North’s Weapons Supplier Tied to Terrorist Abu Nidal

NOVANEWS MICHAEL WINES   l atimes Lt. Col. Oliver L. North's secret arms network supplied Nicaraguan rebels with $1.5 million in weapons bought in 1985 and 1986 from a Syrian smuggler tied to notorious terrorist Abu Nidal, according to records released by the congressional Iran- contra panels. The weapons, apparently of Polish origin, were purchased from Manzer Kassar, a Damascus drug smuggler and arms merchant. The 42-year-old Kassar and his three brothers have built a multimillion-dollar empire on military deals in Eastern and Western Europe. Administration officials, speaking on condition that they not be named, said Kassar has "clearly established" business links to the Abu Nidal terrorist ring, responsible for a November, 1985, Egyptair hijacking in which 57 people died and fo...

America in Turmoil: From Deep State Insurgency to Deep State Spying – WikiLeaks’ Vault 7

NOVANEWS By Joachim Hagopian Even those not following the latest evidence of the tyrannical noose tightening around our necks, know something has gone terribly wrong in America. Through NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden’s revelations four years ago, we learned that US citizens as well as foreign countries are the most spied upon in human history. But this week’s latest massive WikiLeaks’ release, aka Vault 7, amounts to almost 9,000 pages of CIA documents collected from 2013 through 2016 that disclose highly classified hacking secrets. With this largest dump of confidential CIA files ever published, the world is beginning to realize just how far gone our privacy rights are, becoming virtually nonexistent under traitor Obama’s second term in office. On the heels of last week’s bombs...

Wikileaks Reveals: CIA’s UMBRAGE Allows Agency to Carry out ‘False Flag’ Cyber Attacks

NOVANEWS By Whitney Webb Mint Press News   A new release of CIA documents by Wikileaks indicates that the intelligence agency has the means and the intent to mask the cyber-attacks it commits by making them seem as if they originated from a foreign power. Earlier today, Wikileaks once again made headlines following its release of the “largest ever publication of U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents.” The massive release – just the first batch in a trove of documents code-named “Vault 7” by Wikileaks – details the CIA’s global covert hacking program and its arsenal of weaponized exploits. While most coverage thus far has focused on the CIA’s ability to infiltrate and hack smartphones, smart TVs and several encrypted messaging applications, another crucial aspect of ...

CIA Leak Shows We’re “Sliding Down the Slippery Slope Toward Totalitarianism, Where Private Lives Do Not Exist”: Dennis Kucinich

NOVANEWS By Washington's Blog Washington's Blog   16-year congressman Dennis Kucinich writes: That the CIA has reached into the lives of all Americans through its wholesale gathering of the nation’s “haystack” of information has already been reported. It is bad enough that the government spies on its own people. It is equally bad that the CIA, through its incompetence, has opened the cyberdoor to anyone with the technological skills and connections to spy on anyone else. The constant erosion of privacy at the hands of the government and corporations has annihilated the concept of a “right to privacy,” which is embedded in the rationale of the First, Third, Fourth, Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. It is becoming increasingly clear that we are sliding d...

WikiLeaks, “Year Zero” and the CIA Hacking Files

NOVANEWS By Dr. Binoy Kampmark Global Research   It is now up to the device and OS manufacturers, like Apple, Google, or Samsung, to fix their volcanoes back into mountains. -Telegram Statement, Mar 8, 2017 The paradox with information releases that expose a supposedly grand internal stratagem is that they merely provide the food of confirmation otherwise lacking.  Such food is potent.  It blows the lid off the suggestion that a conspiracy theorist was merely a Cassandra in the wilderness chewing fingernails in fear that something hideous was afoot. It provides nutrients for those seeking greater scrutiny over the way state security, otherwise deemed the domain of closeted experts, is policed. The entire profession (for it has now become one) of mass disclosures of secret or cla...

The WikiLeaks Revelations and the Crimes of US Imperialism

NOVANEWS By Andre Damon World Socialist Website   With increasing frequency, aggressive foreign policy moves by Washington have been palmed off by the media and political establishment as defensive responses to “hacking” and “cyber-espionage” by US imperialism’s geopolitical adversaries: Russia and China. For months, news programs have been dominated by hysterical allegations that Russia “hacked” the Democratic National Committee in order to subvert the 2016 election. As the print and broadcast media were engaged in feverish denunciations of Russia, the US and its NATO allies moved thousands of troops and hundreds of tanks to the Russian border. Not content to allege interference only in the American election, the US media and its international surrogates have alleged Russian ...

Forty years ago, the CIA had its eye on Jamaica—and Bob Marley got shot

NOVANEWS Citispotter David Cupples Two nights before a much awaited national show, two carloads of armed men drove into Marley’s Hope Road yard and shot up the place. Whether the CIA was connected to the attack is unclear. But Marley was stirring up the populace with lyrics of resistance and revolution, inciting the people to think breaking from “the system” was a good idea. Forty years ago, on Dec. 3, 1976, Bob Marley was shot in a gangland assassination attempt in the heat of a contentious Jamaican election campaign pitting the United States’ favorite (Edward Seaga) against the incumbent prime minister (Michael Manley). The shooting in Marley’s Kingston home—which also wounded his wife, Rita, and at least two others—occurred 12 days before the schedu...