
Polexit looming?
Europe, Hungary, NATO, Poland

Polexit looming?

Just 17 years ago, when Poland and Hungary joined the EU, western imperialism was rubbing its collective hands with glee as what they perceived to be a noose, tightened around the neck of now capitalist, but still independent, Russia.  The influence of even right wing eastern European states within the EU, however, has had a wonderfully destabilising effect upon that entity with the exasperation of imperialism summed up nicely by the executive director of Defend Democracy, Alice Stollmeyer, who has said; “The EU can only be as strong as it is united, and when it’s not, others rejoice, Putin must be watching with a box of popcorn.” For the record, Alice, we’re loving the spectacle as well! Oh, and by the way, if you’re wondering, ‘Defend Democracy’ is another of those Brussels...

Manipulation: Washington’s New Program to Take on Hungarian Media. Regime Change in Budapest?

NOVANEWS By Daniel McAdams Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Hypocrisy may be the only consistent guiding principle of US foreign policy. Here’s a prime example of the “do as we say, not as we do” that is the core of how Washington does business overseas: In the same week that the the US Justice Department demanded that the Russian-backed RT America network register as a foreign propaganda entity or face arrest, the US State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DNL) has announced that it is launching a program to massively interfere in NATO-partner Hungary’s internal media.  So the US Justice Department is cracking down on RT America for what it says is manipulation of US domestic affairs while the US State Department announces a new program to m...