

Canada’s Effort to Criminalize Criticism of IsraHell

NOVANEWS By Seriously Free Speech Israel’s siege of Gaza has made it a “closed zone” – no access, no exit, cut off from the world. By attempting to shut down criticism of Israel’s practices, Canadian supporters of the government of Israel are creating another “closed zone” in Canada – in which criticism, open debate, and freedom of expression will not be allowed. Who is doing this? Quietly, without authority from Parliament, an all-party group which calls itself the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism (CPCCA) has been formed to investigate antisemitism in Canada. Not antisemitism as it is traditionally understood: discrimination against or denial of the right of Jews to live as equal members of society. (Members of this Coalition are well aware that traditional antisem...

Gentile family hides out in Canadian church fearing deportation to IsraHell

NOVANEWS   Father launches hunger strike, says discrimination against non-Jews led him to file refugee claim ed note–if this were a Muslim family, fearing deportation back to one of those HORRIBLE MOOZLIM countries, it would be headline news all over the JMSM. HOWEVER, when it is a Gentile family fearing deportation back to Israel after personally experiencing violence and racism against them for their being of the ‘goysiche’ variety, it gets as little play as possible.   Times of Israel For Ilan and Irit Brovman, fear of being deported to Israel, where they claim they suffered from discrimination because they are not Jewish, has led them to seek sanctuary in a Canadian church. The couple, along with their two children — Tom, 8, and Katrin, 5 –  have been living for more than a...

Fixing Elections Through Fraud

NOVANEWS On the Need for a Royal Commission on Electoral Practices in Canada by Anthony J. Hall   The declining credibility of elections in many countries is creating a crisis of legitimacy severing bonds of trust that once linked citizens to the institutions that govern us. Without credible proof that those governing on our behalf really have earned our supportive consent in free and fair elections, one of humanity’s greatest innovations is rendered null and void. The implications of this breakdown put in doubt one of the West’s premier claims, namely that its core polities are beacons of democracy worthy of emulation. The democratic deficit arising from episodes of electoral malfeasance makes a mockery of the West’s frequent assertions that its expansionary enterprises are beni...

Canada Zionist Puppets bans all dealings with Syrian central bank, closes Syria embassy

NOVANEWS Haaretz Canada imposed fresh sanctions on Syria on Tuesday, banning all dealings with the central bank and seven cabinet ministers as part of a campaign to stop President Bashar Assad’s crackdown against rebels. The measures also prohibit the provision or acquisition of financial or other related services to or from anyone in Syria or those acting on Syria’s behalf. Canada also announced on Monday that it was closing its embassy in Syria. Britain, the United States and France also have already closed their embassies in the country. Canada has been advising its citizens to leave for some time. “The continuing, appalling violence perpetrated by the Assad regime on the people of Syria compels us to again tighten the vice on those responsible … Our message remains clear: Assad must...

An Open Letter to the 9/11 Truth Community: The Vancouver Hearings Revised

NOVANEWS  By Kevin Barrett, Joshua Blakeney, and Jim Fetzer The "collapse" was not a collapse   After considering mixed feedback from prominent members of the 9/11 Truth community, we have decided to revise our proposal for The Vancouver Hearings, to be held at Vancouver’s Denman Theater on 15-17 June 2012. Upon reflection, we believe that our preliminary proposal, which called The Toronto Hearings “acutely disappointing,” was a mistake. Our aim in holding the Vancouver Hearings is not to belittle The Toronto Hearings. On the contrary, we appreciate the efforts of those who organized The Toronto Hearings and agree that the overall evidence presented there does amount to a convincing case against the US government’s version of what happened on 9/11. The purpose of The Vancouver Hearings i...

University of Ottawa Systemic Racism and Abuse

 NOVANEWS by Stephen Lendman   On June 3, 2008, former Canadian politician/UN ambassador/pro-Israeli flack Allan Rock became U of O president. His administration’s marked by secrecy, political censorship, abuse of students and faculty, and repudiation of fundamental university values. The Canadian Civil Liberties Association reprimanded him for banning an Israeli Apartheid Week poster. He then pressured a student union president into distancing the organization from the student-run Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG). It opposes repressive Israeli practices as do growing millions. In September 2008, Rock got the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors (EBOG) to suspend tenured Professor Denis Rancourt. In December, he recommended dismissing him and barring him from c...

Canadians Seek to Arrest George W. Bush

NOVANEWS  Canada Must Arrest George W. Bush if he Enters Canada by Gail Davidson, Lawyers Against War (LAW) Vancouver, B.C. — An upcoming planned speaking engagement in Canada by former President George W. Bush is again generating a wave of protest.   Bush is reportedly scheduled to speak on October 20th at a gathering in Surrey, British Columbia hosted by Surrey Mayor Diane Watts.  But Lawyers Against the War (LAW) says the Canadian government must either bar Bush at the border because of his alleged involvement in torture and other war crimes and crimes against humanity, or order his arrest when he enters Canada both to ensure he is prosecuted here or elsewhere, and to prevent him from returning to safe haven from prosecution in the United States. In an August 25 letter to Prime Ministe...

New Moves to Curb Criticism of IsraHell In US and Canada

NOVANEWS by Debbie Menon Campus activism “New legislation in the US threatens to conflate campus criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism” reports Kristin Szremski Great ! This shows the immense power that “the Organization”, the major pro-Israel organizations such as the Zionist Organization of America and the Anti-Defamation League has to beat down, censor and muzzle popular demand against amazing majority numbers in the face of all reason and “democratic” principle. And, it also illustrates the cupidity, weakness, and failures of moral principles of elected representatives in the US and Canada to stand up for principle and the will of their constituency when confronted with, promises, offers,  influence, coercion, intimidation and probably blackmail, as well as greed and ambition. Even...
Canada, Iraq

Canada offered to aid Iraq invasion: WikiLeaks

NOVANEWS   ‘Please destroy cable’ ‘While for domestic political reasons… [Canada] has decided not to join in a U.S. coalition,… they are also prepared to be as helpful as possible in the military margins’ —Secret U.S. diplomatic cable By Greg Weston CBC Canada   Then prime minister Jean Chretien is applaud by his Liberal caucus in the House of Commons on March 17, 2003, after announcing Canada’s refusal to partake in the U.S. –led invasion of Iraq. (CBC) The same day Canada publicly refused to join the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, a high-ranking Canadian official was secretly promising the Americans clandestine military support for the fiercely controversial operation. The revelation that Canadian forces may have secretly participated in the invasion of Iraq is contained in...