Human Rights

Human Rights

A World United for Human Rights

NOVANEWS “ … disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people …” (United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights) Eleanor Roosevelt and United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Spanish (wiki) By Prof. William A. Cook Today the American people, in concert with their brothers and sisters around the world, proclaim the rights to which they are entitled by birth and citizenship, by Constitutional law and Proclamation, and by membership in the collective body of nations that has universalized recognition of these right...
Human Rights

Forced IsraHell curriculum violates Palestinians’ education rights

NOVANEWS Jillian Kestler-D'Amours   Thousands of Palestinian children in East Jerusalem face crowded, sub-standard classrooms while Israel attempts to censor Palestinian identity in school. Palestinian activists, parents and students are fighting against the Israeli authorities’ recent push to impose an Israeli curriculum on East Jerusalem schools, which they say threatens the city’s Palestinian culture and identity. “Through the move of distortion in the Palestinian curriculum, the Israeli occupation authorities are willing to complete the project of achieving total domination over both the Palestinian land and the Palestinian human while depriving him from his culture and his history, thus tampering with the collective identity of Palestinians,” said Abdel Karim Lafi...
Human Rights

UN rights expert: Palestinian children subject to arrests, violence by Zio-Nazi Gestapo

NOVANEWS by crescentandcross UN human rights rapporteur for the Palestinian territories Richard Falk calls on Israel to adopt international guidelines for protection of Palestinian children living under Israeli occupation. A United Nations human rights expert urged on Thursday the international community to step up efforts to protect Palestinians children living in the West Bank, whom he claimed are subject to violence and arrest at the hands of Israeli authorities. In a statement to the UN General Assembly, Richard Falk, a former New York University professor, cited particular cases in which Palestinian children in the West Bank were arrested or subjected to violence. The UN human rights rapporteur for the Palestinian territories called on Israel to adopt international guidelines for t...
Human Rights

Contact your MP for Palestinian Child Prisoners to be Released

NOVANEWS    FOA ended its 24 hour hunger strike at 6pm on the 20th of October whilst distributing leaflets about Palestinian Prisoners outside University College Union. A stall was held directly afterwards at an event entitled ‘Why we should Boycott Israel on Campus’ organised by various London Palestine Societies where FOA had the opportunity to engage with many students about its campaigns. Shamiul Joarder, Head of Public Affairs said ‘The 24 hour hunger strike was the start of our campaign and we plan to draw attention specifically to the 164 child prisoners who are still being held by Israel. The crime of the majority of these children was throwing stones at Israeli armoured personnel carriers, which carries an inexplicable sentence of between 6 months and a year.’ As part of the priso...
Human Rights

Refugees, Gandhi’s and Free Radicals

by Eileen Fleming Gandhi pointed out three possible responses to oppression and injustice. The coward’s way out, which is to accept the wrong and run away, or to stand and fight by force of arms, but the third and best way is to fight by speaking truth and remaining physically nonviolent. The Palestinian Gandhi Project is a joint “labor of love” of two women, who I am blessed to know as friends and sisters in the good fight for justice and peace who are grounded in compassion and outraged over the brutal truth. I met journalist and marketing communications consultant, Pam Bailey in June 2009, when I was ‘embedded’ with a Code Pink delegation who had been invited to Gaza to build playgrounds and witness the facts on the ground, post Cast Lead. Those reports: MasterCard and the Extremis...
Human Rights

Zio-Nazi Demolitions and evacuation of the Negev Palestinian Beduins

NOVANEWS Click the Link to Watch All Demolitions and evacuations of the Negev Beduins - a talk by Miri Weingarten. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "New Profile" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at : Miri Weingarten - The Case of Al-Araqib, 17.10....
Human Rights

UN rights chief urges Zionist regime to ‘protect Palestinian civilians’ from Nazi settler attacks

NOVANEWS Spokesman for UN High Commissioner for Human Rights says attacks since beginning of September show upsurge of violence in West Bank. The United Nations human rights office urged Israel on Tuesday to stop Zio-Nazi extremists from attacking Palestinian civilians in the West Bank. Rupert Colville, spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, told reporters in Geneva that IsraHell has a legal obligation “to protect Palestinian civilians and property in the occupied Palestinian territory.” Colville said that the wave of attacks occurring since September must be properly investigated and victims compensated, adding that they were “emblematic of the phenomenon of settler violence throughout the West Bank.” Colevile specifically cited the uprooting of 200 olive trees in th...
Human Rights

Zio-Nazi returns body of Palestinian militant after 35 years

NOVANEWS Zio-Nazi army hands body over body of Hafez Abu Zant to Palestinian Authority due to Supreme Court ruling. Zio-Nazi Defense Forces spokesman said Sunday that the army has returned the remains of a Palestinian militant to the West Bank 35 years after he was killed. Maj. Guy Inbar said Hafez Abu Zant belonged to an armed group. IsraHelli forces killed him in 1976 during an exchange of fire, and his remains were buried in an IsraHelli cemetery for enemy casualties. Acting on a ruling by Zionist Supreme Court, the army handed the body over to the Palestinian Authority on Sunday. Palestinian Authority officials say Abu Zant will be buried in an official funeral in the West Bank. They say more than 300 Palestinian militants are buried in Zionist military cemeteries. The officials say...
Human Rights

Ties Between Zio-Nazi’s and Zionist Arab Allies Fray Over Mosque Burning

NOVANEWS ed note–anyone thinking that Israel is worried that her “good” relations with certain Arab countries like Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are in danger needs to check back into the Hotel Reality. Right now, Israel–through various means, including but not limited to the “Arab Spring” revolts, is working behind the scenes to create a situation between herself and the Arabs where war between them breaks out so that she has an excuse to push the Palestinians out of her beloved ‘Jewish state’ while at the same time expanding her borders to include all the land she considers to be “Jewish” by virtue of ‘the biblical mandate’ found in the Old Testament.  The once nomadic Muslim tribesmen here helped defend early Jewish settlements in the area during the Arab revolt of the 1930s, loc...