Human Rights

Human Rights

NUCLEAR WEAPONS! OhMyGawd They Did it!

NOVANEWS UnBelievable! The US is Using Nuclear Weapons in Central Asian War By Bob Nichols (San Francisco) Mr. President, for years now Do-Gooders, PeaceNiks and assorted anti-military types have talked incessantly about the imponderables of possible, potential, IF or maybe war-time use of nuclear weapons. Shoah Media Well, the United States Military has finally done it. They have had and are using nuclear weapons in the Central Asian War; at Fallujah, Iraq to be exact. This War Crime is proven to have commenced at least as far back as 2004. What’s more, the military’s use of nuclear weapons is primarily against civilians, maiming and killing civilians now as well as generations as yet unborn – a cowardly, psychotic [crazed] recognized War Crime. Mr. President, Dr. Busby, a chemical physi...
Human Rights

IsraHell doctors failing to report torture of Palestinian detainees

NOVANEWS  by crescentandcross in Uncategorized Nazi Baruch Goldstein ed note–when Israel produces creatures such as Dr. Baruch Goldstein, who went into a mosque during Purim and machine gunned to death 30 Palestinian muslims as they prayed and who is considered a national hero, as well as those doctors responsible for gutting Palestinians of their organs to be later sold to rich Jews around the world who need them, why then should anyone in his or her right mind be surprised to hear that Israeli doctors are not doing anything about the torture of Palestinians? Israeli doctors are ignoring the complaints of Palestinian patients who claim they have been mistreated, according to the report. Photograph: Frank Baron for the GuardianMedical professionals in Israel are being acc...
Human Rights

The Israeli Authority escalate its closure campaign against the Palestinian local NGOs in Jerusalem

NOVANEWS  The Palestinian Institutions in Jerusalem strongly condemn the closure of four Palestinian NGOs in Jerusalem . Part of the Israeli policy to control and undermined the role of Palestinian civil society presence and effort Jerusalem . On the 25th of October, the Israeli Police handed a closing order to four registered Palestinian Jerusalemite NGOs for one month. The four NGOs provide services for Palestinian community in Jerusalem . The four NGOs include: ·   Shua’a Women Association: is a community based organization working in Jerusalem . Shua’a is, well known, and well respected Palestinian NGO dedicated to the empowering of women in Jerusalem to achieve their social, economic and political rights.; it provides educational opportunities and capacity building for Palestinian wom...
Human Rights

Zio-Nazi Guilty of First Organ Trafficking Case in US History

NOVANEWS Rosenbaum was identified to the FBI seven years ago as a major figure in a global human organ ring. International Business Times, By Michael Billera An Israeli man who lives in Brooklyn pleaded guilty on Thursday to charges of brokering a kidney transplant as part of a black market organ business. This is the first human organ trafficking conviction in the United States. For many years, Israel has been at the top of organ trafficking. Rosenbaum received at least $450,000 for trafficked organs. Rosenbaum was identified to the FBI seven years ago as a major figure in a global human organ ring. Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, 60, confessed to three counts of acquiring human organs for transportation and one count of conspiracy in Trenton, N.J. Rosenbaum also admitted that three ailing people...
Human Rights

Ahlam and Nezar, A Palestinian Couple Released in The Prisoner Exchange

NOVANEWS Ahlam and Nezar It is time to tell their stories, and to do so without apology. by James M. Wall Two young Palestinians, Ahlam (left) and Nezar (right) Tammimi, were among the 477 Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli prisons, October 18. They were in the first contingent of what is supposed to become more than one thousand Palestinians released in an exchange for Israeli Sergeant Gilad Shalit. The Western media covered the exchange as a story about the lone Israeli soldier involved. Television captured the dramatic scenes of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu greeting the young man who had spent five years in an Hamas prison. The Western public saw and read virtually nothing about the 477 Palestinians who were released from Israeli prisons, except for those stories...
Human Rights

Urgent Appeal: Stop Arbitrary Detentions in Turkey!

NOVANEWS The international public has so far been oblivious to the so-called “KCK operations” carried out in Turkey by Prime Minister Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party for the past two years. Under the guise of “fighting terrorism,” the Erdogan government has been using the judiciary, the police, and the media to penalize all civic activism in support of rights demanded by Kurdish citizens in Turkey. The “KCK operations” in particular have been deployed to spread fear amongst activists, to silence public dissent, and to normalize the arbitrary arrest of citizens. Ironically, the Erdogan government’s suppression of dissent and of democratic politics has visibly intensified at a time when “Turkish democracy” is being hailed as a model for the Arab world. Since 2009, as many as ...
Human Rights

Adalah Submits New Report to UN on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of Arab Citizens of Israel

PRESS RELEASE 25 October 2011 UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural RightsCommittee to ReviewIsrael on 16-17 November 2011 On 17 October 2011, Adalah submitted a new NGO report to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights ("the Committee") to assist it in upcoming review of Israel, to take place in Geneva on 16-17 November 2011. The Committee monitors the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), which Israel ratified in 1991. During the review session, the Committee will consider Israel's report of July 2010, as well as information provided to it by Adalah and other local and international NGOs. Adalah Attorney SawsanZaher will participate in the session during the review in Geneva. Adalah's report discusses t...
Human Rights

Zio-Nazi Haredi Man Confesses To Trafficking Gentilsm Human Organs

NOVANEWS Zio-Nazi Levi Yitzhak Rosenbaum, 60, an Orthodox (Haredi) Jew who resides in Brooklyn New York, has pleaded guilty to trafficking human organs. Rosenbaum was apprehended by the FBI two years ago. The term Haredi or Charedi is used to describe the most conservative forms of Orthodox Judaism. His confession came during his trial on Thursday in New Jersey where he admitted to three counts of brokering illegal kidney sales for customers in New Jersey, and received at least $120.000 in each sale, and also pleaded guilty to an account of conspiracy to broker another sale, the Ynet News added. The Ynet added that Rosenbaum confessed to brokering the illegal organ sales with people in IsraHell, who received only $10.000 each. The prosecutors stated that this guilty plea is the first ...
Human Rights

Prisons, Wars, and the Lust for Profit

NOVANEWS Prisons, Wars, and the Lust for Profit by Larry Pinkney “Jails and prisons are designed to break human beings, to convert the population into specimens in a zoo-obedient to our keepers, but dangerous to each other.” –Angela Davis “There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.” –Howard Zinn In the 21st century the United States of America has rushed head long in to turning the incarceration of human beings into a thriving profit-driven and increasingly privatized business. This nation, in fact, has the the largest documented rate of imprisonment in the world. Since 1980, the prison population in the U.S. has more than quadrupled. This did not happen by mere osmosis. The same avaricious components that bring us perpetual war and concomitant corporate ...
Human Rights

Zio-Nazi stopped mother visiting prisoner son for 11 years

NOVANEWS Rami Almeghari  Eid Misleh, seen with his mother in Gaza after his release, spent 19 years in Israel prisons, and was denied family visits for the last eleven “Eid was born on the night of Eid al-Fitr 47 years ago,” Eid Abdallah Misleh’s mother, Umm Eid, explained, referring to the feast marking the end of the fasting month of Ramadan, “So we named him Eid to be a good omen for our family. This day is also Eid for me, as my son has been released from the Israeli occupation’s jails.” Indeed, it was a celebration for Misleh, back with his mother, his wife Umm Ubaida, his daughters, Shaima, 23, Israa, 21, and his son Ubaida, 19, and many extended family and friends in Maghazi refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. Six days after his release, friends and family cont...