

Greek PM promises Jewish leaders a law against Holocaust denial

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said the proposed legislation would bar parties that denied crimes against humanity, such as the Holocaust-denying Golden Dawn, from running in future for the Greek parliament. Haaretz The premier of Greece promised Jewish leaders on Sunday that he would introduce a new law to prevent Holocaust-denying parties from running for parliament in his country. Prime Minister Antonis Samaras was participating in a commemoration service at Thessaloniki’s Monastiriotes Synagogue marking the 70th anniversary of the start of the deportation of the town’s Jews to the German death-camps. Over 90 percent of the 53 thousand Jews living in Thessaloniki on the eve of the Second World War perished in the Holocaust. In what was the first visit by a serving Greek prime minist...

Greek soccer player banned from national team for life after Nazi salute goal celebration

NOVANEWS The growing sentiment of neo-fascism in Greece appears to have spread to the beautiful game, as AEK Athens midfielder Giorgos Katidis “pulled a Di Canio” by apparently giving a Nazi salute after scoring in his side’s 2-1 victory over Veria on Saturday. For the gesture, the tattooed 20-year-old has been handed a life ban from the Greek National team, whom he once captained at U-19 level. Katidis, however, will not join Di Canio and Christian Abbiatiin the pantheon of proud football fascists, as he has denied knowing what the gesture meant on Twitter. The BBC reports: The Greek football federation called it “a severe provocation” that insulted “all the victims of Nazi bestiality”. Katidis denied he gave a Nazi salute. “I am not a fascist and would not have done i...

Greek Jews complaining about comedian using swastika-Star of David

NOVANEWS Widespread posters for entertainer’s shows imply Jewish and German responsibility for country’s financial crisis Times of Israel Greece’s Jewish community has complained to authorities in Athens after a controversial entertainer used a symbol of an intertwined swastika and a Star of David to promote his night club shows. “The design depicted on the poster fiercely insults our very religion, as well as the memory of the six million Jews, victims of the Holocaust,” said a statement from the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece, addressed to the country’s Minister of Justice and officials in the education ministry. The poster advertising the show by singer and comedian Tsimis Panousis, for a series of shows at a club in the port city of Piraeus near Athens, shows a Magen D...

SYRIZA’s underhand trick and the reality

NOVANEWS Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem Sr Report from Communist Party of Greece, KKE, with thanks This is not the first time this has happened, but this time SYRIZA has crossed the line by choosing to adorn a poster which it issued for a meeting organised on the 19/10 in Ireland with the photograph of the banner which the KKE had put up on the Acropolis in May 2010, on which the slogan “Peoples of Europe Rise Up” was written. [to see the photographs click on this link] Of course they took care to delete the signature of the “KKE” from the banner, in order to appropriate an initiative which had great resonance. To be accurate, there were two banners, one with the sl...

Greece’s Evolving Social Crisis: “Black Shirt Fascists” in the Greek Islands

NOVANEWS By Chris Jones Global Research Sunday October 7 was a day of mixed emotions. First there was coming to terms with seeing black shirted fascists marching along the water front in Samos Town. When I first came here in 1995 I could never ever imagined such an event taking place on Samos. On Sunday it happened. But, there was also relief that the Golden Dawn (GD) presence was so small. I counted 35 in their ranks, of whom half appeared to be from outside Samos – they were the ones getting them sorted out in ranks of 3 in the car park before they marched, and leading the chants. The others may have been from Samos but none were recognized by those we were with although later I was told by a close friend who lives and works in the town that she recognized 3 police men from Samos among...

Greece at the crossroads

NOVANEWS Addressing public sector workers striking in defence of their pension rights on 10 May, the general secretary of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers, Bob Crow, told the assembled throng: "We should be taking action across Britain today, not just PCS, UCU and the other unions, but everyone taking action. We should be turning back the tide. The rest of the trade union movement has got to start waking up... We need the entire trade union movement to link up. Why is it they can take general strike action in Greece, Spain and France and we can't?" It's a fair question. Why is it that the Greek masses, even those still confused by the siren songs of social democracy, seem to be so much more advanced in political maturity by comparison with the labour movement in B...

The Rape of Greece by (Jewish) Bankers

NOVANEWS Mike Stathis, Chief Investment Strategist, AVA Investment Analytics After suffering through nearly five years of a very severe recession, the worst is yet to come for the Greek people. According to consensus estimates it will take twelve years for the Greek economy to regain its pre-recession output. Although I view this estimate as generous, it nevertheless represents an extremely slow recovery when compared to the most adversely affected nations from previous financial crises. My own estimates indicate that it will take Greece at least eighteen years to reach its pre-recession economic output. Even if Greece were to begin its recovery later this year, it will have lost more than 16% of GDP since its pre-recession peak, making it one of the most severe losses of economic output ...

The Final Greek Tragedy: Theft of a Nation by Bankers

NOVANEWS The Real Truth about Greece and the EU  by Mike Stathis In order to understand the progression of the economic and political chaos in Greece, one must review several key events from recent years, all while reading between the lines from official statements made by the global banking syndicate and their puppet politicians in both the EU and U.S. First, I begin with my analysis of statements made by certain members of this crime syndicate after the April 2009 G-20 Summit. As you will recall, this meeting took place within weeks of the global equities markets having reached multi-year lows. Politicians and establishment economists from around the globe met to discuss their “solutions.” At the time, consensus forecasts had concluded that the global economy would record a decline in gr...

The Death of Dimitris Christoulas

NOVANEWS If you haven't heard, Dimitris Christoulas killed himself on Tuesday evening in protest of the policies of austerity that are brutalizing the people of Greece: An elderly man who took his life outside the Greek parliament in Athens , in apparent desperation over his debts, has highlighted the human cost of an economic crisis that has not only brought the country to the brink financially, but also seen suicides soar. As Greeks digested the news, with politicians clearly as shocked as society at large, mourners made their way to Syntagma square, where the retired pharmacist shot himself with a handgun. The 77-year-old pensioner pulled the trigger as people were emerging from a nearby metro station in the morning rush hour. One witness told state TV that before shooting himself ...
Greece, Syria, Turkey

Rising Energy Tensions in the Aegean—Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria

NOVANEWS The New Mediterranean Oil and Gas Bonanza   Part II: Rising energy tensions in the Aegean—Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria By F. William Engdahl, author of A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order with permission The discovery in late 2010 of the huge natural gas bonanza off Israel’s Mediterranean shores triggered other neighboring countries to look more closely at their own waters. The results revealed that the entire eastern Mediterranean is swimming in huge untapped oil and gas reserves. That discovery is having enormous political, geopolitical as well as economic consequences. It well may have potential military consequences too. Preliminary exploration has confirmed similarly impressive reserves of gas and oil in the waters off Greece, Turkey...