Sri Lanka

India, Pakistan & Kashmir, Sri Lanka

Journalists Increasingly Unsafe in the Indian Subcontinent

NOVANEWS By: Nava Thakuria Journalists in India. | Photo: Reuters India and Pakistan headed the list with seven of the professional journalists killed in the last six months. The Indian subcontinent as a whole today stands on the cusp of being a danger zone for journalists, as the region witnessed the murder of over 10 journalists in the first half of 2017. RELATED: Indian Metro Praised for Including Transgender Workers India and Pakistan headed the list with seven of the professional journalists killed in the last six months; with Bangladesh, Myanmar and Maldives added one casualty each. The year started with sad news for India as the dead body of a Jharkhand-based journalist was recovered in Hazaribagh in the first week of the year. Hari Prakash, 31, whose body...
Sri Lanka

Who is Behind Assault on Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner?

NOVANEWS By Sajjad Shaukat Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner to Malaysia Ibrahim Ansar was assaulted by a group of persons at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport on Sep 4. 2016, when he was returning after dropping several Sri Lankan parliamentarians at the Airport after attending a conference in Kuala Lumpur. In this regard, Colombo Telegraph wrote on September 5, 2016, “The Sri Lankan Government summoned the Malaysian High Commissioner in Sri Lanka to express their displeasure and deep concern over the attack on the Sri Lankan High Commissioner in Malaysia, and to also inquire about the investigations into the incident which occurred at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport…Meanwhile, Malaysia’s IGP Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said that the Malaysian police have launched an investigation...
Pakistan & Kashmir, Sri Lanka

Targeting Pakistan on Human Rights Violations in Sri Lnka

NOVANEWS By Sajjad Shaukat The civilized Western World has always shown double standard of human rights in the modern era of open diplomacy, economic development and maintenance of fundamental rights of various peoples. But, it is regrettable that major powers like the US and some European countries have continuously been acting upon duplicity regarding human rights violations. In this regard, their silence over the massacre of the Rohingya Muslim community at the hands of the Rakhine extremist Buddhists in Burma (present Myanmar), perpetual bloodshed of Kashmiris in the Indian occupied Kashmir and unending genocide of several Palestinians in Gaza might be cited as example. In these cases, US-led Western World which was overtly or covertly supporting the state terrorism of Myanm...
Sri Lanka

How the West has always backed brutal Sri Lanka

NOVANEWS My weekly Guardian column: The Sri Lankan Navy band was busy last week, learning the tune to Waltzing Matilda. They played it to welcome Scott Morrison, the Australian immigration minister, who was visiting to launch two patrol boats donated by the Australian government. A photo of the moment,tweeted by journalist Jason Koutsoukis, showed Morrison sitting alongside president Mahinda Rajapaksa and his brother, defence minister Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Perhaps it didn’t worry Morrison that there are growing calls to prosecute Gotabaya Rajapaksa for war crimes, because of his actions in 2009 during the Sri Lankan civil war. Australia has been aware of Sri Lanka’s breaches of human rights for some time. Australia is now closer to the regime than ever, because of their assistance in im...
Sri Lanka

Stop the extreme group of monks called Bodu Bala Sena

NOVANEWS Stop the extreme group of monks called Bodu Bala Sena in who ignites the religious hatred, enmity and violent oppressions against Muslims and other minority religious groups. This petition aims to gather opposition to the extremist Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) organisation in Sri Lanka. Its general secretary Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thero, along with other members, continues to violate the religious rights of minorities via their hatred propaganda and violent activities. We appeal to all human rights activists, organisations and individuals to demand immediate actio...
Sri Lanka, United Kingdom

UK prime minister covers up crimes against humanity, and lectures Sri Lanka on crimes against humanity

NOVANEWS by hasta_la_victoria Fallujah in Iraq, destroyed by Nato's stormtroopers in 2004 Sirte in Libya, destroyed by Nato's luftwaffe in 2011 By Felicity Arbuthnot, via Global Research “Hypocrisy, the most protected of vices.” Moliere (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 1622-1673) Last week, a little more was learned as to the circumventions in Whitehall and Washington delaying the publication of the findings of Sir John Chilcot’s marathon inquiry in to the background of the Iraq invasion. The UK’s Chilcot Inquiry, was convened under then Prime Minister Gordon Brown, to establish the decisions taken by the UK government and military, pre and post invasion. It ran from 24 November 2009 until 2 February 2011 and cost an estimated £7.5m. The as yet unpublished report is believed to run to 1,000,0...
Sri Lanka, United Kingdom

UK Prime Minister Covers Up Crimes Against Humanity – Lectures Sri Lanka on Crimes Against Humanity

NOVANEWS By Felicity Arbuthnot Global Research “Hypocrisy, the most protected of vices.” Moliere (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 1622-1673.) Last week a little more was learned as to the circumventions in Whitehall and Washington delaying the publication of the findings of Sir John Chilcot’s marathon Inquiry in to the background of the Iraq invasion. The UK’s Chilcot Inquiry, was convened under then Prime Minister Gordon Brown, to establish the decisions taken by the UK government and military, pre and post invasion. It ran from 24th November 2009 until 2nd February 2011 and cost an estimated £7.5 million. The as yet unpublished Report is believed to run to 1000,000 words. The stumbling block – more of an Israeli-style “separation barrier” in reality – has been the correspondence between Tony ...
Sri Lanka

Tamil Solidarity protest warns Cameron: don’t go to Chogm!

NOVANEWS Protest Friday 15 November, 4-7pm Say NO to Chogm British government supports war criminal regime in Sri Lanka An important warning shot was fired on Wednesday 9 October. On the day the world heard about Canada’s boycott of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (Chogm) in Sri Lanka, Tamil Solidarity called a successful protest at Downing Street. “Cameron, Cameron, don’t go to Sri Lanka,” was roared across the road to the home of the British Prime Minister David Cameron who plans to attend the meeting. The Guardian reports Canadian PM Harper citing “reported disappearances, and allegations of extra judicial killings” to explain his historic withdrawal from Chogm. This continued horrific trampling of democratic rights, and the genocidal slaughter of up to 100,000 Tamils in ...
Sri Lanka

Protest Cameron attendance at Commonwealth meeting

NOVANEWS Tamils living in Britain have reacted angrily to David Cameron’s vague promise to call for an ‘independent’ review of war crimes in Sri Lanka. The prime minister’s statement yesterday is seen as a cynical attempt to placate Britain’s 300,000 strong Tamil community – a significant electoral constituency. Tamils in Britain are outraged that the Commonwealth heads of government meeting (Chogm) is going ahead in Sri Lanka this month and, even worse, David Cameron and foreign secretary William Hague have decided to attend. The Tamil Solidarity campaign rejects the claim that their participation will compel the government of Sri Lanka to investigate allegations of war crimes, in particular during the final months of the conflict which ended in May 2009. Many reports have detailed the ...
Sri Lanka

India-Sri Lanka nexus is against the interest of Tamils in every which way possible-Meena Kandasamy

NOVANEWS Meena Kandasamy is a poet, fiction writer and an activist. She plays a crucial role in building campaigns such as Tamil Solidarity and has been a strong voice against the murderous Sri Lankan regime. 1. Thank you for giving this interview to the Tamil Solidarity. According to Indian media, Prime minister Manmohan Singh will not take part in the commonwealth heads of government meeting (CHOGM). However rest of the Indian delegation will take part. Do you think Indian government is playing a ‘trick’ on us. While it is clear that Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s decision to not visit CHOGM in Sri Lanka is clearly a response to the protest movements in Tamil Nadu, and while it is also a decision made keeping in mind the elections early next year—we have to reiterate that this ...