Human Rights

Human Rights

Zio-Nazi’s arrests mosque arson suspect

NOVANEWS Zio-Nazi police have arrested a suspect in the arson attack on a mosque in northern IsraHell, a spokesman said after a gag order on details of his detention was lifted. The suspect, who was arrested on Monday just hours after the attack, appeared before a district court for a remand hearing on Thursday, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said, without giving any details about his identity or place of residence. Photos of the suspect outside the court showed a young man in casual clothing, with long sidelocks and glasses, wearing a large white crocheted skullcap. Earlier in the day, police arrested seven more people suspected of joining violent protests in Tuba Zangaria village in the northern Galilee region, which erupted just hours after the arson attack was discovered on Mo...
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs

Syria’s UN envoy: Israel committing ‘state terrorism’ against Palestinians

Syrian ambassador's address to UN Human Rights Council comes amid reports of Syrian tanks storming a town on the main highway to Turkey, killing at least four. Israel's human rights violations are proof that it is committing "state terrorism," Syria's ambassador to the United Nations told the UN's Human Rights Council on Monday. The comment by the Syrian official came amid a months-long crackdown by Bashar Assad's regime against pro-democracy protesters. Earlier this month, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said that at least 2,700 people have been killed in Syria since anti-government protests broke out in March. Speaking at the Human Rights Council on Monday, Syrian UN envoy Faisal al-Hamwi was quoted by Syria's state news agency SANA as saying that Israe...
Human Rights

WRITE! for Justice, Human Rights, and International Law in Palestine

Today, USA Today published an editorial 'Abbas bid for statehood will hurt Palestinians' (9/23) and an opposing viewpoint by Rashid Khalidi 'Palestinians need an honest broker' (9/23). Khalidi explains what the 'peace process' has meant to Palestinians in terms of expanding settlements, the restriction of movement, and even the possibility that the two state solution is no longer possible. He maintains that a major obstacle to resolving the conflict has been the failure of the US play an honest broker and its disregard for international law - as clearly evident with President Obama's recent UN speech. Khalidi sees the Palestinian UN bid as an effort to alter the dynamic of the conflict and the one-sided US role. In contrast, the USA Today editorial opposed the Palestinian UN statehood bid...
Human Rights

Shaykh Salah Waits to Clear His Name

Almost three months after initially coming to Britain for a one week speaking tour, Shaykh Raed Salah is still here. Three days into his tour, which included addressing audiences at the House of Lords, Shaykh Salah was arrested by Border Police at the request of the Home Secretary, Theresa May. After spending over two weeks in prison, his appeal for bail was granted by the High Court on 15th July. Since then Shaykh Raed has been waiting for a Tribunal Hearing to challenge the false accusations made against him. It has been confirmed that the Tribunal Hearing will take place next week. Ismail Patel, Chair of Friends of Al Aqsa, said ‘We ask everyone for their prayers in support of Shaykh Raed. We are confident that the hearing will clear him of all charges so that he can return home to ...
Human Rights

Settler violence rises in West Bank; more expected before UN vote

NOVANEWS Jillian Kestler-D'Amours  The Electronic Intifada  Palestinian activists in the West Bank are organizing to document and prevent settler violence. JERUSALEM (IPS) - Amid reports that the Israeli military is arming and training Israeli settlers in advance of a United Nations vote on Palestinian statehoodlater this week, Palestinian activists in the West Bank have organized emergency response teams to document Israeli settler attacks and prevent more from taking place. “This project came from the continuous and frequent attacks by the settlers in the last days. The settlers have many plans to attack Palestinian houses and lands and they announced that they will make the Palestinians suffer as a punishment for going to get full membership in the United Nations,” Iss...
Human Rights

IsraHell “administrative detention” punishes entire family

NOVANEWS The Electronic Intifada    Palestinians demand release of loved ones held in Israeli jail The latest Israeli administrative detention order against Palestinian nurse and ambulance officer Ayed Dudeen — issued only two months after Dudeen was released from almost four years spent in Israeli custody without charge — has once again highlighted the destructive and harmful impact that this Israeli policy has on Palestinian families. “It is horrible because you don’t know your head from your toes,” said 20-year-old Hamza Ayed Muhammad Dudeen, Ayed’s eldest child. “At the beginning our hope rises that at any minute he will be released, but this hope fades away when the number of consecutive extensions [of administrative detention] reaches ten or 11.” Administrative...
Human Rights

Surgery in Dubai for Gaza’s innocent child victims

NOVANEWS Bisan Al Sallaq, an 11-year-old girl from Gaza, cannot wait to see her friend Oday Al Jamal at a Dubai hospital today. by Maey El Shoush Oday, also 11, underwent four hours of orthopaedic surgery yesterday to treat injuries from a Gaza bombing in 2005. “I was very worried about him and so I am happy he is OK,” said Bisan. It was Oday’s fourth operation after a blast tore off his right leg and left him with severe abdominal burns and a scarred and injured left leg. Volunteer surgeons operated on both legs and fitted a prosthetic. The procedure was co-ordinated in conjunction with the Dubai charity Little Wings Foundation. Oday, who was operated on by Dr Marc Sinclair of Little Wings who performed the procedure for free, is recovering well but his leg will remain in a plaster c...
Human Rights

Open Letter Concerning the Increase in Settler Violence against Palestinians in the OPT

NOVANEWS [newprofile message:4379] Open Letter Concerning the Increase in Settler Violence... TO: 1 recipient CC: 1 recipient Show Details Message Body  JOINT OPEN LETTER  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: 19 September 2011 REF.: 290/2011 Dear High Contracting Parties of the Four Geneva Conventions and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, As organisations dedicated to the protection and promotion of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), the Palestinian Council of Human Rights Organisations (PCHRO) would like to raise concerns about the recent escalation in violent attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Since 12 August 2011, field rese...
Human Rights

Trial of West Bank Protest Organizer, Bassem Tamimi, to Resume Wednesday

NOVANEWS   Media Advisory Wednesday, 19 Septemeber 2011 Trial of West Bank Protest Organizer, Bassem Tamimi, to Resume Wednesday After being three times postponed, the session on Wednesday will see prosecution witnesses take the stand for the first time. Among them the main witness, 14 year-old Islam Dar Ayyoub, who incriminated Tamimi after being unlawfully interrogated. When: Wednesday, September 21th, 2011 at 1:30 PM Where: Ofer Military Court* * Entry to the military court must be coordinated with the Israeli army's spokesperson's office in advance. Media contact: Jonathan Pollak +972-54-632-7736 After telling the judge that he does not recognize the legitimacy of the court and of military law during his arraignment on June 5th, Bassem Tamimi's trial is expected to open this co...
Human Rights

A must watch film – Jenin Jenin

NOVANEWS Show Details Message Body Jenin Jenin Jenin Jenin. Film by Mohamed Bakri. Jenin Jenin, directed and co-produced by Palestinian actor and director Mohamed Bakri, includes testimony from Jenin resi... Jenin Jenin By abumiz| 1 video Watch All