Human Rights

Human Rights

Palestinian child- listen to what she says.

Palestinian child- listen to what she says. Show Details Message Body It doesn't matter how many times you watch this, it makes you want to weep. Heartbreaking Palestinian Girl | طفلة فلسطينية تقطّع القلب this video will make you cry :( مقطع من برنامج وثائقي بريطاني عن غزة . - روس كيمب - زار غزة بعد مرور عام على الحرب الصهيونية على شعب غزة .. وشهد بعينه آثار ا... Heartbreaking Palestinian Girl | طفلة فلسطينية ... By amenoz| 1 video Watch All
Human Rights

“Prisoner of conscience” Ahmad Qatamesh to be detained another 6 months without charge

NOVANEWS Submitted by maureen Amnesty International is calling for urgent action after an Israeli military commander renewed the administrative detention order against Ahmad Qatamesh by another six months last week. The Palestinian writer and academic has been held without charge since 21 April, when Israeli soldiers raided his family’s home, holding his family members hostage at gunpoint until Qatamesh, who was not home at the time, surrendered himself. Ahmad’s daughter, Hanin Ahmad Qatamesh, describes in an article for The Electronic Intifada how Israeli soldiers invaded her family’s home in the middle of the night: They pointed their machine guns at us and told us they wanted to search the house. My 14-year-old cousin, Nai, and 69-year-old aunt were sleeping inside. Without thin...
Human Rights

Empathy Is a Wave: The Banning of Palestinian Children’s Art

NOVANEWS by Alice Walker I was injured as a child; my brother shot me in the eye with a pellet gun, causing disfigurement and loss of sight.  The incident itself, as well as the trauma surrounding it: my father was unable to flag down a white driver (cars among black people were rare) to take me to a doctor, left me despairing and contributed to severe depressions that lasted for many years.  What helped?  I was able to get my hands on paper and pencil and began to write – not about what had happened to me – but about whatever arose from my melancholy, death-leaning imagination.  These early “poems” I was encouraged to share; so I showed them, albeit with head hanging low, to members of my family and to anyone I trusted who came to visit.  I am convinced this process of creating and sharin...
Human Rights

Oakland Children’s Museum Cancels Palestinian Children’s Art Exhibit Under Pressure from Local Jewish Groups

NOVANEWS   Oakland Children’s Museum Cancels Palestinian Children’s Art Exhibit Under Pressure from Local Jewish Groups More Recent Articles Search MuzzleWatch Prior Mailing Archive Oakland Children’s Museum Cancels Palestinian Children’s Art Exhibit Under Pressure from Local Jewish Groups Berkeley, CA’s Middle East Children’s Alliance broke the news yesterday that the exhibit of children’s artwork from Gaza that they had worked on for months with Oakland’s Children’s Museum of Art was suddenly canceled by the board before the planned September 24 opening reception. The show featured drawings by children about Israel’s infamous Operation Cast Lead, the military assault of December 2008-January 2009 that led to the deaths of some 1,400 Palestinians, over 300 of t...
Human Rights

I’ve signed this important letter

Friends, I've signed this important letter.  Please consider joining me and inviting your friends and associates to join us, as well.   Anne Dear Friend, You are invited to be a early signer to the letter below, so your name will be listed when the invitation to prospective signers is broadcast more widely. (Information about the genesis of the letter is pasted at the end of this message.) To add your name and city to the list of signers, please reply to me at Your organizational affiliation is optional. You may forward this message to your friends and associates who might like to sign. Thank you! Martha Reese OPEN LETTER TO THE MUSEUM OF CHILDREN'S ART, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA Hilmon Sorey, Board President Masako Kalbach, Interim Executive Director ______________...
Human Rights

Help us release Ni’ilin’s Ibrahim Srour from Zio-Nazi Camp

Dear All, Click here to stand up for freedom for Ibrahim Srour The village of Ni'ilin has been hit strong and hard by the Israeli attempts to suppress the unarmed demonstrations against the construction of the Wall. Since May 2008, when demonstrations against the Wall began in the village, hundreds have been injured and hundreds more were arrested. Five , including a ten year-old boy, were killed by Israeli bullets. Other punitive measures included withdrawal of work permits and the blocking of entrances to the village for large periods of time. The Wall in Ni'ilin, now complete, leaves roughly a third of the village's lands sequestered behind it. Despite the repression, as land theft continues, so do demonstrations in Ni'ilin and many other Palestinian villages. Please fo...
Human Rights

Zionist Harvest Palestinian Organs

NOVANEWS The Palestinian Authority Minister of Prisoner Affairs Issa Qaraqi’ was quoted  Sunday as saying the Zionist State is the “major harvesting and trading center” of body  organs in the world. His comments come as the Zio-Nazi Defense Ministry is  recommending to the government the release of a few hundred Palestinian prisoners to Zionist puppet Mahmoud A-Ba$$. The prisoner release is part of a number of  steps being discussed, including the return of the bodies of Palestinian 's buried  in IsraHell. The prisoners to be released would be  Fatah members, none of whom is on the list being discussed for a possible deal  with Hamas for the release of Zio-Nazi Gilad Schalit.   Saudi-based  Arab reported Sunday that Qaraqi’, “during the national day of  Palestinian ca...
Human Rights

Night of IsraHell violence: Mosque barricade, house demolition, arrests

NOVANEWS by Administrator Just after midnight on Monday, August 22  the Israeli military took the opportunity to trap 1500 Palestinian youth inside al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, blow up a house in Hebron (injuring 30 people in the ensuing riots), and arrested a member of the Freedom Theatre in Jenin. In Jerusalem, thousands of Palestinians gathered to protest the Israeli escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip. Starting from the Bab Al `Amoud (Damscus Gate) area and marching toward Salah El Deen Street, the protesters suddenly found themselves under attack by Israeli  soldiers after the latter claimed that a soldier had been stabbed. Israeli soldiers and border police closed off the Bab Al Amoud area and Salah El Deen Street and kidnapped several Palestinian youth who were taken to the Al...
Human Rights

How IsraHell takes its revenge on boys who throw stones

NOVANEWS Video seen by Catrina Stewart reveals the brutal interrogation of young Palestinians 26 August 2011 AFP Boys throw stones at Israeli soldier The boy, small and frail, is struggling to stay awake. His head lolls to the side, at one point slumping on to his chest. "Lift up your head! Lift it up!" shouts one of his interrogators, slapping him. But the boy by now is past caring, for he has been awake for at least 12 hours since he was separated at gunpoint from his parents at two that morning. "I wish you'd let me go," the boy whimpers, "just so I can get some sleep." During the nearly six-hour video, 14-year-old Palestinian Islam Tamimi, exhausted and scared, is steadily broken to the point where he starts to incriminate men from his village and weave fantastic tales that he believ...
Human Rights

WRITE! for Justice, Human Rights, and International Law in Palestine

The Miami Herald has published a disturbing and one-sided op-ed by U.S. Rep. Ileana Zionist Ros-Lehtinen, Chairperson of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, 'To protect Israel at the UN, money talks' (8/27) in which the Congresswoman recommends cutting off all US assistance to Palestinians if they proceed with the UN statehood bid -- maintaining that this "scheme" is "anti-Israel" and "anti-peace."  Ros-Lehtinen also plans to introduce legislation in Congress which would "cut off U.S. contributions to any UN entity that grants membership or any other upgraded status to the Palestinian observer mission."  The op-ed is a perfect illustration of the extreme bias against Palestinians that reigns in the US Congress where the Congresswoman plays a leading role.  While Rep. Ros-Lehtinen oppo...