatened...

Russia: Swift Iran sanctions ‘serious mistake’

NOVANEWS  by crescentandcross in Uncategorized  FM Lavrov urges int’l community to continue talks with Islamic Republic, says military strike would be ‘catastrophic.’ Israeli politician: Delivery of S-300s may compel attack Imposing swift additional sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program would be a “serious mistake,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday. UN Report Details from UN nuclear watchdog report continue to leak. Iran apparently mastered critical steps needed to build nuclear weapon with help of former Soviet weapons scientist, Washington Post reports Monday.  “Today there is a real chance to conclude talks whose results should be an agreement restoring trust in the purely peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program,” Lavrov said in televised remarks. “...

Kosovo and Methohio: The Untold Story

NOVANEWS Hidden Balkan History by  Sir Vojislav Milosevic,   Director,  Center for Counter-Terrorism and World Peace,Belgrade, Serbia The problems with extreme activities in Balkans originate from 19th century and they were generated through history. On the 23rd of May 1878 in Prizren, city of Kosovo and Metohia, in presence of 300 delegates, Albanians adopted a declaration of forming an ethnically clean state that would include the territories of Albania, parts of Western Greece and Macedonia, as well as some parts of Serbia – actually, the whole Kosovo and Metohia and Eastern part of Montenegro. YouTube - Veterans Today - That was the first time that the idea of of the „Great Albania“ was mentioned and put in practice. The first serious attempt of the Albanian extremists to viole...

Putin Versus The American Drug Cartel

Is Vladimir Putin the only man in the World Who Can Break the Global Drug Trade? By Mike Harris In several recent communications with US, Ukrainian and Russian friends, about the current set of conditions within the former Soviet Union I have been able to confirm that the CIS Countries are under covert assault by the CIA, Mossad, and Drugs Inc. It appears that the cold war has gone into a new and deadly direction. Currently Russia and the CIS countries are suffering from a new drug epidemic from the vast quantities of cheap, high quality heroin from Afghanistan. Since the US occupation, the Opium production in Afghanistan has increased one hundred thousand fold. While this plague of cheap heroin affects the western countries as well, the vast majority of this deadly product is being truck...

Russian Expert: Bin Laden Death Doubts Continue

NOVANEWS “Inconsistencies” in bin Laden Death By Colonel Gene Khrushchev “It took Obama two years to find his own birth certificate, how long will it take to find Usama bin Laden’s death certificiate?”   YouTube - Veterans Today -