

Catalonia Declares Independence

NOVANEWS By Stephen Lendman Global Research   Catalan President Carles Puigdemont and majority parliamentarians declared Catalonia’s right to be a sovereign independent state. A 92% referendum “yes” vote demanded it. For democracy to have meaning, it’s essential to enforce the will of the people. “It is not a personal decision,” Puigdemont explained, adding “(t)his is a special and historic moment having a long outreach.” Catalans long awaited independence from fascist Spain. Puigdement and parliamentarians seek dialogue with Madrid. PM Mariano Rajoy earlier ruled it out, saying “(w)e are going to prevent independence from occurring. That is why I can tell you with absolute frankness that it will not happen.” It remains to be seen what’s coming. Rajoy may invoke Article...
Europe, Spain

EU Expects Trouble Coming From Catalonia

NOVANEWS EU Expects Trouble Coming From Catalonia, But Real Danger Comes From The Balkans Adelina Marini The EU is watching with some concern the developments of the situation in Spain, created by the desire of Catalonia to declare independence, as it could shake the Union in two separate directions - economic and political. A possible secession of the rich Spanish province could cause serious quakes in the Spanish economy, which underwent tough reforms and managed to emerge from the crisis without having to implement a rescue program like Greece, Ireland or Portugal. Possible economic shocks in the fourth largest economy in the euro area could seriously damage the economic performance of the area itself, which is now almost fully recovered from the severe debt and financial crisis. Ev...

Catalan Police in I$raHell: repression courses

 NOVANEWS Related:  Tillerson Caves, Will Appoint Special Anti-Semitism Envoy Who Monitors Criticism of Israel In "Civil Liberties" ADL Campus guide describes how to block events about Palestine In "Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism" How I Got Fired In "Civil Liberties" Comments This is disturbing as hell…and the reference to “2011” is perhaps most disturbing to me. I don’t pretend to understand all the action I saw — e.g., play acting? real-life situations? — and am hoping for some elucidation by others with better eyes and discernment than I have…. Comment by roberthstiver | October 9, 2017 | Reply I believe the American police have been receiving training in Israel in “Crowd Suppression”…..Gee, I wonder why American police would need to suppress the America...

Catalonia: EPP’s Bad Boys

NOVANEWS Adelina Marini Emmanuel Macron Put France Back into EU Driver's Seat Juncker's Triumph What Future for EU Budget after Brexit? Photos from Catalonia where the Spanish authorities used excessive force against those willing to participate in an illegal referendum in the autonomous Spanish province caused justified reactions of indignation that such a thing is possible in the European Union. Even more revolting was the silence of the European political elite, with the notable exception of Slovenia Prime Minister Miro Cerar (ALDE), Belgium's Charles Michel (ALDE), the ALDE group leader in the European Parliament Guy Verhofstadt (Belgium) and the leader of the Socialists and Democrats group Gianni Pittella (Italy). In this company was also Lithuania's Foreign Minister Linas Linke...

The World Must Stand With Catalonia

NOVANEWS By: Sean Bell Esteladas (Catalan separatist flags) are waved as thousands of people gather for a rally on Catalonia's national day 'La Diada' in Barcelona, Spain. | Photo: Reuters. In the face of Spanish authoritarianism, Catalonia deserves our solidarity and support. Sunday’s Catalan independence referendum delivered a landslide victory to supporters of Catalonia’s self-determination, with some 90 percent voting in favor of secession from Spain. Having been denied a spurious legitimacy by the Spanish constitutional court, which declared the vote illegal, democracy in Catalonia has instead found validation through the enactment of history by its people. RELATED: Serbia Accuses EU of Hypocrisy Over Catalan Independence History, stretching back to th...

Spanish King lines up with Prime Minister to condemn Catalonia

NOVANEWS No words of reconciliation, only more threats and bullying. by: ADAM GARRIE Spain’s King Felipe VI has made a televised address in which he offered heavy handed words of condemnation for the leaders of the Catalan independence movement. Felipe VI began by stating that, “We find ourselves at a critical juncture as a democracy”, before explaining why Madrid thinks that the Catalan exercise in democracy deserved carpet condemnation. Like Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, the King of Spain proceeded to call the referendum an outlaw act and calling a would-be declaration of independence “illegal”. As a result of this particular statement from the King, Carles Puigdemont, the Catalan leader has publicly stated that Catalonia will declare its independence within a matter of days. ...

Cataluña Libre?

NOVANEWS By Peter Koenig Global Research Yesterday’s historic vote – the Referendum decided by the Government of Cataluña, called illegal by the neoliberal Rajoy Government of Madrid – turned into an event of abject police violence against masses of unarmed voters. The Referendum may have been illicit according to the Spanish Constitution, but voting in a referendum as an expression of opinion is a human right, regardless of whether the central government of Madrid would or would not accept the result of the vote. In the early Monday morning hours, the Catalan Government issued statements saying that about 2.3 million Catalans, 42.3% out 5.3 million eligible voters, casted with 90% a ‘yes’ ballot for Independence. Without the violent interference of the national police and civ...

Catalonia Independence: Five Things to Think About

NOVANEWS Catalan independence can be good or bad - it depends on the Catalan people to make it good, or else it likely will be bad. By Tony Cartalucci Headlines and commentary across both Eastern and Western media have mainly focused on the Catalan independence referendum and the actions of Spanish police and the Spanish government’s attempts to disrupt polls. However, little is being said about what the real implications of Catalan independence may be. What do those politicians in Catalonia in favor of independence seek to do with it should they succeed? Will they create a Catalonia that serves the best interests of the people? Or serve the EU and NATO more efficiently and eagerly than a united Spain ever could? There are 5 points those following this conflict should know and ...

Spain Heading Towards Civil War?

NOVANEWS By Ian Greenhalgh  Tomorrow, Catalonia will attempt to hold an independence referendum; I say attempt because they will face extremely strong opposition from the Spanish federal authorities, not least in the form of the tens of thousands of paramilitary Guardia Civil that Madrid has sent into the region to prevent what Madrid insists is an illegal action. Madrid has cited the Spanish constitution and its article 8 which declares Spain to be ‘indivisible’ as justification for declaring the Catalan referendum illegal and it’s efforts to prevent it going ahead.  Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has already reiterated many times that a referendum cannot be held as it would be contrary to the Spanish constitution, introduced in 1978 to underpin Spain’s transition to democr...

Sunday’s Catalonia Independence Referendum

NOVANEWS By Stephen Lendman Global Research   Featured image: Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy (Source: Wikimedia Commons)   Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s regime is going all-out to block it. He governs like a tinpot despot, waging class war, enforcing police state repression, arresting Catalan officials, threatening others with criminal prosecution for supporting the autonomous region’s self-determination right, affirmed under the UN Charter and other international law. He’s no democrat. A modern-day Francisco Franco defines his policies. Spaniards nationwide should revolt against his right-wing extremism. Spain’s Gag Law enacted on his watch lets police be judge, jury and collector of spurious fines, including for photographing an illegally-parked police car. A...