Human Rights

Human Rights

“I want to hug my son before I die”

NOVANEWS Shahd Abusalama    Families of Palestinian political prisoners continue to demand their loved ones’ release at the Red Cross headquarters in Gaza City. This account is part of an ongoing series by Shahd Abusalama in Gaza City, who has been reporting on the regular sit-in protests and hunger strikes at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) headquarters by family members of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails. The prisoners’ families make sure not to miss any day of the weekly protests, so the number of the people inside the Red Cross building is more than usual on Mondays. Therefore, one should expect to see lots of tears and hear lots of tragedies, especially after the names of the soon-to-be released prisoners were declared. As I ente...
Human Rights

IsraHell rejects Palestinian lawsuit over Zio-Nazi missile that struck family home

NOVANEWS by crescentandcross Jerusalem court calls incident, in which Nazi missile killed 2 Gaza family members during 2006 hit operation, legitimate act of war, orders family to pay NIS25,000 in legal fees. ed note--besides the obvious--which is that IsraHell NEVER admits culpability to ANYTHING, from her murderous attack on the USS LIBERTY to the various false flag attacks she has waged on other nations, to her various assassinations of foreign leaders to the murder of civilians in Gaza, Lebanon, etc, the REAL significance of this story is found by reading between the lines. As far as IsraHell goes, ALL HOSTILE ACTS AGAINST GENTILES, whether it is war, economic violence, the destruction of their culture, YOU NAME IT--are considered "legitimate acts of war", as Judaism and Jewish ...
Human Rights

Is This Anti-Semitism or Not ?

Dear All, Just one item today.  Actually, I was hoping to find news in the printed media about an item that was broadcast on tonight’s TV news here in Israel , but with no luck. The news item showed homeless people (some with infants) being brutally removed from vacant apartments that they had broken into.  The news item furnished statistics on why public housing was not being built, namely, much of the money that had been dedicated to it was being spent on other things, as, for instance, a road to Maale Adumim in the West Bank.  In addition to that there were additional purposes for which the money was being used, none having to do with public housing.  Perhaps tomorrow the Israeli newspapers will have something about the issue.     Meanwhile,  ‘Today in Palestine ’ has plentiful material...
Human Rights


 NOVANEWS Dear Friends I thank those individuals and organizations who have come forward on my behalf. There is an important principle involved in this case and we must fight the attempt to confuse criticism of Israel and defense of the Palestinian human rights with anti-semitism. Anti-semitism like Islamophobia and Homophobia and all other forms of discrimination must be condemned.   I have now received 41 letters of support from Jewish academics and activists. This includes a letter of support from  Independent Jewish Voices ( Canada ), a United Jewish Peoples Order and from Not In Our Name (NION). I have also received a support letter from 15 other prominent activists and authors who are not Jewish. This includes a letter from a Judge in Portugal .   As noted in my previous email I have...
Human Rights

Deported Palestinians describe prison ordeal

NOVANEWS by crescentandcross in Uncategorized Nazi Gistapo “Imagine living in a cell with someone dying in front of your eyes,” freed man tells Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera Of 1,027 freed Palestinian prisoners, 40 were deported and forced to start their lives all over again [REUTERS] Hazem Asili, from the West Bank, was 25 years old when he was jailed by Israel in 1986. Abdelhakim Hnaini, also from the West Bank, was 27 years old when he was incarcerated in 1993. On October 11, a deal was brokered exchanging 1,027 Palestinian prisoners held by Israel for Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier captured in 2006 by Hamas. Asili and Hnaini are among the 15 of these prisoners who were deported to Qatar as part of the swap deal. In an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera, the two men talk about their tre...
Human Rights

Palestinian children woken in night to be photographed by soldiers

NOVANEWS Youngsters in West Bank village were forced out of bed for Israeli military 'mapping' exercise. Balil Tamimi, whose children were woken past midnight to be photographed by Israeli soldiers Photograph: Harriet Sherwood/ I went to Nabi Saleh earlier this week, a West Bank village which has been the scene of weekly protests over a nearby spring for almost two years. It's a small village of around 550 residents and the spring is located on land that the Palestinians say is privately owned. But settlers from Halamish, across the valley, began construction work in 2008 to turn the spring into a picnic site and leisure attraction for Jews only. The villagers' weekly demonstrations which followed have become an established part of the popular protest movement in the ...
Human Rights

UNICEF appeals for release of Palestinian child detainees from Nazi Camp’s

NOVANEWS East Jerusalem, 17 October 2011 (UNICEF) – UNICEF appealed today to the Zio-Nazi regime to release all Palestinian children currently in Zio-Nazi military detention, following the announcement that they will release Palestinian prisoners as part of a prisoner swap deal. As of 1 October, 164 Palestinians under 18 year of age were detained by Zio-Nazi Gistapo, most of them under charges of stone throwing. It is not clear whether the list of 1,027 Palestinian prisoners who are to be released in two stages includes children. “UNICEF calls on the Zio-Nazi regime to release Palestinian child detainees so that they can be reunited with their families”, said Jean Gough, UNICEF Special Representative in the occupied Palestinian territory. “As stated in the Convention on the Rights of ...
Human Rights

More than 160 Palestinian children remain behind in Nazi Concentration Camp

NOVANEWS Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip celebrated the recent release of prisoners from Israeli jails, but no imprisoned children were set free. GAZA CITY (IRIN) - While there have been emotional scenes after the release of 477 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails, concerns are being raised about the plight of 164 Palestinian children from the West Bank in Israeli custody. They were either sentenced or are being detained, mainly for stone-throwing, according to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) which, along with other international organizations, is appealing to the Israeli government to release all Palestinian children in Israeli military detention. It is unclear whether the children will be part of the second wave of 550 releases in the coming two months. “...
Human Rights

Palestinian Prisoners Behind Bars and Walls

NOVANEWS by Eileen Fleming Joharah Baker is Director of the Media and Information Department at the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH). She wrote: It has been just under a week since the historic deal between Hamas and Israel saw the release of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit for 1,027 Palestinian political prisoners. In Israel, an entire nation let out a sigh of relief that their son had come home safely. There is no arguing the intense human aspect behind this prisoner release. But what so much of the western press in particular has bypassed so far is the human aspect of our prisoners, who unlike Shalit, have been bunched up into one unappealing category: murderers, terrorists, people out for blood. And who wants to give a human story...
Human Rights

The Negev ‘s Hot Wind Blowing

by Jonathan Cook  Over the past 15 months the dusty plains of the northern Negev desert in Israel have been witness to a ritual of destruction, part of a police operation known as Hot Wind. On 29 occasions since June 2010, hundreds of Israeli paramilitary officers have made the pilgrimage over a dirt track near the city of Beersheva to the zinc sheds and hemp tents of al-‘Araqib. Within hours of their arrival, the 45 ramshackle structures -- home to some 300 Bedouin villagers -- are pulled down and al-‘Araqib is wiped off the map once again. All that remains to mark the area’s inhabitation by generations of the al-Turi tribe are the stone graves in the cemetery. The al-Turis are determined to stay on their ancestral lands to maintain their traditional pastoral way of life; Israel wants ...