Human Rights

Human Rights

Nazi commander refuses to allow Nazi murder victim funeral

NOVANEWS Zio-Nazi regime  told the family of murder victim Husam Rweidi that his body would not be returned unless they agreed to a set of conditions, relatives said. Husam Rweidi, 24, was stabbed to death Friday by a mob of racist  Nazi Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem's city center. The victim's cousin Firas Baydoun said Zio-Nazi regime stipulated that his burial must take place at midnight, and that a maximum of 10 mourners could attend the funeral. Baydoun said Rweidi's body was being kept in the mortuary of IsraHell Greenberg National Institute of Forensic Medicine in Tel Aviv.  Zio-Nazi commander said the family could not take Rweidi's body to the Al-Aqsa Mosque for funeral prayers and Islamic rituals, Baydoun said. "The body must be carried to the Al-Rahma cemetery directly," the co...
Human Rights

CIA, Pentagon Knew ”Enhanced Interrogation” Was Torture

NOVANEWS   CIA and Pentagon Officials Knew Their Interrogation Methods Were “Torture” By Sherwood Ross     The CIA and Pentagon used “enhanced interrogation techniques”(EIT) on Middle East prisoners knowing they were illegal and considered to be torture by the United Nations, according to an article published in the January issue of the American magazine“Science.” Tortures including sensory deprivation, forced nudity, and painful body positions were “routinely applied to detainees in U.S. custody in at least three theaters of operation and an unknown number of (CIA) ‘black sites,’” the article states. The U.S. did this “despite the fact that each EIT was considered torture by the United Nations and the United States (had) recognized them as such in its reports on human rights practices.” ...
Human Rights

Nazi Slaughter of Innocents

NOVANEWS Recalling the Slaughter of Innocents by crescentandcross       By Ray McGovern  February 15, 2011 — Twenty years ago, as Americans were celebrating Valentine’s Day, Iraqi husbands and fathers in the Amiriyah section of Baghdad were peeling the remains of their wives and children off the walls and floor of a large neighborhood bomb shelter. The men had left the shelter the evening before, so their wives would have some measure of privacy as they sought refuge from the U.S.-led coalition bombing campaign, which was at its most intense pre-ground war stage. All of the more than 400 women and children were incinerated or boiled to death at 4:30 a.m. on Feb. 13, 1991, when two F-117 stealth fighter-bombers each dropped a 2,000-pound laser-guided “smart bomb” on the civilian shelter ...
Human Rights

IsraHell Army Destroyed 13 Water Cisterns

NOVANEWS   Dear Friends and Supporters, The situation of the Palestinian cave-dwellers in South Hebron Hills continues to be difficult. They suffer from permanent harassment carried out by the military and settlers. This year, however, has been even more difficult, due to a severe drought. As if it wanted to capitalize on the harsh conditions, on December 16th, the IsrahelL military destroyed 13 water cisterns belonging to Palestinian families in South Hebron hills. For more details watch the very illuminating video in and read the following article in  The military claims that these water cisterns (or reservoirs) were...
Human Rights

Nazi Gestapo Extends child’s Imprisment

NOVANEWS   RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- The Israeli military court at the Ofer detention center extended the detention period of 14-year-old Islam Saleh Tamimi, to almost three months. The child, from the central West Bank village of An-Nabi Saleh, was detained from his home at 2am on the morning of 24 January. Local activist groups said he was taken to a police station and interrogated without his parents or a lawyer present and later beaten.  The court decision was handed down after the child's family refused a suggested plea bargain that they said would have seen their son exiled from his home and sent to stay with relatives who hold Israeli identity cards.  He would have to remain under house arrest in the new location, the family said. The release also asked for a 10,000 shekel ($2,718) fine....
Human Rights

Israel’s human rights abuses in the name of security

NOVANEWS   My husband and other Palestinian prisoners are being denied basic rights and subjected to harsh treatment in detention. Janan Abdu Monday 31 January 2011 "Israeli security" is the sacred cow of the Israeli street and ruling establishment. Practically all the manifestations of Israeli racism directed at the state's Palestinian citizens, as well as those living under occupation in the West Bank and Gaza, fall within this elastic slogan. In the name of this slogan, too, Israeli human rights organisations working to expose the practices of the state and army have recently hadrestrictions placed upon them. The case of my husband Ameer Makhoul, which has received considerable media coverage and widespread local and international support, has play...
Human Rights

Zio-Nazi Court Allows Destruction of Muslim Graves

NOVANEWS    Tania Kepler  Alternative Information Center (AIC) An Israeli court has given the green light for destruction of an additional 200 graves in Jerusalem’s Mamilla Cemetery. Judge Dov Falk issued a decision on 19 January to Mohammed Suleiman Igbarieh, the lawyer acting on behalf of Al-Aqsa Foundation for Waqf and Heritage, which is undertaking the graveyard's maintenance and restoration.   The Islamic Mamilla Cemetery is located at the center of West Jerusalem and the city’s municipality would like to use the historic burial ground as the site for a “Museum of Tolerance” sponsored by the Simon Wiesenthal Center (a Jewish human rights organization).   Judge Falk rejected the request made by the cemetery's religious officials, Haj Sami Rizkallah Abu Mokh and Alhaji Mustapha Abu Z...
Human Rights

Zio-Nazi’s excavates Muslim graves in Jerusalem

NOVANEWS    On Wednesday (04.08.2010) morning, Israeli machinery began the sweeping of a number of graves in the historic Islamic Ma'man Allah cemetery in occupied Jerusalem which contains dozens of tombs dating back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The Al-Aqsa Foundation for Heritage and Endowments said: "Machinery and bulldozers belonging to the Israeli municipal authorities in Jerusalem have dug up and destroyed 15 tombs in the Ma'man Allah cemetery located in the far north east of Jerusalem. This action is in accordance with Judaisation plans for the Holy city which aims at ridding Jerusalem of all that is Arab and Islamic". In a copy of a written statement sent to 'Quds Press', the Foundation clarified that the Israeli violation had "occurred after the Al-Aqsa Foundation ...
Human Rights

No More Zio-Nazi Cancer

NOVANEWS No more cancer: Israeli Army admits Jawaher killed by tear gas  No more cancer: Israeli Army admits Jawaher killed by tear gas More Recent Articles Search The Only Democracy?   By Jesse Bacon   I In a triumph of the obvious truth over incoherent lies, the Israeli Army now admits that Jawaher Abu Rahmah was indeed killed by tear gas at a  demo, not as their anonymous speculation would have it by cancer or an honor killing. These tales violated basic plausibility, but they did provide animplausible denial, which is all Israeli government’s supporters need to fan out online with the narrative that there were “doubts about her death.” The new Army version still blames Palestinians for not treating her better. We know from the Republican Party’s...
Human Rights

Defending Freedom or Offending Humanity?

NOVANEWS by crescentandcross     This article was a response to a piece on WIRED.COM  entitled .. 25 Tons of Bombs Wipe Afghan Town Off Map Well, Well, Well .. Let me see if I got this right .. Our ‘oh so brave’ troops and their 50 trillion dollar war machine with the finest collection of mass murder hardware in the world .. attack and flatten some village over there and I’m supposed be ‘proud’ ?? !!   Boy I’m sure those villagers really appreciated the ‘job’ we did !   Just like the 1.5 MILLION dead Iraqi Men, Women, and Children we butchered on the basis of lies !!   (No doubt enjoying the new found democracy that we brought to them .. the right to die!)   When you cut through the crap and get down to it, we go half way around the world to rape, pillage and plunder countries because...