


NOVANEWS By Harpal Brar Preface One of the myths perpetrated by Trotskyites, with not inconsiderable help from the imperialist bourgeoisie, is that Leninism and Trotskyism are synonymous; that Trotsky was, after Lenin, the most brilliant and greatest Bolshevik (some even implying that Lenin was a great Trotskyist); that Trotsky was the true inheritor of Leninism, and a worthy successor to Lenin, but was, alas, deprived of his rightful place by the cunning manoeuvres of a third-class mediocrity and oriental despot to boot, i.e., Joseph Stalin. This anti-communist myth, repeated ad nauseam decade after decade in truly Goebbels fashion, not only in Trotskyite publications but also in classrooms by petty-bourgeois professors and teachers of history and sociology, not to mention the imperialist...

Putin : Protesters Are Receiving Their Funding From The West

NOVANEWS CIA/Soros funneling money through Georgia to Russian protesters   Protests in Russia By Wayne Madsen   WMR has learned from an eastern European intelligence source that the CIA. Britain’s MI-6, and George Soros, who actually fronts for the Rothschild family, has been funneling money to Russian protest movements through the Republic of Georgia. The Soros-style “themed” revolution for Russia is being called the “White Revolution” or “Snowy Revolution,| with the color white being chosen as the thematic color for the attempted Russian uprising. Perhaps not coincidentally, the White Army was also the name for the counter-Bolshevik revolutionary forces composed of czarist loyalists supported by British, French, American, Japanese, and Czech troops who, from 1917 to 1922, atte...

Russian v. US Elections

NOVANEWS by Stephen Lendman   Russia’s December 4 elections filled 450 State Duma seats, Russia’s Federal Assembly lower house.  Claims of electoral fraud followed. All elections have irregularities. At issue is whether results are comprised. Election monitor Golos accusations were spurious. America’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED) funds it. It supports regime change in non-US client states. It backs opposition groups, conducts propaganda campaigns, and does openly what CIA operatives do covertly to destabilize sitting governments. Its mission is subverting, not promoting democracy. It operates with State Department funding and direction. It serves US imperial interests destructively against targeted countries. So do USAID, the International Republican Institute (IRI), and th...

IsraHell Under Retaliatory Threat?

NOVANEWS Russia Prepared for Conflict Over Iran If Necessary, Sources Confirm   by Dr. George Krasnow   Dear Friends of the Russia & America GoodWill Association (RAGA)!  The RAGA stays away from politics, except when peace is threatened. Below is my translation of a report about Russian troops being put on high alert, as it appeared on Russia’s site. The Kremlin is being updated about the upcoming US-backed Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, according to “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”, citing sources in the Defense Ministry. Strike will be sudden and inflicted very soon. A full-scale war is possible. This issue was discussed at the Russia-EU summit in Brussels with the participation of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Russia’s permanent representative to the E...


NOVANEWS Reuters UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – Russia’s U.N. envoy on Monday demanded there be a thorough investigation of civilians killed in NATO air strikes during its military operations in Libya, which led to the ouster and death of former leader Muammar Gaddafi. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin was reacting to news reports about civilian deaths caused by NATO. Reuters reported on Friday that human rights groups estimated over 50 civilians were killed by the air strikes, while the New York Times published on Sunday an estimate of 40 to over 70. Churkin told reporters the NATO alliance has so far failed to provide the U.N. Security Council with details about civilian casualties. “Unfortunately NATO adopted a pure propaganda stand, claiming zero civilian ca...


NOVANEWS US Presses Russia for More Details Amid Call for Iran Sanctions In the ongoing effort to find stories with the words “Iranian” and “nuclear” in them and spin them into some insidious plot, officials are now pressing Russia for “more details”following the claim that Russian authorities prevented a shipment of radioactive material into Iran. The shipment, which contained a quantity of Sodium-22 (22Na), was stopped by Russian customs officials for some unknown reason. Though initially reported as something that could “only be created in a nuclear reactor officials later corrected this to confirm that it was not only not exclusive to reactors but not commonly created within them, and instead is mostly created in particle accelerators and research reactors in university a...


NOVANEWS Russia’s foreign minister has accused the West of an “immoral” stance on Syria, saying it should condemn the opposition as well as security forces. Sergei Lavrov said opposition groups were trying to provoke a “humanitarian catastrophe” to get foreign help. The comments came after UN human rights chief Navi Pillay told the Security Council Syria should be referred to the International Criminal Court over its crackdown on the nine-month uprising. She said 5,000 people had been killed. In October, Russia and China vetoed a Security Council resolution condemning Syria. The draft, introduced by France and the UK, was supported by other Western countries. On Tuesday Mr Lavrov defended an alternative text drafted by Russia and China which urges both sides in the conflict to r...

Russia Bashing

NOVANEWS  Responsible major media journalism was never America’s long suit. At a time of grave global dangers, they’re pointing fingers the wrong way. by Stephen Lendman On December 4, parliamentary elections were held to fill 450 State Duma seats, Russia’s Federal Assembly lower house. With nearly all votes counted, RIA Novostisaid Medvedev/Putin’s United Russia party won 238 seats, falling slightly below a majority with 49.67% of the vote. It added that it’s “a far cry from the commanding two-thirds constitutional majority the party held in the State Duma for the past four years” based on tabulated results so far. United Russia is the nation’s dominant party. In December 2001, it was founded by merging the Unity and Fatherland-All Russia parties. Vladimir Putin served as acting Presiden...

Crimes of the Bolsheviks, by Isabella Fanfani (ed.)

NOVANEWS  by Montecristo CRIMES OF THE BOLSHEVIKS A revised and re-edited version of A Sea of Blood: the Truth about Bolshevik Russia, a 12,000-word pamphlet originally published in Munich (1926) and authored by a Russian émigré  known as “Dr Gregor”. Pictures and captions by Lasha Darkmoon 1.  Introduction Nine years have already passed since an indescribable crime against humanity, the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, was systematically begun. Now in its ninth year [1926], a government exists which calls itself a worker-and-peasant government—but not one true worker or farmer has ever sat on it. For nine years, torture has been used in the name of democra­cy as an official instrument of the state. And in the name of socialism millions of upright individu­als have been murdered, put to de...

Putin warns West as he launches presidential bid

NOVANEWS  in Uncategorized  Associated Press Prime Minister Vladimir Putin sternly warned the West not to interfere in Russia’s elections, as he launched his campaign to reclaim the presidency in a speech Sunday before thousands of flag-waving supporters. Putin stepped down in 2008 after two presidential terms, but kept his hold on power. He announced in September that he intended to return to the top job next year and was formally nominated Sunday by his United Russia party. “All our foreign partners need to understand this: Russia is a democratic country, it’s a reliable and predictable partner with which they can and must reach agreement, but on which they cannot impose anything from the outside,” Putin told his audience. The party congress, which was televised live, was aimed at boos...