
Neo-Nazis smash up Yugoslav communist party headquarters

Neo-Nazis smash up Yugoslav communist party headquarters

British communists stand in solidarity with our Yugoslav comrades under attack from EU-backed fascist thugs. Party statement Serbian police and state bodies have been complicit in facilitating the rise of fascist organisations in the country, hoping by this means to check the rising anger of the Serbian and wider Yugoslav working class. They have been aided and abetted by the implementation of European Union-backed legislation and historical revision across media and education, which is rebranding fascist collaborators from WW2 as ‘heroes of the nation’. We reproduce below a letter received from comrades in the New Com...
The Extent of NATO’s Destruction in Yugoslavia
Ex-Yugoslavia, NATO

The Extent of NATO’s Destruction in Yugoslavia

Posted by: John Phoenix NATO unleashed a massive military onslaught on the small country and its people, which led to massive destruction and loss of lives. By Russia Insider On the 24th of March in 1999, without a Security Council Resolution, NATO started the military attack on Yugoslavia [Serbia and Montenegro]. Yugoslavia, allegedly responsible for the ‘humanitarian catastrophy’ in Kosovo and Metohija, was attacked after the so-called Rambouillet negotiations about the future status of Kosovo failed. The Rambouillet agreement foresaw the deployment of NATO forces on the territory of Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav party didn’t want NATO forces on its territory and suggested UN troops should be deployed instead, to oversee the implementation of the Rambouillet agreement, w...
Serbian troops on heightened alert at Kosovo border

Serbian troops on heightened alert at Kosovo border

Government in Belgrade accuses neighbouring Kosovo of ‘provocations’ by sending special police units to border. A Kosovo Serb is pictured waving a Serbian flag as he protests against a government ban on entry of vehicles with Serbian registration plates in Jarinje, Kosovo [Laura Hasani/Reuters] Serbian troops have been on a heightened state of alert after the government in Belgrade accused neighbouring Kosovo of “provocations” by sending special police units to the border. Already tense relations between Serbia and its former breakaway region have grown worse since the ethnic Albanian-led government there despatched the police units to an area mainly populated by minority ethnic Serbs, who reject the authority of the government in Kosovo’s capital Pristina.KEEP READINGKosovo ...
Workers in eastern Europe and former Soviet states prefer socialism

Workers in eastern Europe and former Soviet states prefer socialism

As the dystopian reality of bourgeois exploitation and ‘democracy’ hits home, Stalin and communism are viewed with respect and longing. Proletarian writers Hundreds of supporters gather to mark Josef Stalin's 139th birthday in Moscow's Red Square, 21 December 2018. Former Soviet leader Josef Stalin’s approval rating has hit a record high of 70 percent amongst Russians, according to a study published by the Levada polling centre. (Stalin’s approval rating among Russians hits record high, The Moscow Times, 16 April 2019) We are used to reading opinion polls, and being justifiably sceptical about their findings. Very often, a tiny proportion of the public is polled, and the methodology is key to determining the responses and therefore the outcomes. In ‘the west’, so-called ‘opin...
Still Tranquil Belgrade
Ex-Yugoslavia, Serbia

Still Tranquil Belgrade

LINH DINH • Pandemic, lockdowns, riots, disappeared jobs, collapsed businesses, empty fridges, closed borders, weird explosions and, just now, Beirutshima, so 2020 is already a horror show, but wait, it’s actually a mousy prelude to the endlessly crashing cymbals, just ahead. Many more ambulances will howl down streets. The empire will only exit with a bang. Meanwhile, all is still relatively calm in most places. I hear a child singing outside my basement window. Each afternoon, kids play in my building’s narrow courtyard, then disperse just before five, to head home for dinner. To reach the front door the other day, I had to sidestep four boys playing cards. As I fumbled with the key, one kid looked up, frowned and said something that sounded like a correction. I ignored ...
U.S. Is Pushing for a New Provocation Against Serbia over the Kosovo Issue
Ex-Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Serbia, USA

U.S. Is Pushing for a New Provocation Against Serbia over the Kosovo Issue

By Paul Antonopoulos Belgrade and Pristina have resumed dialogue in Brussels, but the recent delivery of American-made armored vehicles to Kosovo could make the talks difficult and signifies Washington is once again attempting to destabilize the Balkans. Serbia and Kosovo returned to the negotiating table on July 16 after a long hiatus; however the hopes of Josep Borrell, head of European diplomacy, to allow a constructive dialogue could now be in jeopardy. Washington’s delivery of Humvee armored vehicles to Pristina is a clear message to Belgrade that the U.S. will continue recognizing Kosovo’s independence. Washington purposefully sent the armored vehicles knowing it will create tensions in negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina. The U.S. is putting pressure on Serb...
Bill Clinton’s Serbian War Atrocities Exposed in New Indictment
Ex-Yugoslavia, USA

Bill Clinton’s Serbian War Atrocities Exposed in New Indictment

by JAMES BOVARD Photograph Source: TSGT Victor Trisvan – Public Domain President Bill Clinton’s favorite freedom fighter just got indicted for mass murder, torture, kidnapping, and other crimes against humanity. In 1999, the Clinton administration launched a 78-day bombing campaign that killed up to 1500 civilians in Serbia and Kosovo in what the American media proudly portrayed as a crusade against ethnic bias. That war, like most of the pretenses of U.S. foreign policy, was always a sham. Kosovo president Hashim Thaci was charged with ten counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity by an international tribunal in The Hague in the Netherlands charged Thaci and nine other men with a “war crimes, including murder, enforced disappearance of persons, persecution, and torture.” ...
21 Years Ago, NATO’s War on Yugoslavia: Kosovo “Freedom Fighters” Financed by Organized Crime
Bosnia, Croatia, Ex-Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, USA

21 Years Ago, NATO’s War on Yugoslavia: Kosovo “Freedom Fighters” Financed by Organized Crime

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Twenty-one years ago, June 10 1999, marks the end of NATO’s  aerial bombardment of Yugoslavia (March 24, 1999- June 10, 1999). The bombings which lasted for almost three months, were followed by the military invasion (under a bogus UN mandate) and illegal occupation of  the province of Kosovo. 21 years later on April 24, 2020, the leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) Hashim Thaci who subsequently became “Prime Minister” and “President” of Kosovo was indicted for crimes against humanity. The Kosovo Specialist Prosecutor’s Office At The Hague filed an indictment against Hashim Thaci on April 24, 2020 ” for a range of crimes against humanity and war crimes, including murder, enforced disappearan...
Ex-Yugoslavia, Macedonia

N.Macedonia Joins NATO As 30th Ally

North Macedonia became NATO’s newest member, upon depositing its instrument of accession to the North Atlantic Treaty with the US State Department in Washington DC. NATO Allies signed North Macedonia’s Accession Protocol in February 2019, after which all 29 national parliaments voted to ratify the country’s membership. Speaking in Brussels on Friday NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said, “North Macedonia is now part of the NATO family, a family of thirty nations and almost one billion people. A family based on the certainty that, no matter what challenges we face, we are all stronger and safer together.” North Macedonia is a long-standing contributor to our Euro-Atlantic security, including by participating in NATO-led missions in Afghanistan and in Kosovo. A flag-rais...
Ex-Yugoslavia, Russia, USA

The Baltic States Align Themselves with US-NATO against Russia ?

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida Global Research, In 2017, RAND Corporation published in its associated media Small Wars Journal an article by the researchers Marta Kepe and Jan Osburg, outlining a strategic defense plan for the Baltic countries in the event of a Russian invasion. The authors claim that Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia will manage their weaknesses to face the Russians, overcoming their population and military deficit through the participation of civilians in the conflicts, working with the armed forces to create a “total defense” plan that would make the invasion too costly and laborious for Russia. Subsequently, the RAND Corporation article was mentioned in a paper by the National Interest magazine, authored by Michael Peck, in which the author s...