

Official: No sign French suspect had al-Qaida ties

NOVANEWS AP Investigators have found no signs the suspected gunman behind a deadly string of attacks in southern France was under orders from al-Qaida or any militant group, a top French official said Friday — disputing Mohamed Merah’s claim of terrorist ties before he died in a shootout with commandos. France’s prime minister and other officials have been fending off suggestions that anti-terrorism authorities failed to adequately monitor the 23-year-old Merah, who had been known to them for years before he carried out three deadly shooting attacks this month. Merah, a Frenchman of Algerian descent who claimed links to al-Qaida, was killed in a dramatic gunfight with police Thursday after a 32-hour standoff at his Toulouse apartment. Prosecutors said he filmed himself carrying out the ...

French gunman was on U.S. “no-fly” list

NOVANEWS Gunman was once in US custody in Afghanistan ed note–so, not only was this individual allowed to enter Israel, he was also being watched by French security and intelligence services, was on the US ‘no fly’ list and had even been in American custody at one time??? Amazing, how EVERY TIME Israel finds herself neck-deep in ‘bad press’ something like THIS just ALWAYS manages to ‘pop up’. Almost ‘magical,’ n’est-ce pas? Reuters The French Islamist gunman suspected of murdering seven people who was killed in a shootout with police on Thursday was on a  “no-fly” list maintained by U.S. authorities, U.S. officials said.  Mohammed Merah was placed on the list some time ago, two officials said, but they would not disclose precisely when. A source fa...

‘Toulouse gunman had visited IsraHell

NOVANEWS –ed note–for the moment, barring some new information otherwise, we are going to accept this at its face value, that it was a desperate act on the part of an individual who had grown sick and tired of seeing his fellow Muslims being murdered by Israel with impunity. HOWEVER, the news that he visited Israel is extremely interesting, given the difficulty that people of his background face when trying to enter the Jewish state. Individuals extremely less problematic have far greater difficulty getting into the country, so how did he? And so, given current realities, we are forced to ask a few questions– Did Israel do to him what she does to those in Gaza seeking medical help, offering to give them the assistence they need if they agree to be a snitch for Israel? Did Israel ki...

Toulouse Cannot be Explained as an Isolated Hate Crime or the Deed of one Fanatic

NOVANEWS By Lindsey German No one can justify such attacks, but the shootings in south west France are the terrible and disastrous outcome of the West’s war policies and anti-Muslim racism. The shootings in south west France were, it appears, the work of a young Algerian Muslim, who had been trained in camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan and was one of the prisoners who escaped from Kandahar prison in a Taliban jailbreak. No one can justify such attacks, which have seen the killing of Jewish schoolchildren and a rabbi, and of French soldiers of North African and Caribbean descent. But nor should anyone be in any doubt that this act cannot be explained as an isolated hate crime, or the deed of one fanatic. It is the terrible and disastrous outcome ...

Breaking – Toulouse Shooter was on Radar

NOVANEWS Exploiting the Murders - Who Profits? The Sad Three Ring Circus Moves into the Ten Ring Version    by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor Update: 12 pm, 03-22-12. Gunman killed in final shootout. Confusion reigns on earlier background reports. French claiming they were not aware of his earlier arrests in Afghanistan, bombing making and prison escape. American military had claimed they had picked him up and turned him over to the French NATO people and he had been repatriated back home. It appears some further investigation will be needed to straighten it all out, or for everybody to get their stories straight. ___________________ Note: Media had previously reported several times that he had surrendered. News is now reporting the shooting suspect in custody. But already being reveal...

Gun in French School Shooting Linked to Prior Attacks

NOVANEWS ed note–needless to say, our condolences to the family members who lost loved ones. Having said that however, HOW LONG before some ‘Iranian’ angle is tied to this? The fact that the perp drove a motorcycle exactly as the assassins in Tehran did when killing the Iranian nuclear scientist is troubling. Absent that, how long before breaking news reveals it was a ‘neo-Nazi’, since the paratroupers he killed were North African? The French government has confirmed that the gun used to kill three French paratroopers last week is the same gun that a shooter used to fire on a Jewish school in Toulouse this morning, killing four, including a 30-year-old rabbi and his two children. The shooter, who arrived and fled from the Ozar Hatorah school on ...


NOVANEWS Facing jail: Hind Ahmas, left, could be sentenced to two years in prison for wearing a banned Islamic head covering in France A 32-year-old mother from France is set to become the first woman ever to be sent to prison for wearing an Islamic veil. Hind Ahmas refuses to accept the legitimacy of a Paris court which has ordered her to spend 15 days learning her civic duties. She was sentenced by magistrates in Meaux, a Paris suburb, yesterday – after being arrested wearing an outlawed veil outside the Elysee Palace in the French capital on April 11. That was shortly after Nicolas Sarkozy’s government introduced a ban on all forms of Islamic head coverings, including the niqab and the burka. Ahmas was not allowed into the hearing at Meaux Criminal Court because she ...

France summons Zio-Nazi envoy over Gaza attack

NOVANEWS  Uncategorized  Paris summons Israel’s ambassador after French consul and his family were injured in a missile attack on the Gaza Strip. Al Jazeera France has summoned the Israeli ambassador to Paris to a meeting at the foreign ministry after an air strike wounded the French consul in Gaza, along with his wife and daughter. A spokesman for the ministry said on Wednesday that France’s ambassador in Tel Aviv had complained to Israeli authorities over the bombing, and that Israel’s envoy had been required to meet with senior officials in Paris. The consul, his wife and 13-year-old daughter were injured during an Israeli air strike on Sunday night, Bernard Valero, the French foreign ministry spokesman, said on Tuesday. Valero told reporters that the three were were hit by shrapnel a...

Report: Sarkozy calls Netanyahu ‘liar’

NOVANEWS by crescentandcross in Uncategorized  Microphones accidently left on after G20 meeting pick up private conversation between US, French presidents. Sarkozy admits he ‘can’t stand’ Israeli premier. Obama: You’re fed up with him? I have to deal with him every day! ed note–ed note–we can safely assume that Obama has just been “Lewinskyed”, in the “former” Mossad asset  Sarkozy luring him into a situation where he blabs something destined to raise the collective ire of the Chosenites and to give them something to scream in his face about until he gets the boots marching against Iran. Ynet French President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly told US President Barack Obama that he could not “stand” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and that he thinks the Israeli premier “is a liar.” According ...

France FM accuses Assad of ‘crimes against humanity’

NOVANEWS Alain Juppe singles out Russia for preventing the imposition of harsher sanctions against Assad regime, due to Kremlin’s unwillingness to approve them in United Nations Security Council. ed note–anyone doubting the absolute moral bankruptcy of the Judaized West need look no further than these comments as proof. The fact that France–which assisted the US and other “Christian” countries in murdering over a million innocent Iraqis and which has sat by as Israel has murdered thousands of innocents in Gaza, Lebanon and elsewhere would render any kind of moral judgment on someone like Assad would be laughable were it not so serious. French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe on Wednesday accused the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad of crimes against humanity, and called for the ...